Posts by MommaT

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    This is a retro 1980s style Futon that seats two. The cushions are painted with two swipes of the brush to create the striped look. If it's not your color, you can of course paint them a different color! Without the cushions it can be a garden bench. Either version has two seats in the bottom. ^^

    Please consider making the crafted lightbulbs an object we can place into our own custom light fixtures. That would open up much creative options, and you wouldn't have to create new lights yourself, Red51.

    Currently the best lighting we have in the game is provided by the lantern. Even though the industrial style lights in the game are OK and adjustable, the lantern lights up the surroundings better with a more natural glow. The Luminous material seems to have potential, but it really doesn't spread any light, it just lights itself. Maybe it's best for signage, and that may have been the plan--if so, it's fine. The crafted light bulb maybe the solution if it can illuminate an area like the lantern does.

    Just having the ability to move water (like with a bucket) to fill the trough, barrel or a well would be major improvement.

    Having separate waters sources (lakes as opposed to the sea) be at different levels would huge. Imagine being able to create a canal with locks and a pump system to raise and lower the level! If we can have a drawbridge we could have a lock---same sort of thing.

    Here is a Tiffany Style table lamp. Two version one with the candle, and one with luminous sphere. Frankly neither one gives any illumination to a room, they merely light themselves and look cute. Both can be turned on and off if you crouch and touch the candle or sphere. I wish that Red51 would make it so we could place the crafted lightbulb in our own fixtures and have that function as a light source. The two darker images show what it looks like in the dark and lighted. So, yeah, not much light.

    Cotton does it too. Here in the flat area where it's laying flat and on the slope. This is a place where I raised the garden bed to level it out. So it seems like changing the level of the ground is a problem for some of the plants. It doesn't bother others though.

    Ah. OK. Well I do all my little furnishings and stuff like that in a specific world for that purpose and then place them in the other world. But at least the paper cost would make sense. I'm not going bother with resources and all that. Too time consuming!

    Is this a bug in the new version? I have a saved blueprint (on my computer) and a blueprint table. I made paper but I forgot to make an empty blueprint. When I went to the blueprint table and selected my saved blueprint I was able to make it and use it without making using any paper. Is this correct? Seems not right, as I made the saved blueprint in a creative world and want to place the item in survival, but there should be a cost, right?

    I know I didn't use any paper because I had put it in the chest just before.

    I have found that corn sometimes grows on a tilt. I first thought it was due to uneven ground, but I have flattened the area completely in this area. Corn seems to be the only plant that does this. (Though melons and pumpkins get wonky if on a slope.)

    But not all the corn does it, just a section of the whole field. All flat ground and the seedlings were planted on a 1x grid.

    In the not too distant future I hope it will be possible to add the requirement to feed the horses. This could be cut grass, later maybe hay if we have a way to dry it, Maybe it lays in the field then we have to pick it up after it's dry. But also corn and wheat. I am growing an enormous field of wheat and corn in anticipation! So corn too would need to be dried (in the real world anyway). After horses, then once we get the way to tame/capture other animals it could be a requirement to feed them corn, wheat, or hay. Domesticated animals could have a health indicator that would show if we click on them or something. If they don't get fed or have access to food they will die.

    In addition to animal feed, we should be able to add the ability to grind corn for corn flour/meal. This could be used to make cornbread and other food items. Seems like that maybe the easier thing to do sooner. Then our player character requirements for food should be more food more often than it is now, or a slider to increase it in settings. (I don't usually play survival, but once you have a garden it's moot, and because I don't like combat I usually just play for the building. I expect you are thinking down the road about crop failures! Which would certainly up the difficulty.)

    Related to the corn and wheat: Bigger stacks of corn in inventory, please? Especially if it becomes animal feed. 16 is just too little. Wheat makes big stacks. Corn should be higher but maybe not as high as wheat. I've only managed to get 635 wheat in total, and in a single stack. If it's like stone, 999 to a stack, that's 27,972 wheat in a barrel! But I can only get 448 corn in a barrel. (999 stones in a stack is crazy, but I understand why.)

    Ready to make feed!

    I notice the "collision box" or whatever it's called for Bacon is rather large so that when you cook the slices you can't get too many on the grill. if they could be tighter, like the steaks, that would be swell.

    I'd love it if we could also cook in a pot. But perhaps that'll come when we are able to put items down in the world--something I also look forward to. Please bring back the chicken for roasting! Then fish would also be a logical food item once we get fishing back in. Roasting corn or potatoes, even sliced pumpkin could all be done on the grill, or in the big oven. We occasionally get an egg when we kill a chicken, so I hope that we will have that added to a recipe soon.

    Then we need a mechanic for catching a live chicken so we can start a captive flock. (With roosters!) But in the meantime it would be nice to find eggs randomly wherever chickens roam. Milk from cows too, even if there's no animation, like shearing the sheep is currently sort of unrealistic, but does the trick.

    With a pot for cooking we could boil down the sugar beets, and we'd have flour, sugar, eggs and milk--everything we need for more realistic baking recipes. Add any fruit or vegg for flavor and voila many different items to cook!

    I have played long enough now to get from Spring to Autumn in the new game ... and it is SPECTACULAR! I love the color changes. It happens earlier in the Summer than I expected but it continues to change and get more colorful as time passes, which is great! I didn't know what to expect and I think you did a great job wither the seasons red51.

    I was also really happy to see the garden plants change to a bronze color as well. I harvested everything, I don't know how plants will be affected by the snow to come, but I did replant one of each veggie to watch that process. It's added a nice realism to the survival mode.

    Every time we get an update it spurs ideas and creativity, and I know we ALL jump in and ask for MORE! But this update for me was better than the NPCs.

    THANK YOU and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and enjoy your time off!

    Lots of animals for me. I turned animal spawnrate up a bit, and bandits down to 40%. Yet to see a bandit, and I'm fine with that!

    I too seemed to start in Spring and will have to set sail eventually to find the arctic or arid regions. I really wish he'd reconsider and make larger continents with multiple biomes as well as smaller islands. I've got my days set to 30 minutes so as to get to the new seasons sooner. But a day that passes that fast is sort of a pain and I'll probably change it to longer.

    And/or make all ores available everywhere but make gold, aluminum, tungsten etc. rare and at certain levels.