Posts by red51

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Ich hab dir die Zugangsdaten per Mail gesendet ;)
    Ich bin den ganzen Abend dort noch erreichbar, falls ich dein Kommen nicht direkt bemerke, einfach kurz anstupsen (ich heiße im TS genau wie im Forum) ;)

    Das ist echt ein merkwürdiges Problem, habe ich in dieser Form noch nicht gesehen. Würde es dir was ausmachen, die Angelegenheit persönlich über Teamspeak oder Skype zu klären? Das würde die Fehlersuche jedenfalls deutlich beschleunigen ;)

    Es stellt sich die Frage, ob er möglicherweise Java 7 verwendet, und dies möglicherweise nur 32-Bit ist? 8|

    Sonst müssen wir einen Schritt weiter gehen: Im Spielverzeichnis sollte eine "" Datei sein. Diese kannst du mit einem Texteditor öffnen und den Wert "game_debug_console" auf true ändern. Anschließend einmal das Spiel starten und solange laufen lassen, bis es wieder abstürzt. Jetzt sollte eigentlich im Verzeichnis "Logs" im Spieleverzeichnis eine Log-Datei erzeugt worden sein (bestehend aus einem timestamp). Falls ja, wäre diese Datei sehr hilfreich für uns. Du kannst sie entweder im Forum hochladen, oder per Mail senden an

    Kann es eventuell daran liegen das ich mit Java programmiere und vielleicht irgend was falsch eingestellt hatte ? (Path oder so)

    Hmm normalerweise nicht. Wenn die über die .exe startest sollte er grundsätzlich eigentlich damit zurechtkommen.

    Hast du ein 64-Bit Betriebssystem? Falls ja, kann es sein, dass du nur 32-Bit Java installiert hast? Normalerweise sollte der Launcher seit neustem eine Warnmeldung herausgeben, kann aber sein, dass das aus irgendwelchen Gründen nicht funktioniert. Die Kombi 64-Bit OS und 32-Bit Java führt nämlich beim Spiel zu massiven Problemen...
    Du erkennst übrigens ziemlich schnell, ob du nur 32-Bit Java hast, wenn du in der Systemsteuerung unter "Programme" nachsiehst, dort steht hinter "Java" dann "(32-Bit)". Fehlt die Angabe in Klammern, hast du höchstwahrscheinlich 64-Bit Java-

    Falls du auch ein 32-Bit Betriebssystem hast, musst du das Spiel über die concept-x86.exe starten.

    Ich hoffe damit kommen wir der Ursache auf die Schliche ;)

    Hallo Takki,

    das ist merkwürdig ?( Wird denn ein "errorlog" oder eine "hs_err_pid" Datei im Verzeichnis des Spiels erzeugt nachdem es abstürzt?

    Was für ein Betriebssystem benuzt du?

    A small bugfix has just been released, fixing a few bugs from the previous update, and also bringing a new, helpful (at least in multiplayer) function.

    Changelog Bugfix 2014-09-09:

    • [New] Added a new console command (F12) "makeadmin PLAYERNAME" to give adminrights to another player (this player must be connected) and "revokeadmin PLAYERNAME" to revoke his rights
    • [Bugfix] Fixed a problem that caused an error when respawning after death (preventing you from respawn)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed erroneous chest status when chunk was modified while chest is open
    • [Bugfix] Fixed placement of grates/rails/vents
    • [Bugfix] Fixed a small bug that increased opening-/closing-speed of chests when clicking on them frequently

    Hey folks!

    It's about to happen again: A new update ist available! :)

    This update brings some new and quite important features! The most important feature is the ability to create chests, which serve as a storage for your items. There are currently several different chests available, some wooden chest, a metal chest and also a wooden barrel. Apart from that, some of the regular furniture also offer storage space, for example the sidetable, desk and some kitchenets. You can also use the "Gear" function of a camping tent now.

    Next, this update brings trashcans, which are used for the disposal of items, and also a new craftingstation, an anvil. In the same vein, we changed some of the recipes; for example, if you want to create a pickaxe now, you first need to forge the head of the pickaxe as a single component, and then combine it with a stick to get the final item.

    Last but not least, this update brings more new objects: For example a ceiling fan, different grates and rails, a new bed and a new chair.

    Apart from the new content, we fixed several bugs (e.g. the tent context menu works now again) and did some other minor changes.

