Spieler Offline Bannen

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  • Konsole: ban <playername> <duration> <reason>

    Bans a player from the game (Multiplayer). Duration in minutes, use -1 duration for permanent ban
    Example: ban Testplayer 60 You are banned for 1 hour now!

    Steht bei den Commandos

    Als erstes würde ich einfach den Server stoppen, dann ist erstmal Ruhe. ;)

  • Ahh, noch was gefunden:

    offlineban <playeruid> <duration> <reason>

    Bans an offline player from the game (i.e. a player who isn't currently connected). Duration in minutes, use -1 duration for permanent ban
    Example: offlineban 76561197960265720 -1 Griefing is not allowed
    Synonyms: banofflineplayer, bano, banoffline

  • das ist der auszug der logdatei von dem typen

    2019/05/08 02:23 PM G.g
    INFO: Client Connected ID: 5 IP:
    [BeginAuthSession] 927133968 - [20, 0, 0, 0, -47, -1, -90, 2, -9, 86, -128, 40, 16, -15, 66, 55, 1, 0, 16, 1, 59, -58, -46, 92, 24, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 60, 5, -33, 46, 122, 0, -88, -64, -82, 52, 16, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -78, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 16, -15, 66, 55, 1, 0, 16, 1, -16, -15, 4, 0, 60, 5, -33, 46, 122, 0, -88, -64, 0, 0, 0, 0, -11, -57, -47, 92, 117, 119, -19, 92, 1, 0, -19, -57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62, -29, -105, -29, -89, -57, 115, -25, -125, -68, -67, -2, -83, -121, 91, -46, -17, 30, -44, -65, -9, 51, 86, 79, 51, -50, -34, -78, 112, -89, 60, 2, -116, 16, 11, 4, -126, -16, -5, 21, -103, 31, 114, 74, 43, 92, -21, 88, -4, -10, -123, -33, 72, -57, 70, 84, -62, 106, -83, 82, -36, -97, -98, 117, -57, 10, 106, -97, 69, -86, -122, 58, -117, -88, -11, -111, 45, 82, -69, 5, -89, -16, 66, -9, -6, -113, 27, 40, -16, 124, -60, 22, 82, 76, -86, 42, -72, 89, 124, 30, 71, -30, 76, -8, 83, -27, -106, 124, -1, 31, 18, -21, -16, -113, -70, -106, -13, 119, 104, -53, -104, -84, 106, -20, -69, 102, -8, -49]
    Client 5 send ReturnAuthenticationMessage
    LOADPLAYER: LOGO (76561198887399696)
    SERVER: REQUEST MODEL INFO 1 net.risingworld.api.utils.ModelInformation@ac7b3646
    SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 1 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@d5a62b39
    SERVER: REQUEST MODEL INFO 2 net.risingworld.api.utils.ModelInformation@1b837da6
    SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 2 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@ebf65102
    SERVER: REQUEST MODEL INFO 3 net.risingworld.api.utils.ModelInformation@cf7c2d74
    SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 3 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@21ddbe84
    2019/05/08 02:23 PM: Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 11000013742f110 - 11000013742f110 OK
    SERVER: REQUEST MODEL INFO 4 net.risingworld.api.utils.ModelInformation@ce767c52
    SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 3 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@21ddbe84
    SERVER: REQUEST MODEL INFO 5 net.risingworld.api.utils.ModelInformation@ead0c140
    SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 4 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@aa97f9d6
    SERVER: REQUEST MODEL INFO 3 net.risingworld.api.utils.ModelInformation@cf7c2d74
    SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 3 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@21ddbe84
    SERVER: REQUEST MODEL INFO 4 net.risingworld.api.utils.ModelInformation@ce767c52
    API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.galveston01.teleport.ListGui
    - no more listeners for event PlayerKeyEvent
    - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent
    API: REGISTER LISTENER class de.galveston01.teleport.ListGui
    Load WorldPartSQLite 0 1...
    Return WorldPartSQLite 0 1
    Worldpart generating...
    Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 0 - 1 (116ms)
    Load WorldPartSQLite 0 2...
    Load WorldPartSQLite 0 2...
    Return WorldPartSQLite 0 2
    Load WorldPartSQLite 1 1...
    Return WorldPartSQLite 1 1
    Return WorldPartSQLite 0 2
    Worldpart generating...
    Load WorldPartSQLite 1 2...
    Return WorldPartSQLite 1 2
    Biomepart generating...
    Loaded Biomepart from cache: 0 - 1 (1ms)
    Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 0 - 2 (138ms)
    Worldpart generating...
    Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 1 - 1 (100ms)
    Worldpart generating...
    Loaded Worldpart (v3) from cache: 1 - 2 (99ms)
    - no more listeners for event PlayerKeyEvent
    - no more listeners for event PlayerGuiElementClickEvent
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB!
    ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB!
    ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB!
    clear temporary voxel maps
    ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB!
    ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (4, 0) Chunks saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB!
    ... (2) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (2, 0) Chunks saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1, 0) Chunks saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    ... (1) ChunkAdditions saved to DB!
    CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting
    CLIENT 5 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected
    REMOVE: de.jiw.network.server.session.ClientConnection@7d9fdce5 - 5 -
    2019/05/08 02:32 PM G.g
    INFO: Delete Client ID: 5
    [EndAuthSession] 927133968
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    [TcpSessionHandler ChannelInactive] /
    [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@7f6726ed PORT:4255
    CLIENT 6 CHANGE STATE: Disconnected -> ConnectingTCP
    [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@62a0d6c8 PORT:4256
    [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@4b4b36f4 PORT:4257
    [TcpSessionHandler] NEW Client Connection from:/ de.jiw.network.server.session.TcpSessionHandler@1994f15c PORT:4258
    CLIENT 6 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingTCP -> ConnectingUDP
    CLIENT 6 CHANGE STATE: ConnectingUDP -> Connected

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