[Script] VorNet

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  • at least you asked me the questions first before spreading lies about me and vornet :)

    Hi Chris, Vortac had an idea about leveling up to unlock certain parts of creative mode. There is a server called LEVEL UP!!! that does something like this. I figured its based on events such as digging, chopping, gathering, crafting, placing blocks, etc etc, all counting for a certain number of points. The info could be written into a database on the server

  • hey fox, i'm actually admin on that server and they level up players according to that player's play time.
    I would love to do auto leveling but that requires being able to change a player's group in a lua script and i don't see that function anywhere yet.

  • Due to people spreading lies about me to cause drama i have decided to clean out my steam friends list, delete the vornet repository, delete the rwshare.net website, uninstall rising world and leave the community for good.
    good luck with the game.
    time for me to peace out to get a better life.

  • Dont do that Chris.Whatever we do in this world,we will always have people who dislike stuff or others, or the ones who Like. From a carpenter to a president.Just block the undesirable ones and stick around in the area you are wanted.
    We can tell who spreads lies and who is valuable.

  • I hope I'm not on the list of people who are "spreading lies"... I would like to think I was very open and honest when it occurred to me that I didn't understand how VorNet actually worked. Assuming that I'm not one of the culprits, I'm rather confused as to what has happened...

    I always thought this community was very solid and full of honest, understanding and straight-forward people. I send people to these forums all the time when they have questions or just want other Rising World fans to communicate with. Given that this is how I perceive this community, I have to wonder if you're dealing with a vocal minority when it comes to people spreading lies. As George said in the response before me, you've gotta tune them out. If people are spreading lies then it's up to you to take a moment to set the record straight and then stop worrying about it. The more you grow as a personality in this community, the more people will stand behind you when they see you're not being treat fairly.

    Anyway, that's my soapbox speech. If I in anyway added fuel to this fire by my previous misunderstanding of VorNet, I deeply apologize.

    EDIT: I've caught up on this issue a bit... I can see now why Chris feels the need to go. I do hope you'll reconsider though. Nobody wants to see that happening... Especially when we're so close to the new API. ;)

  • Hi @Chrisx84 I've joined a server called "Freaks R' Us" and I love the economy and structure it has in place. I would love to integrate that same economy into my SSP LP "Earth 2 - Earth Like Adventures" and make my shops a bit more interactive. Furthermore I'm finally looking into a 3rd party server for $2.00 monthly. It will only have 2 slots at first but it would eliminate a lot of lag issues I get in singleplayer when recording videos. You've done an awesome job here and I'm itching to grab all the integrations that server has and whip them up for myself and possibly later a build team. Keep up the awesome work :)

  • Arcane,

    I doubt if Chris will respond and Vornet is unavailable on github anymore last I checked. Someone will have to write up a new economy script for the java API. Once Lua is dropped, Vornet will no longer work. However if someone is still running it on their server then it could be rewritten for Java.

  • Arcane,

    I doubt if Chris will respond and Vornet is unavailable on github anymore last I checked. Someone will have to write up a new economy script for the java API. Once Lua is dropped, Vornet will no longer work. However if someone is still running it on their server then it could be rewritten for Java.

    Not stirring any kettles here, only wanting to integrate the Vornet code into my LP to make shops seem more interactive.

  • Thanks Arcane,

    I'm glad that no pot stirring was intended. I hope some of our discussions cleared up some confusion. It's a shame that events played out the way they did and it's probably best to just move on. I still do hope Chris comes back and we can all work together and make some cool new stuff. Chris is a talented programmer and we need that kind of tallent in the community for when we have to start converting the old lua scripts into java.

  • ty all for the kind words, sorry for rage quitting like i did.
    I come today to make you all very happy.

    I am working on the java version of VorNet.
    Only thing that wont be in the java version is the area trigger thingy i did sorry.
    I do that in hopes that someone else would make something like that for all servers.

    Anyways came to say that and im sorry for my behavior. Off to code for me.

  • Welcome back Chrisx84 IDK what happend before as i was away at that time but trust me a lot of users realy missed you including me, when ever you feel like leaving us please do have a chat to me before you flee ill talk you out of it lol anyway awesome to see you back :-D

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • actualluy I'm making EffNet its loosely based on Vornet, so if you want to butt heads and collaborate its up to you.

    got a repo for the source code? And if your making a rip of VorNet then i guess i can stop deving and let you take over the name. I do have alot to do with opensim.

    Welcome back Chrisx84 IDK what happend before as i was away at that time but trust me a lot of users realy missed you including me, when ever you feel like leaving us please do have a chat to me before you flee ill talk you out of it lol anyway awesome to see you back :-D

    deal, add me back on steam homie.

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