Posts by waveshapr

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.

    Ok, this is perfect. Thank you very much! :)

    I have had this occasionally, I suspect this is related to the check whether a player is indoors or outdoors to create a different reverberation effect.
    This happened to me when roofs weren't quite finished and the game wasn't quite sure whether this is a building already or not. The only thing I found helpful is to make sure that buildings are seamless, i.e. no cracks in walls or roofs, glass on windows, etc..

    We'll see how we can solve this issue.

    Ok, great.
    I'm aware certain sounds are louder than others and this will be resolved with the next update, but there really shouldn't be any significantly louder sounds.
    It would be interesting to hear what's going on there in detail.

    Spricht nichts dagegen den Sound nur für den Benutzer der Bank hörbar zu machen. Schauen wir mal…

    Wie meinst Du Auswahl? Willst Du ein Menü für jeden Sound haben? :D;)

    Ich denke das überlassen wir dann eher den Moddern.

    Wir hatten tatsächlich mal entsprechend andere Geräusche für Werkbänke vorgesehen. Letztlich haben wir uns für einen allgemeinen Sound entschieden, so entsteht weniger Verwirrung und Sägen können auch etwas nerven, speziell auf Servern.

    Aber grundsätzlich spräche nichts dagegen den Sound noch mal irgendwann zu ändern.

    Hehe, yes, we've decided on music for dungeons after all. Disorienting is the most fitting word :D
    I'd love to see dry American deserts, I'm a big fan of the Americana feel as well. Would be a blast to make music specifically for that.
    The example from T2 is a good direction for that, I always found the music very fitting in that scene.

    I love ambient music and soundscapes as you can tell. :)

    Me too, I think the more subtle music fits RW very well. More rhythmical stuff is always a bit jarring in games like this and I don't feel a medieval feel fits quite in with all the modern stuff. That's not to say that elements of that won't find their way in for variety, but it's all about subtlety for RW. At least above ground :D

    Deserts are the big elephant in the room when it comes to the music right now.
    I plan to write desert music and finish some pieces for the other biomes directly after the Dungeon update.

    The tone of the pieces you posted fits the desolation very well. To me the deserts in RW look more North African than those ultra-dry deserts seen in the US.
    So using Arabian scales without being too stereotypically "oh look, desert so it has to sound like Arabian music" and inducing a bit of Ambient into it will probably work very well. Let's see…

    Thanks for the pieces! I think you'll like the music for the Dungeons as well :)

    True, that's the intention behind the heartbeat. It actually accelerates the closer you get to hell* :)
    It's also somewhat realistic as you'd start to hear your bodily sounds much more intensely in a high-pressure, underground environment.

    Don't worry, there will be terrifying audio for foes both under and above ground :D

    *but doesn't stop yet when you die, maybe that's a feature, too?

    I really like the Dungeon Music Playlist – nice drone-y, Dark Ambient stuff.
    Sort of what I think could fit for our dungeons, but still different, maybe even more subtle.
    We'll see. I have a few ideas, but they are scattered all over the place and there's no coherence in it yet.
    Thanks for posting :)

    Thank you very much, always appreciated! :)
    There will be more music in the game in one of the next updates.
    Maybe we'll even slip a small music update between the larger updates.

    Cool, I'll have a listen tomorrow :)

    Right now, my ideas for dungeons are more textural than traditionally melodic. Going for melodic stuff would be a bit too predictable and cheesy.
    There will be a difference between underground and overground dungeons.

    György Ligeti's "Atmosphères" was actually used in "2001". I definitely have some microtonal music in the back of my mind for the creepier parts of Rising World.
    "Glistering Rays" is my least favorite track, I might try something else to replace it.

    Hey everyone,

    I thought I might pop in and share the actual titles, so we know what we're talking about.

    See this link for a 30 second preview of each piece of music: World Pieces.mp3?dl=0

    Here are the titles, the times they come up in the audio file and their intended place in the game:

    1. Atop the Tallest Mountain (0:00) – specifically written for mountainous areas
    2. Field of Snow in Sight (0:32)– for transitional areas between the woods and snowy biomes (tundra)
    3. Icy Breeze (1:04) – for use in snowy biomes
    4. It's Clearly Warmer Here (1:36) – transition to the woods
    5. Through Pale Moonlight (2:08) – for nights in the woods
    6. A New Dawn (2:41) – mornings in the woods
    7. My Feet Are Killing Me (3:12) – transition from the woods to deserts
    8. The Sweet Smell of Maple (3:44) for general use in the woods
    9. Muffled Echoes Of Bells (4:16) – nights in snowy biomes
    10. Glistering Rays (4:48) – for general use in the snowy biomes

    Everything is still subject to change and I consider most of them demos at this point. If colors, animations and other things change so much as to change the mood in the game, there's still room to adjust or kill and replace pieces that don't fit.