I agree on all points. I’m playing mostly creative now because of my big current project, but I lost interest in survival because it was just too easy. Now that we have more of the components in place thinking about the logical progression makes all kinds of sense.
Rolling it out should also be incremental, I think, since not to do so would likely cause a cascade of unforeseen issues. It’s really a huge undertaking if you consider that it’s not just the primitive tech—but also other low level survival aspects such as making food, also requiring clay for pots, weaving baskets, raising a grain crop and staples like that for adequate nutrition.
Actually making clothing is a very labor-intensive task that is very time consuming. We should have to wear pelts, then tanned leather (requiring more than just scraping), cloth comes much later. A red plaid shirt needs dyes as well!
Multi-players could become specialists: hunters, farmers, bakers, tailors, tanners, coopers, smiths, etc. Then a currency, with bankers etc. Well, that’s probably version 10.09 LOL.
With the basics in place there’s no end of cool stuff people could do.