Posts by zfoxfire

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Are the worlds in Astral Terra generated from a random seed? If so, the developers really seem to have a handle on world generation. I'd love to see more terrain variation both above and underground such as cliffs and arches above ground and for underground, there should be variations in tunnel diameter and also include (hopefully soon) underground lakes and waterfalls

    I came across something called Synthetic World which looked like a far less refined version of Blockscape. I played for a few minutes and wasnt impressed. It was nice to see a voxel survival game where inventory is limited by weight

    I came across another one this morning called StaudSoft's Synthetic World. The game reminds me of the mechanics of Blockscape is is about as far along in development in game mechanics but the graphics are very basic. It has water, NPCs and lots of biomes. I'm a sucker for Rising World because of the polished appearance. Other content will follow. But I'll keep my eye on this one. It's been on Steam for about as long as Rising World has been. Ofcourse, every time a new update hits on RW, I get sucked right back in! :thumbsup:

    I set my inventory to tab because I am old school and E instead of F because E is commonly used to interract. My concern about the Q key is that quickly dropping an item doesnt seem to be a need in a relaxing game like rising world and if we have to eventually use our hands to harvest that it might be more useful to have the drop action replaced by unwield, or atleast add a new function for that

    Unfortunately Q seems to be a common button to drop item. I think in ARK, the functionality is to put the current item away which i like better as I typically don't see a need to quickly drop an item (guess it depends on what kinds of games you're used to playing). Rising World is definately not a fast-paced game which keeps you on your toes where quickly picking up and dropping items is a concern. I'd like to see the functionality of Q changed but for now, I just re-assign it to the other side of my keyboard.

    The problem with the bear and other predators is that each mob and character has essentially infinite stamina. Pretty sure there's some kind of skill system being planned. I'd like to see limited stamina apply to all mobs and characters. Stamina should be leveled up. At present I'm playing a lot of 7 days to die and I think they have a pretty good grasp on the character stats and skill system. I'd like to see something similar in Rising World. E.g. being able to level up, enhance stamina or mining speed.

    Regarding hostile mobs (e.g. not bears) which actively seek you. I think Red's plan is to have the above ground relatively peaceful. When dungeons and temples get added, some of those will likely be the "dangerous areas" which you speak of. Dungeons will have hostile creatures (not sure what kinds). So depending on what you want out of the game, it should be possible to live a peaceful life in your little cottage in the woods and grow a garden, or you can go exploring and dungeon raiding and face greater challenges. As a warning message like what you'd suggest, I'd like to see something like, "You have an eerie feeling about this place" or perhaps a specific sound effect or changing or the ambient light. That might be a way to detect that a dungeon is nearby. I remember in Minecraft the only way to locate dungeons and mineshafts is by looking for patterns in the lake or ocean floors. I tried it but had limited sucess.

    Dungeons will definitely have treasures of some time. Not sure if anything too unique or not but I know Red also mentioned something about abandoned houses generated via seed in the future (in conjunction with the dungeon update), possibly even castles.

    Primitive stone tools would be nice. I've had to resort to cheating a few times like after playing ARK a while, started a new game in Rising World and pressed that pesky Q to put my pickaxe away and being unable to find it anymore in the tall grass. :( Anyways, yeah... I'd like to see the ability to pick up blades of grass with your bear hands (attack with fists perhaps), pick up loose stones and punch trees (I mean, come on it's pretty much expected to have to punch a tree in any survival/crafting game) to have to do that in order to craft primitive stone tools. What would be cool actually is to be able to harvest those little bushes in the game that don't seem to have any purpose yet besides decoration. if we could harvest sticks directly from those, plant fibers from the grass and a few small stones laying around, we could start crafting primitive tools. I know a survival mode is planned but I dont know what all details will be in such.

    Regarding the regenerated dungeons, I personally think that dungeons should be protected kind of like how you can have player protected areas via lua script. My issue with Minecraft dungeons and temples is that you can essentially enter it from outside anywhere and destroy it from the inside. I'd like to see a dungeon in Rising World be a place where you have only a limited way to enter and have to solve some kind of puzzle to gain the treasure, not simply mine in from the back wall, raid a treasure chest, and leave.

    The goblin hoards or dragons coming sounds like something you'd encounter in games like 7 Days to Die where you get zombie hoards every 7 days. I'm not sure if Red has plans for anything like this in the various game modes yet to be implemented. I wouldn't mind it as a separate option however.

    I figured so. Thanks for the confirmation of this Red. :)
    I guess I was mainly curious about what model formats would be readable. Jmonkey is open source as far as I know so I figured the file format would not be proprietary atleast.

    After seeing all the various objects people are building with the construction system, e.g. coffee mugs, cars, trains, wall decor, wooden reindeer, etc... Is it currently possible to import custom objects? For example, if I design a model of a coffee cup in 3dsmax, can I import the object? I know all object models are referenced in a master database file. Rather than directly modifying that, Is it possible to create a zip file with a database and 3d object files into a mod directory and have the game reference external database files ? Can we also reference current texture id numbers for our models? If not, this would be a great way to begin modding.

    NPC is definitely in the plans.

    For trains, I envision a modular system that begins with various engine types, including a classical steam, diesel, and diesel/electric hybrid. Each engine type should have different towing capacities to limit the number of cars that can be towed. The flatbed car suggested above should also be buildable so we can build custom vehicles (e.g. circus cars with windows ontop for the giraffes to stick their heads out).

    I'd still like to see a light rail system with lower tow capacity
    The various car types should include commuter cars (maybe two per engine) but also include an electrical option so i can set up my people movers like in Disney :)

    Red mentioned that we will be able to place water in creative mode so you can make one. Since water is static, it probably wont flow anywhere but should still look nice