Posts by Chrisx84

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    All I can say is that I hope and pray that Rising World NEVER ports over to Java. Almost half of my "Village Life" mod pack for Minecraft is filled with optimization mods to let the game handle objects better, or to free up memory. Since I was focusing on a concept that needed lots of NPC's, objects, and multiblock structures I pretty much had to be really careful and even so I never authorized it for server use . . . though with almost 8000 uploads people have asked for server support. The best I can tell them is to play a lan game. It's what i do when I want to play the pack with my wife.
    It is, unfortunately, very tricky to get Java to do a lot of basic gaming tasks efficiently . . . a programmer can do it, but other languages like C make the job a lot simpler. Minecraft is pretty much the only game I know of coded from the ground up in Java and Notch has admitted it was only meant to be a little proof of concept thing.

    One thing I have been excited about is seeing how rising world could perform with large cities, lots of objects, lots of NPC's, lots of machinery with moving parts . . . all based on a platform that escapes the limits of Java.

    dude. the server side plugins for RW right now is lua and we all know how single threaded and pain in the (bad word here) lua really is, so a switch to java is badly needed.

    ya what miw said but theres a way to keep the tab screen up without holding tab.
    hold tab then press ~ to bring up console then release the Tab button and hit esc to close console, the tab window will stay open till you hit the tab key again
    so u can run while watching how far away you are from your wife or any player.

    i think there should be support for both left and right handed people. sometimes i have to which to switch from right hand to left hand for the keyword because my right hand is broken in multiple fingers and sometimes hurts so bad that i have to put my cast back on which forces me to use my left hand to use the mouse and the right can only hunt and pick buttons so being able to use the arrow keys would help me, lefties and anyone else with a screwed up right hand that prevents them from using the mouse but can use their keyboard.

    A lot of time has passed since the first announcement (especially since some of the "bigger" updates in the meantime like biomes or water took all of our attention), but working on the API is slowly coming to an end. Probably a preview version may be available soon :)

    awesome thnx red, great job with the game so far. to me personally i think it's already 20 times better than Minecraft.

    hey fox, i'm actually admin on that server and they level up players according to that player's play time.
    I would love to do auto leveling but that requires being able to change a player's group in a lua script and i don't see that function anywhere yet.

    I want to thank you for VorNet... I think I made a few too many assumptions about it and I'd like to apologize for not doing better research. :)

    at least you asked me the questions first before spreading lies about me and vornet :)

    that error pops up for me when i run the server on my own computer, its not really a big deal if your just running the server for yourself. I mostly use mine to test new lua code i write before i put the code on my main live server and on github.

    another suggestion, or two:

    1) "just fill option" when you build complex things, could be useful an option that simply fill the gaps

    2) resizable doors

    1) can do that with world edit.

    2) would be great but doors are about the size of our characters, 4 blocks high by 2 blocks wide.