Upcoming: Water update

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Almost 1 month later and still no water update, what a game.

    It's in Alpha / Beta with no time table. I bought this game to support it since it's very good and has progression. I been here since first time it was put on Steam. I seen all the changes every month it's being updated so don't worry. I seen Alpha games utterly fail because they released with major bugs or not enough content. If you don't like alpha or beta games make sure you don't buy any they are labeled as "Early Access Games" I am guessing it will be end of the month but who knows what problems they are having or adding in extra things. I was happy when biomes was released on Christmas it took some time for that. Also I was happy with all the additions in objects like Drawbridge I was happy and unexpected that was going to be in an update.

    You can get your money back in most Steam games but you will probably end up paying more upon release the cheaper price is usually when in Early Access. But as far as building games I seen dozens and right now half a dozen of those are Minecraft knockoffs done IMO half done to just get onto market fast before they have actual content look at those they are mix of minecraft and other. I don't have any incline to buy any of those yet bought this making building the key getting it correct and server based is very important. Especially as animal breeding, cooking, and machines will make this game take off and IMO if not many bugs will be a very nice start. All the content the author wants to do with Models (avatar/objects), blueprints and uploading custom photos is very smart and allows customization. Also if author can add in transport / machines people will use the API and models uploads options to replace models giving it amazing potential. I think a few things sound ambitious because of complexity is not yet realized. Perhaps I sound like a fan boy but I seen progression been here since start of 2015.

  • Just a reminder, for anyone who can't wait any longer to take a dive in Rising World, there is a very special secret lake hidden in the game (probably left in there for testing purposes). To find it, simply switch on creative mode and mine straight down to about -800. You'll find it after passing through the glowing red rock.

    Hop right in! :)

  • Just a reminder, for anyone who can't wait any longer to take a dive in Rising World, there is a very special secret lake hidden in the game (probably left in there for testing purposes). To find it, simply switch on creative mode and mine straight down to about -800. You'll find it after passing through the glowing red rock.

    Hop right in! :)


    it's actually true. There is water in the game already. The red rock is only to dissuade you.

  • It has actually been 4 months since the last major update of any consequence. The last one being the biomes released last Christmas. With only 1 person doing most of the coding, it is going to take a very long time before the goals are reached . You will find that a lot of the early access games on Steam are only written by one or 2 people . Blockscape, stars one , synthetic world , and kingdoms to name a few. I do not know why water is taking so long but that is the way it is going to be. We just have to wait and see what happens. Unless red gets help, there will be a very long wait for a lot of the stuff that is mentioned in the roadmap. One person can only do so much. We are all going to just have to wait patiently.

  • An antique parchment found in a lost case around Jerusalem is telling us, among other things, that the water update might come before the day of reckoning eventually.

  • Just a reminder, for anyone who can't wait any longer to take a dive in Rising World, there is a very special secret lake hidden in the game (probably left in there for testing purposes). To find it, simply switch on creative mode and mine straight down to about -800. You'll find it after passing through the glowing red rock.

    Hop right in! :)

    EPIC WIN lol 8o

    it's actually true. There is water in the game already. The red rock is only to dissuade you.

    ANOTHER WIN !!!! :thumbsup:


    @Benjaminn :thumbdown: you need this http://bfy.tw/5F9d

  • We just have to wait and see what happens. Unless red gets help, there will be a very long wait for a lot of the stuff that is mentioned in the roadmap. One person can only do so much. We are all going to just have to wait patiently.

    Another thing to mention is that Red doesn't rush updates. He's a perfectionist so nothing he releases is ever half-assed. The drawback is that we have to wait longer. I personally would like to see more frequent updates even if they are buggy or maybe access to a test build in Steam so we can see what's going on. But that's totally his choice whether to allow that.

  • So we really are living in a computer simulation. Maybe this world is a Rising World and I'm playing Rising World with a Rising World. I think Red needs to change the name of the game again! 0_0

    And not only that, it means people who are living in the Rising World we play to doesn't know water and quench their thirst with fruits... An update is really needed by those poor people.

  • Another thing to mention is that Red doesn't rush updates. He's a perfectionist so nothing he releases is ever half-assed. The drawback is that we have to wait longer. I personally would like to see more frequent updates even if they are buggy or maybe access to a test build in Steam so we can see what's going on. But that's totally his choice whether to allow that.

    zfoxfire, I don't know if you like more frequent updates if it breaks your world, I know the server people would go crazy if you broke their servers they still have problems on their servers from LUA scripts not permissions for smelting, and blocking off areas in the fact it doesn't work consistently. Also the server I am playing on never did a reset after the biomes update so they got issues where land has holes in polygons probably more than average. You can't hunt for animals very easily since they only respawn every 24 hours and you can't find new biomes since this server was up for six months before the biomes update so everyone went in every direction for many months prior hench everything is plains. Yeah as a single player I wouldn't mind more updates but we are on alpha there's no more alpha of an alpha except an unstable alpha.

    I think if Red would release an unstable version would be far worse for reputation than benefit even if you and me wouldn't mind. He has to endure all the negative feed back like internet trolls pout at the first instance of anything wrong. Hell we got a few guys crying about over a week to get update, how much worse would he cry and hundreds more they couldn't even launch a world. The server people play this game every single day it's like minecraft dedication for over six months before biomes update creating LUA scripts for TP transportation, virtual credits, admin commands, block protections entire worlds laying every single flower out for their worlds. Their scripts especially for transportation TP and block ownership are already unstable yet they keep resetting stuff if fails. Also people logging in and out after every smelting. Hell they still got land glitches in some areas and seems like the entire server that has never biomes update and almost zero animals since the server was up for 6 months prior so people had 6 months in various directions creating plains everywhere. I felt similar when it was Aug when Red mentioned biomes update that was 4 months waiting for it. But in meantime we waited I got a nice few blocks in mean time and objects. Which is always nice. So I am with you zfoxfire about a few updates if even just a token object went every so often into our games like here is a mug or here is a picture frame or here is a new vertical castle gate, here is a token object. Since it be nice to have any new object or blocks and yet less likely to cause any large coding issue or breakage. But I think if Red added an API feature for us to load custom objects, textures, we could do that as a community.

    We can't do as a community is the core game mechanics like having transportation (trains,carriages, cars,horses,elevators,tanks, escalators, boats) or what he's working on now we can't do animation models for swimming or add a new medium of water. We can't add something without having the core game already having a foundation to use. For instance as soon as the game has cars if Developers added an api to add models into it and scripts to move those cars, we have amazing dedicated people that move car models and upload new cars. Developers wouldn't even have to worry above original cars looks until release. Same with furniture models. But you notice as a community they can not add core elements like game mechanics (swimming, falling, light, HUD, combat, model animations, shadows, API, scripting commands, transportation, armor, health, cooking). Of course the better the (API / scripting language) and more custom features allowed (blueprints,editors,model uploading, image uploading) is the less the developers will have to do since everyone will do that for them also I am a programmer myself If you do your own API well enough you can use it yourself for your game. I you have an API so stable you can just call your own functions rather than build separate ones so If I built an API for moving models around (cars+me+storage) I could use that same API function to move (carriages+me+storage), trains, elevators, extra then give a the script language access to the API.

  • Hi Yak,

    I did not really word that very well. Let me clarify. My idea is to opt-in to unstable builds. I totally agree that there is a big risk of pushing unstable builds onto game servers where possible world corruption is possible and I would never suggest that every new build that Red makes be automatically published for mainstream consumption. However, some of us are more development minded and wouldn't mind playing with new features (and aid in bug reporting) in full understanding of the risk. I take my own precautions in game saves. I run my own server and I do not allow automatic updates whatsoever. I keep my saves and config data under version control for safe keeping and allow game updates when I am personally ready to move forward.

    If you look at a game like Stranded Deep, you'll see in Steam that an experimental branch is available which has lots of extra features not completely debugged but gives you an idea of how development is going and gives the gamer an opportunity to provide useful feedback to the developer.

  • Hi Yak,

    I did not really word that very well. Let me clarify. My idea is to opt-in to unstable builds. I totally agree that there is a big risk of pushing unstable builds onto game servers where possible world corruption is possible and I would never suggest that every new build that Red makes be automatically published for mainstream consumption. However, some of us are more development minded and wouldn't mind playing with new features (and aid in bug reporting) in full understanding of the risk. I take my own precautions in game saves. I run my own server and I do not allow automatic updates whatsoever. I keep my saves and config data under version control for safe keeping and allow game updates when I am personally ready to move forward.

    If you look at a game like Stranded Deep, you'll see in Steam that an experimental branch is available which has lots of extra features not completely debugged but gives you an idea of how development is going and gives the gamer an opportunity to provide useful feedback to the developer.

    Yeah sounds like a good idea.
    I don't think right now the game has "opt in" check mark.
    I just worry about server world breaking versions.

  • Almost 1 month later and still no water update, what a game.

    What an asshole thing to say. I assume you are one of those people that do not read other posts that talk about such things so you flap your mouth like your are entitled. It would have been far more accepting if you had phrased that better or not at all. He doesn't have an estimated time when he does his updates. This has been stated and is a fact since this is an Early Access game. As long as the updates come and he doesn't drop the title like so many other Early Access game titles that is all I really care about. I have said that I have been playing other games until I get the water update because it is understandable that some people want certain features before they can truly enjoy a game.

    If you honestly have an issue like this with Rising World. Perhaps you are better off playing something else so you do not spread such negativity.

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