    Full changelog:

    • [New] New feature: Chests. Related objects: Chests, Barrel, Sidetable, Desk, Tent, Kitchenets (i.e. those objects are acutally a chest/storage unit)
    • [New] New craftingstation: Anvil, which is used to craft metal components
    • [New] New objects: Trashcans, which are used for the disposal of items
    • [New] New objects: Ceiling fan, Rails, Grates, Vents, Officechair, Bunk bed
    • [New] Added variations for lattice door, desk and small tables
    • [New] Added new metal items which serve as a basic component when crafting
    • [New] Added sounds when climbing ladders
    • [Change] Added a warning message when only 32-bit java is installed on a 64-bit OS (this combination causes the game to crash in most cases)
    • [Change] Moved assetloading to another threads, this speeds up the initial gamestart by 4-7 seconds, but can also be disabled in config file if it causes trouble
    • [Change] Moved integrated server (which is also responsible for singleplayer) to a separate thread, should make the game in SP or in MP when hosting run more smoothly
    • [Change] Did a small adjustment for falling leaves effect (increased particle count and lifetime)
    • [Change] Changed a few recipes and moved some items/objects to other craftingstations
    • [Change] Changed appearance of objects when they're in your inventory (removed labels and added a small construction icon)
    • [Change] Updated debug screen (F3) to show current CPU load of the game
    • [Bugfix] Made the context menu work again (scrolling was broken in previous versions, concerns tents and other players)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong objectplacement on stairs
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong placement of torchmounts on cylinders
    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing tooltips for objects when they're in your inventory
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong lighting of keys when using a piano in some cases

    I know what you mean. The problem is that it's difficult to find features which could be omitted for a demo, so it's more suitable to release a demo version when the game is in beta state (and more feature-rich).
    Buying the game in alpha state could more likely be considered as active support of development ;)

    We already discussed the possibility of releasing a demo. But most probably there won't be a demo until the game reaches at least beta state :/

    We will think about a way how to implement something like master keys ^^ But lockable doors don't have a very high priority anyway, so it takes some more time.
    But yes, keycards should be no problem, so when we introduce keys, we will also introduce keycards ;)

    Sounds nice, good idea! :) Only thing you can't do this way is something like master-keys, but I guess that doesn't matter.

    Lockable doors anyway only make sense in combination with a lua script for example. Otherwise you could simply destroy a locked door, or dig a hole through the wall next to it^^

    the keypad feature would be good which is pretty useful

    Yeah we will definitely implement that :) In the future, when our electricity system is fully implement, we also want to bring a standalone-keypad into the game, that is generally used to send a signal after entering the correct password (for example to open several doors, activating the lights or an elevator etc.).

    I'm sorry to hear that this issue occurs. It seems to be related to Mac OS, and has to do with the SSAO shader. A workaround would be to open the in the main folder of your game with a texteditor, and to change the value "graphic_ssao" to false. This disables the nice-looking SSAO effect, but the game should work then. We're working on a fix for this issue.

    If the value is already set to false, or changing the value does not really work, we need a log file. To create one, set the flag "game_debug_console" to true in the config-file, start the game, and as soon as the error occurs and the game stopps running, a new log-file should be created in the "Logs" folder.

    You can also send it via mail to support[at] (log file in attachment and your username is sufficient for us).

    Offtopic: Seriously? The forum recognizes an errorlog as brainfuck source code?? 8|

    //Edit: Seems that you was a lot faster than me ;) It's good to hear that changing the value(s) made the game running again, my compliment for finding a workaround yourself, good work! :) As mentioned, we work on a fix for the broken SSAO effect on MacOS.

    Sounds good! Especially the thing with the hotel is something we're currently also working on for our official mulitplayer server, but that's another matter ;)

    The thing about keys is a little bit complicated: How are you able to create keys? What happens if a key gets lost, or the player with the rented key in his inventory stopps playing on the server? If we have a solution for this, keys would be a great thing :)
    Otherwise, lua scripting probably is the "securest" way to create something like rentable rooms on multiplayer servers. At least that's the way we do it for our server.

    But lockable doors are necessary anyway, without having to write custom gamemodes with lua. We just have to find a good way. Apart from solutions like password-protected doors, we can also implement a door that can only be opened by yourself for example.


    I'm sorry to hear that there is trouble concerning the activation. We will look into this issue. Thanks for letting us know! :)
    Does hotmail move the mail into the spam-folder, or doesn't the mail arrive at all? Your account seems to be activated now?

    A support forum for website-/forum-related stuff makes sense, I'll set it up.

    Der neue Bugfix ist nun verfügbar und behebt das Problem mit den Steinen. Das mit den Fackelhalterungen müssen wir mal im Auge behalten, grundsätzlich könnten alle Objekte von diesem Problem betroffen sein.


    A new bugfix is available, fixing a problem when crafting blocks: Even when having stone in your inventory, the game claims you don't have any stone.

    Changelog 2014-08-28:

    • [Bugfix] Fixed the problem that the game claims you don't have any stone when crafting blocks, even though you have some in your inventory