Posts by SimonK

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Natürlich wäre es schön so ein Geburtstagsgeschenk zu bekommen, doch mein Geburtstag war schon im Mai. ;)

    Dann wünsche ich mal alles gute nachträglich ;-)

    Ich kann es auch kaum abwarten, dass das Update kommt. Das warten macht mich langsam irre. Aber ich denke, das warten ist es wert.

    Ich möchte mich dem gerne anschließen. Ich lese meistens nur mit aber ich finde, dass RW mit Abstand die beste Community hat, die ich je erlebt hab. Nicht nur die äußerst kreativen, hilfsbereiten und freundlichen Spieler sondern auch der kreative, hilfsbereite und freundliche Red, dem wir dieses Spiel verdanken.
    Daher mal ein fettes Dankeschön und einen tosenden Applaus an alle :)

    Aber ich beginne langsam mir eure Dekosachen und die Bautechnick genauer anzusehen und so nach und nach vielleicht irgendwann mal etwas eigenes zu bauen. Man lernt ja am besten von den Profis bzw in dem man mal was nach (oder ähnlich nach-)baut.

    Das schöne an dem Bausystem (wie ich finde) ist, dass man auch erstmal simpel bauen kann und sich mit der Zeit an komplexere Sachen heran wagen kann.

    I see your point. I often see those "interesting" translations in some in indie games. this is why i often play games in english. Because it's easier to understand. (good examples are Steam Hammer or at the mountains of madness)

    I think it is a good way to lern the words first before you get deeper into the language but for developers it is of cause emarassing to publish a game with a bad translation.

    "games" in German is spielt so maybe the acronym is English afterall.

    For you seem quite interested in this whole translation thing I teach you some at this ppint ;-) "spielt" means "plays". "the game" is "das Spiel". So in germany you say "Er spielt Videospiele" for "He plays videogames.
    Don't want to correct you but you seemed interested in it ;-)

    Maybe JIW means: "Jäger in Wäldern" which would mean Hunter in woods. It seems more senseful to me.

    Ever played Zero Wing?

    Never heard about it. What is it?

    Red wrote once in this thread: [Linux] Fullscreen Display Mode issue to use the undecorated mode instead of the fullscreen mode. Maybe you try this out. It looks like fullscreen but is actually windowed mode. i dont really know much about those things but maybe this can help you.

    The pint with the pirate copying was meant to a joke.
    It just sounds crazy to me to craft records because in real life you need at least a DAW to produce the music before you can put it on a CD or something. If I think of crafting a record, I think of someone at the sawbench, who saws discs from treelogs. Don't ask why. Not even I understand whats going on in my head.
    But you're right with the accessibility.

    • Craft Records for the Gramophone, I know we can find them (and they're difficult to find for sure) but it would be nice to be able to at least maybe craft a handful of what's available.

    Do you mean, that you want to record your own sounds in Rising World or to craft the existing records? And if you mean to craft the records that exist in the game isn't that ingame pirate copying? 8|

    Meinen allergrößten Respekt. Ich meine nicht nur, dass es supergut aussieht, sondern auch für die Arbeit die da drin steckt. 8|

    Well I think you don't have to worry. There is a option to turn different types of animals off. I think this will stay in future and make it possible to play peaceful. Red51 is doing a great job with this game and I think it is and will be one of the best because you have different options to play it.

    Hi all, I dont see why we have to have any guns at all.. Its a building game more than a survival game which pleases me as there are so many survival games to play and gun related games... I think this game is UNIQUE as it is . If you want guns ect i suggest you find another game to play and leave this one alone !!

    As far as I know the survival aspects are coming later so guns may be interesting in future. At the moment you're right. It is a building game but it is still in development and will not stay like this. I like it as building game but I also like the survival aspect this game may have in future. I think the best way is to play the game as you like best. What I want to say is that even if there are guns in the game doesn't mean you have to use them. But there may be others who want to use them. :)

    When I first heard the title rising World I thought about a game you create a world and help it rise up like from Medieval to later Timeperiods. In the end it is not exactly like this. You can build what you want and however you want. Some people are building airports some other a giant castle. And that's how RW distinguishes from other games.
    I think Fantasy with dragons and such things would destroy the game in that point. I've never seen a dragon on an airport and I don't need it to be there. If I want dragons I play Skyrim.

    Hab noch einige Vorschläge, die ich beim durchlesen der (durchaus beachtlichen) Liste nicht gefunden hab.

    1. Werkzeuge/Fahrzeuge, die das sähen von Pflanzen leichter machen. Muss nicht einmal n Tracktor sein (Auch wenn es cool wäre mit so 'nem Ding durch die Gegend zu fahren) Ich meine aber eher noch solche, die Mann selber ziehen muss bzw. von Pferden ziehen lassen kann.
    2. Daran gleich anknüpfend: Pferdekutschen (Und Pferde oder Esel. Meinetwegen können auch Pinguine die Kutsche ziehen.)
    3. Rüstung! Ich bin es leid ständig von Bären zerfetzt zu werden. Ich fordere eine Chance auf Revenge.
    4. Eventuell so 'n Epochen System. Aktuell hab ich das Gefühl man lebt zwar im Mittelalter, hat aber elektrisches Licht. Wäre glaub ich viel interessanter wenn man bestimmte Dinge erst entwickeln müsste. Das is aber glaub ich Ansichtssache.

    Vielen Dank für die Aufmerksamkeit. :-)