Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    If you share a LAN game, the person hosting is automatically the admin. Anyone joining is going to have limited access. You can fix this by setting up a permissions folder in your game directory and set up a default.permissions yaml file. anyone who joins should be given permissions based on the default.permissions file. You can actually go to the website and log in. you'll get a download option. If you grab the server files, you'll be able to extract the permissions directory so you have the default files to copy into your game folder.

    in the server version, there is a config file where you can specify a list of admins. This file does not exist in the client side and likely wouldnt work. You may actually have to add an admin.permissions file into the groups subfolder if you really want to have an admin group in your hosted game. But i think if you import the permissions folder from the server files and just tweak the default.permissions file to what you want other players to be allowed to do then there will be no need to change group assignments on anyone.

    As @Miwarre mentioned, there are unfortunately no real islands. But a separate world type is planned, which turns the world into a huge ocean containing several islands. Unfortunately I have no ETA for that yet...

    I think I have a better understanding of what you meant now by Islands. i thought you meant the tiny little beaches with a few palm trees (similar to what is seen in Stranded Deep). Perhaps you meant islands as in large continents, each being its own biome. This makes more sense now to have it as a seperate world type as it would offer backwards compatibility for those of us with older world maps who would need to stay in Normal world type for our servers. Perhaps the new island type world could be the one you incorporate all your other ideas for terrain generator improvements. and also offer the underground biome ideas i suggested :)

    Yes! or a way to add categories to the existing crafting stations. We could then create our own custom table that matches the current Items or Objects tables in defintion.db with our object, preview, number of variations, etc, etc.. The API could have functions to regsiter a custom object or maybe interface with a custom definition.db file that will have custom objects or plant growth times that will override the default values.

    At present there probably wont be any more blocks or block orientations added or possibly even work to the block grid. There's some kind of technical limitation and i guess it might be easier to just move over to the new system than fix the current problems. There is a construction system update planned which will let us treat blocks as construction objects (same as woodbeams, woodplanks, and woodlogs). This will let us freely rotate, scale, and stretch any block however we want. It will also let us overcome lots of limitations with the current block system such as being limited to 90 degree rotations, and being unable to place, for example, two ramp pieces in the same block space or stack stone slabs.

    As for when, well nothing is official but a recent comment below by Red is making me think its going to be ready a lot sooner than I expected (considering that player models are pretty close now):…ons/0/133257636771009007/

    I hope you remove wireframe mode or give us an option to atleast lock it out in the permissions. I noticed on a server with strict survival mode that I could still enable wireframe mode to see where all the dungeons were underground.

    i triple-support the idea of a color wheel for making solid color blocks. Would be nice if we could enter in and favorite hex values the same way we favorite blockbench patterns. I know that painting is planned but now sure how it will be implemented. Maybe that will come after the block/construction object overhaul.

    Also, you can spawn window frames in other textures besides the wooden ones. Its basically the same trick we use for making the woodbeam (and woodplank, woodtriangle, and now woodlog) using any blockbench pattern id.

    Item woodbeam [quantity] [id]
    Item window1 [quantity] [id]

    The windows are numbered 1 to 4


    I initially tried e.isSleeping() but it did not exist
    according to the IDE so I used p.isSleping() instead but it always returned false. Looking again now at the javadoc i see that both functions exist. I'll try again when I get home but the reason I brought this up is because I suspect a bug in the API if Player.isSleeping() returns false after PlayerSleepEvent occurrs.


    Something doesn't seem right here. Am I doing this correct?

    a PlayerSleepEvent is triggered. However after this happens, I grab the player and check player.isSleeping() but it's set to false.

    public void onSleep(PlayerSleepEvent e)
    Player p = e.getPlayer();
    System.out.println(p.getName()+" is sleeping");
    //If health under 100 then begin countdown
    System.out.println("status sleeping "+p.isSleeping());


    Check your server log under Logs. A new file will be created each time you restart your server. Check to see if any issues show up The part about loading permissions happens really early on and before any plugins are loaded. Here's a snip from my server log. See lines 20-29? You'll see a status for each group file read. If any errors are found, you'll see it here: