Posts by Chrisx84

    An extension which would be very welcome by most builders -- I assume -- would be the possibility to "buy" woodplanks/beams with custom ID (as in "^item qty id") with an equal number of unprocessed lumbers or standard woodplanks/beams (they all correspond one to one).

    The cost would take the cheating out of the process, still allowing max building flexibility for 'regular' players.

    What do you think? would it be possible to automate such a function? would be worth of a specific, separate script?

    Actually great idea and ill look into that very soon, im just working on a blueprint/lua sharing website for this great game which will also allow for website hosting for rising world servers. Website that is still being built is

    well since we on the subject of not being able to see water. cant see water with /showareas turned on from Area Protection, well can see water on the side im on but looking through the colour box hides the water and all i see is blackness


    I like to introduce a open source system called VorNet.
    It manages money, teleports, home with more planned in the near future.
    Players can spend money to buy daylight, food, drink and a medic.
    Food - refills the player hunger
    Drink - refills the player thirst
    Medic - heals the player

    More explanation in its github repo

    **VT UPDATE**
    To anyone using /vt as a teleport system. Please start using another tp system like //tpa or portals. I'm ditching /vt in 1.1.0 so i can focus more on the main system of vornet such as money, leveling and achievements(well till red puts those two in) and other roleplay and player management tools.
    It was fun coding vt and using it to teach myself lua but it's been to much of a hassle for me since i started the project as a exclusive tp system for the day one server.
    Sorry to all who have tp locations setup in /vt but //tpa and portals are two awesome tp systems that are waaaaay better then /vt.
    I may do a video soon of how to use //tpa and portals for server admins soon.

    remember this game is still in alpha testings, meaning its a very long way away from being a completed game so bugs like angry bears running through walls is going to happen. i have seen animals float in mid air already, the ground has suddenly disappear on me and i go falling to hell, it all don't bother me because i know its still in a ALPHA state. If you don't like bugs then stop playing until its officially released.

    All these bugs are the main reason why we have gm 1 and i think all servers should allow players to have it for now until Rising World is in a more stable state.

    see if this link takes you to downloads, red should be server, I am going to try blue link anyway since I may have misunderstood that "Steam" players cannot play the game with blue links. I just assumed since my client "checks for updates" that I would get it that way (as usual)

    edit, hmm it does not redirect me, how about this link (for server files):

    ty, you're a lifesaver :)

    I am showing Alpha, is this the correct version for the water update?

    It is a windows non-steam version and it "checks for updates" but finds nothing ...

    I went to Downloads Page, but it says I cannot play the game with that version.

    its Alpha 0.7 with the water and just redirects me to the main page and i dont see any other "Download" link on the website and i am logged in

    i know its been awhile since anyone posted anything, 2 months exactly, just like to say im looking forward to writing some java plugins. hope the api docs will be more "noob" friendly then the current docs as i do have a learning disability and im sure some scripters here have something similar too.

    Example code is all i need to get going :)