Some ideas I have

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  • the elephant can attempt to destroy your house as that can very easily happen in real life :thumbup:

    I don't know, it sounds quite possible, but it never occurred to me, not to anybody I know. Also, I may be wrong, but it would suprise me to know of any free elephant for thousands of kilometers around my house. Lastly, my house -- and all the houses nearby -- being made of stone, I am far from certain that even an elephant could do much more than damage the external plaster and chip some of the stone blocks.

    So, possible? Sure. "Very easily"? hmmm...

  • Time to get a elephant and test it... anyone know of a pet store that would sell one?

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • -make bears and other normally hostile animals attack your house and destroy it (this might be in its been a while)

    Even in Soviet Russia bears does not attacking your house.

    May be developers will add a monsters, what can try to steal your stuff - then it makes sense to attack the player's home.

  • I wish there was a way to replant the bushes without using Creative Mode. Ofc we could use a sickle on them and they would give 1-2 bush saps. They could also give leaves and/or branches, braches could be turned into sticks, and leaves... well... I'm not sure what we could use leaves for lol. Also, I'm not aware of any way to place a large clump of flowers, only single flowers. Maybe the single flowers could grow to a big bunch, which would look much better for flowerbeds.

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • leave stacks for primitive toilet paper? :P but yeah i would like to see the bush saplings as well as more bushes :D

  • Another vital suggestion is a new glass pane. We need one for use in skyscrapers and other modern-looking buildings. The current IDs are good, but we are lacking a smooth, high-gloss, or just a darker one. The "normal" glass ID is too see-thru, it doesn't really work for skyscrapers bc you can see right through and doesn't look like a actual wall.

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • Another vital suggestion is a new glass pane. We need one for use in skyscrapers and other modern-looking buildings. The current IDs are good, but we are lacking a smooth, high-gloss, or just a darker one. The "normal" glass ID is too see-thru, it doesn't really work for skyscrapers bc you can see right through and doesn't look like a actual wall.

    I agree. I would also love coloured stained ones, similar to what Minecraft has. You see buildings with blue tint to it, yet other colours would be sweet as well for the creative folks.

  • Another vital suggestion is a new glass pane. We need one for use in skyscrapers and other modern-looking buildings. The current IDs are good, but we are lacking a smooth, high-gloss, or just a darker one. The "normal" glass ID is too see-thru, it doesn't really work for skyscrapers bc you can see right through and doesn't look like a actual wall.

    You can make the glass pane more opaque/darker by putting multiple panes in the same frame

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  • You can make the glass pane more opaque/darker by putting multiple panes in the same frame

    Yep, this can work, but isn't very practical for yuge buildings. It works great for "mirrors" in bathrooms and such.

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

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