Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    A advanced electrical system is planned. I don't know many details but the desire is to make something on par with some of the industrial mods for minecraft that are out there. I do hope we get steam power in the intern. Trains and cars are coming but later on. Trains probably sooner than later. I hope we get steam powered trains to start. We can always upgrade to diesel as oil becomes available. I like the idea of a personal "generator". I'd hope that if we start out with steam power that we can craft stationary iron boilers that run on coal and wood and will create steam to power workstations. We can then upgrade to electric from there and eventually enter a high-tech age. This would mimic the progress of the industrial revolution to a degree.

    Please post some screenshots of your builds when you're finished. The building system is great and has many improvements planned in the future. There is a lot of creative talent in this community. I wish I could say the same for me. I'm too impatient to build complex stuff. :|

    NPCs are planned and will be build on the new player models once they come out (next big update which we are waiting rather impatiently but its gonna be awesome when it hits).

    Wow! Those ping times look bad. The ones I normally play with are around 50ms or less. But the local internet infrastructure is really good here so i have rarely seen high pings. I live in central Florida in the USA. Where do you live?

    now it really got me lost i set it to group Owner it say it not found so i put it in owner it put me in the group but i log out and back in and it puts me back in the admin group and yea i did restart the server

    Did it say the group was not found when you used the setplayergroup command?

    Just an FYI, The Group value in the text file only affects what will show on the scoreboard (when you hold down TAB). The actual group that the player database will use has to match the filename exactly.

    so if your file is owner.permission, you need to set the player to group owner, not Owner ( e.g. setplayergroup zfoxfire owner). The game likely sees the group names as case sensitive so Owner.permission is different from owner.permissions.

    If everything looks right, you can always clear logs, restart the server and look at the latest log file. it's pretty verbose about loading the permissions and will tell you exactly what the error is.

    Comparing MC to RW is apples to oranges, imo, as MC is pixel based, the other voxels, which have more flexibility and creative possibilities for building styles.

    A voxel is simply a point in 3d space represented by its relative position rather than absolute. Both MC and RW use voxel data to store their worlds. The difference is that MC interprets each voxel as just a cube. RW interprets voxel data using an algorithm called "marching cubes" which allows the data to be converted into a nice looking mesh with more detail than just a bunch of cubes. I believe that the "No Cubes" mod for Minecraft accomplishes the same thing but the voxel data in RW has a higher resolution which leads to nicer looking terrain detail.

    The "pixel" you are referring to I presume is the texture applied to minecraft cubes. Rising World also applies textures but is higher in resolution and not as pixelated (i believe the texture of a minecraft cube is 16x16 (so each pixel is easily visible to the player) wheras in rising wordl its 128x128 or higher. It's an art style perhaps. There are really nice texture packs you can install into Minecraft to make it look nicer. Personally I prefer something that looks like out of the box without modding.

    Hmmm so when Red is down we are all down? I am a bit confused because I do not host thru "the" data center so? OR is it because we are a hive mentality and resistance is futility ?

    If your server does not use the hive server to authenticate players then the outage would not affect your server but most of us do rely on the hive. Assuming a player has added your server to their favorites list, they would still be able to see it while the Hive is down. Actually it would be nice to someday have a 2nd or 3rd hive server to have a little redundancy when this sort of thing happens. From what I understand, everything that is JIW (the hive server and the website and whatever else is part of their company) is located in one data center so its a single point of failure.

    Bug list

    1. Unable to apply earth textures to planks and beams. On the command line, any number results in the item being assigned. So if you spawn a beam with id 8 (snow) then mouseover will show id 8 but the actual texture is 21 (stone). Seems like any id below 21 results in stone.
    2. seam on a marble pattern does not allign top and side:

    i think Red51 has enough on his plate, it must be so stressful developing a game when you have 100s of users wanting the next update now oO but i guess you never know what's going on behind the scenes :-D

    Indeed. No problem tho. I think most of us maintain our own wish-list/bugfix-list for the game so I'll bring it up again sometime later when things are less hectic. ^^

    Maybe @red51 could squeeze a fix for that in the next update. I remember now the spawn command is simply not applying that texture id for ground textures onto an object but I can't imagine it not being capable of having that texture.