Posts by red51

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Die aktuelle Spielerfigur steht sowieso schon auf der Abschussliste ;) Wir planen, sie mittelfristing durch eine ganz neue zu ersetzen (und werden im gleichen Zuge auch ein System einführen, was es ermöglichen wird, den Spieler individuell zu kleiden).
    Wir können leider nichts versprechen was eine weibliche Spielfigur angeht; vor allem da wir viele verschiedene Kleidungsstücke anbieten wollen, müssten wir natürlich alles in zweifacher Ausführung bereitstellen (was doppelter Aufwand und vor allem auch ne Kostenfrage ist 8| ).

    Aber: Wenn wir die Mittel dazu haben, wird über kurz oder lang bestimmt auch ein weiblicher Charakter Einzug ins Spiel halten :)

    Planting system is definitely planned! :) But unfortunately not yet available in the first Steam release.
    About the cooking system: Yes, there will be many ways to create your meals. Grilling, baking, cooking etc. And we are thinking about something special, not only a simple "put your meat in the oven wait 10 seconds" :D

    ok good now it shows! i saw that there were errors about the mac version, have they been fixed? im really excited about the whole "building" and will be much much better later down the track having the whole "survival and ores etc."!

    Those old major bugs related to Mac (broken launcher [that's not relevant for Steam anyway] and broken SSAO effect [which can be disabled]) should be fixed. Only problem is that we don't have many Mac users yet, so we don't get as much feedback and bug reports for Mac as for Windows (same problem with the Linux version), so it's possible that there are still some bugs we know nothing about. But be sure that we will fix them as soon as we get aware of them ;)

    About survival and ores: That's indeed a very important aspect and I hope we can get them into the game as fast as possible :)

    i just wanna know is it like minecraft hosting, such as im australian and my friend is american can that person join with no lag?

    If you host a game (i.e. start a game and let your friend join), it just depends on the ping and the performance of your system how laggy the game will run. If you have a powerful machine and a good internet connection (your upload rate is the limiting factor), it should work. Usually a ping smaller than 100 is recommendable, but if it's smaller than 200 it should also work.

    also Is there a way you guys could setup a server for the community to play on?

    Yes, we hope to get a public server running for the Steam release :)

    another thing is it gonna be like rust once servers are open later on can people just grief you or will there be a protection system or?

    When starting a regular game, everybody can do everything, so in this case griefing is possible. But our game features serverside LUA script support, which enables you to fully control the gameplay (i.e. determine which player can destroy which blocks, or specify in which area a player is able to build/destroy etc.). It's a little bit comparable to the plugins available for Bukkit for Minecraft. We already offer a basic area protection script, but we urgently need to get our Wiki online which is really helpful for everyone who wants to create a LUA script.

    Worlds can be moved with no problem. The "Worlds" Folder has just to be copied/moved into the Steam folder ".../Steam/Steam-Apps/commons/Rising World/". I'm preparing a thread containing a description on how to get a Steam key (for everybody who already purchased the game in the past), there I will also describe how to save the old worlds :)
    Hope we get some time the next weeks to work on the wiki.

    :!:This post is addressed to everyone who already purchased the game before 3rd of December 2014 and wants a Steam Key instead :!:

    If you don't want a Steam Key, you have to do nothing. You can simply continue playing the game as usual. You're also able to download it from our homepage, and of course you will still receive all updates in the future.

    If you want a Steam Key, you will lose access to the current version of the game. In other words: From that point on, you can only play the game via Steam.


    To get a Steam key, you have to send us your username to:
    It's sufficient to write something simple like: "I want a Steam key, my username is: XXXXXXXXXXXX". Also use a subject like: "Steam Key: USERNAME". We will send a reply as soon as possible (but not before the release on Steam) containing a Steam key then. If you don't want to receive your key via mail, please write us how we should send the key to you.

    If you don't get a response within one week, please send us another mail or contact us here in the forum (just for the case any mail gets lost).

    Once you've received your key, you can activate the game in Steam. When starting the game in Steam for the first time, you will get a dialog which says you have to register for a new account (see screenshot 1 below). Simply click on "I already have an account" and use your old login (username and password). Then your account is finally linked to your Steam account, and the next time you start the game, you will be automatically logged in (so the dialog will not show up anymore).

    If any problems occur, let us know! :) Have fun with the Steam version!

    By the way, don't worry about your old worlds, you can simply copy the 'Worlds' folder from your old main game directory to ".../Steam/SteamApps/commons/Rising World/" and it should work!

    Registration dialog, click on 'I already have an account' and enter your account details:

    Excellent work to the folks on those buildings....WOW! Trying to build castle like that but going to try! "Red" congrats to the team for making thus far....steam is yet another giant leap forward...excellent work!!! Noticed the Win/Mac thing fixed on steam.

    Thank you very much! :) Indeed, Steam is a really important step. We're very excited for the release (which also brings a big update for the game), hopefully everything goes well :D

    It says its for mac version, it also said that on steam... now i just went back into it and it says its only for windows..?

    Oh, really? I have a look at it. But the game also comes for Mac :)

    //Edit: We have corrected this. The Mac version should really be available on Wednesday, but if you're planning to buy the game, please have a look again if the Mac version is still available (just to make sure the Mac version will not be delayed by 1 or 2 days, like the Linux version).

    Sieht schonmal vielversprechend aus, ich bin gespannt auf das fertige Bauwerk, insbesondere auch auf die Tiefgarage! :)

    @Daisy: Gute Besserung!

    Well, in this case, I guess it's perhaps better if we do not implement something like that, just to not throw oil on the fire =O

    Uff, da fragste aber was ^^ Ist noch lange hin, wir planen als erstes einen Geländewagen, denke mal der wird nicht höher als 4 Blöcke ;)