Posts by MommaT

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)

    OH. I thought you meant we could actually "edit" the given clothing. THAT is what I want. Change colors (maybe styles) of the given pieces. But this is after we get females and editable models themselves, which is more important. At the very least: skin, eye, hair color, but body types would also be nice to have.

    although, there WAS a recent change to how the blueprint works that makes it vanish when you use it- even in creative. i did most of my building before that change and it's not one i'm fond of. i also think that it would be very nice if making a blueprint automatically added it to your inventory, instead of requiring that you go to a bench to get it... perhaps things like that would make it more useful for you as well?

    Yes. This exactly. I don't want to stop what I'm doing to go to a bench or even out to inventory. I want to just keep building seamlessly.

    Right, I have used blueprints that way too, but I just find that process to be so cumbersome and clunky by comparison. Snapping is really a valuable function and I'd want that too. I can understand when people play survival you want building and blueprinting to be "expensive." I get that and play completely differently in survival. But for creative builders it's a different game and we want it to work easily and logically.

    I want it all! LOL.

    I know I've been spamming the forums of late, sorry. THIS is something I really, really wish we could do. Group a few elements, and copy or duplicate and place. Not the same as a blueprint which is fine for big builds, or something you're going to place once or twice.

    The ability to group several elements, duplicate them, then move/rotate position and place them quickly will speed building complex parts, for example a custom-made truss or a fence section or complicated trim pieces wherein the element has multiple pieces and needs to be repeated many times.

    So we'd need a way to multi-select pieces either by clicking and dragging around the assembled element or shift click (harder maybe) or both. Then group them and duplicate as a group. The groups should stay grouped once placed too so you could delete them as a group.

    This might be something restricted to creative mode, and that's fine, but I think it's needed!

    Is this a possibility?? :?:

    I've searched the forums for this subject and everything I found was so old, its best to start a new thread. I thought I knew how to do this in the new version but I must be senile, or hallucinating. I can't remember how. I thought there was a key command to use for rotation once the element is frozen in the manual build mode (rt ctrl). But I am not having any luck.

    Does anyone know if this is possible? I know about the pivot keys , and . but I thought that was for snapping to pivot points on the adjacent piece not for freely rotating to any degree chosen (down to .01 in the C menu).

    With the old legacy method you could also rotate a beam manually from the center and snap pieces to those ends to make an arc or circle. Still possible? :thinking:

    I would really love to see a way to spawn into a specific biome when you create a world. Biomes could still be random in the world, but if we could type in the biome name or select it as to where we spawn that would be fantastic.

    I've been playing with the world creation and also the terrain slider. It's very random indeed! The slider sorta works but dialing that in is kinda hit or miss.

    Would also love, in future a couple of tro[ical or jungle type biomes and river-like water formations within larger land masses. Also could weather and snow be restricted from tropical biomes but occur in the snowy biomes? We'd still want rain in moist areas but not snow.

    Thanks---still enjoying playing around with it!

    This suggestion is for the FUTURE, I know Red has his hands rather full right now (and riffing on the suggestion by Funmichi earlier).


    I would love to see a players' workshop similar to the steam workshops in Cities Skylines (1) or in Planet Coaster and Planet Zoo. These use the blueprint model and players donate their work to the workshop (other players). They don't become part of the base game. I don't know if there is any kind of disclaimer or legal language that the donor needs to acknowledge before uploading, but that could certainly be added, which would alleviate the copyright issues. As for a contest where in a player's entry of a build would be chosen for inclusion in the base game that too could be covered with acknowledging that there would be no recompense other than the honor of being included.

    In fact, I think this sort of competition could be a boon to the game and community--a great marketing opportunity. Along that line, I would also love to see Red eventually develop a quest/achievement system and especially a way for players to develop their own quests and adventure scenarios to share with the community. That may be pie in the sky, but I this game has the potential to do all of that and more!

    I have come to understand that the game is so many different things to different people and far from being a weakness it's the biggest strength of Rising World.:love:

    I would love to see a players' workshop similar to the steam workshops in Cities Skylines (1) or in Planet Coaster and Planet Zoo. These use the blueprint model and players donate their work to the workshop (other players). They don't become part of the base game. I don't know if there is any kind of disclaimer or legal language that the donor needs to acknowledge before uploading, but that could certainly be added, which would alleviate the copyright issues. As for a contest where in a player's entry of a build would be chosen for inclusion in the base game that too could be covered with acknowledging that there would be no recompense other than the honor of being included.

    In fact, I think this sort of competition could be a boon to the game and community--a great marketing opportunity. Along that line, I would also love to see Red eventually develop a quest/achievement system and especially a way for players to develop their own quests and adventure scenarios to share with the community. That may be pie in the sky, but I this game has the potential to do all of that and more!

    I have come to understand that the game is so many different things to different people and far from being a weakness it's the biggest strength of Rising World.

    I guess this has nothing to do with the original post ... so moving this to the suggestions thread.

    Could using the compass or a weapon (the bow or gun, perhaps) be possible? Or even taking a bite of food or a drink? Getting off to use a compass is a bit of a pain, and shooting an aggressor from horseback seems normal... to me.

    Also can the horse carry multiple saddlebags? Or could we add a backpack?

    My horse died in what I thought was shallow water. (I could stand.) and when it died the saddle and saddle bag went poof. Lost. Oh well. I have learned--don't get off in the water. I like that they swim though. But only horses swim?

    I have not seen other animals swim. I've been using that inability to save my life!

    I also ran into a similar issue with the primitive furnace. Steam, single player, iron ore. You had to stand in just the right place to put ore in. And the fuel bin was finicky, had to crouch to load wood. :crazy:

    "please look at the plant and type plantinfo into console - this provides more information about the current growth stage. Maybe you could also send us a report after using that command :)"

    Thanks. will do. I have been slowly removing plants and replanting, which has worked in some cases. But I will continue to do that and will check on the ones that don't grow—if any occur.