Posts by MommaT

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)

    I agree on all points. I’m playing mostly creative now because of my big current project, but I lost interest in survival because it was just too easy. Now that we have more of the components in place thinking about the logical progression makes all kinds of sense.

    Rolling it out should also be incremental, I think, since not to do so would likely cause a cascade of unforeseen issues. It’s really a huge undertaking if you consider that it’s not just the primitive tech—but also other low level survival aspects such as making food, also requiring clay for pots, weaving baskets, raising a grain crop and staples like that for adequate nutrition.

    Actually making clothing is a very labor-intensive task that is very time consuming. We should have to wear pelts, then tanned leather (requiring more than just scraping), cloth comes much later. A red plaid shirt needs dyes as well!

    Multi-players could become specialists: hunters, farmers, bakers, tailors, tanners, coopers, smiths, etc. Then a currency, with bankers etc. Well, that’s probably version 10.09 LOL.

    With the basics in place there’s no end of cool stuff people could do.

    If we get power generation, it should be a logical incremental leveling up. And should not be EASY! Start with simple watermill or windmill generation. Next up steam, wood or coal fired. Then other fuels as we are able to craft them, refining oil into gasoline is probably more complicated and should be. High capacity hydropower through dams and turbines, yes please. Then we graduate to solar and modern wind power, and lastly to nuclear reactors.

    Thank you @red51 for your hard work, and for this creative, mostly non-violent, peaceful game. Yes, that's what I like!

    And, thank you to the community for all your help to newbies, plus your appreciation of @Red51's dedication. <3

    Yay—all Rising World Citizens! We rock.

    I was building in my Wollaton Hall build when it crashed/quit a couple days ago. I was about done, and crash quitting after and few hours isn't that unusual—so I didn't investigate. Today, I tried to start the game and my Wollaton build world simply will not load. It gets to 10% and hangs. I can only force quit. Tried multiple times, restarted game, computer, everything. Using Steam Loader, which I often have issues with, but I can successfully start and run any of my other worlds. BUMMER! ;(

    I have a back up of the db but it is from August. I swapped out the db and world parts folder and backed up the latest (possibly corrupted version). I can open and run the version from August. So whatever it is, it is on the world/db itself. I have done some work since then (? is it really work???). I'd like to get it back if possible, but if not I guess I can backtrack a few months and do it again.

    Anyway, if anyone is a db expert and might want to look at mine to see if anything jumps out as an obvious corrupted file??? I would be most grateful. <3<3<3<3

    I didn't want to post this in the General Help area, because I don't want Red51 to spend any brain cells on it. We all are anxious for that update! ;)

    I guess the moral of this story is to always back up, frequently. Darn it.

    If they fall on the side you're cutting (makes sense) then, part of the mechanic needs to be death if we don't move away quickly enough. That would add some drama when logging! :D

    zfoxfire — for the uninitiated, what is a "cracked copy"? :?:

    I'm a noob YouTuber and it never even occurred to me that there could a copyright infringement from doing a "let's play" video. (I should know something about copyright since I work in publishing—but this got by me.) Since don't monetize my channel (LOL that's a hoot!) I should think there wouldn't be an issue ... but I'm curious now.

    I've not been able to record (or even play) since the end of July. Work and personal life has been crazy busy of late. But I do intend to get back to it on a semi-regular basis. You can see my build here:…921VRrITrj8E9E85aCOiY2Y1H I'm building a particular Tudor era Manor House that has connections to my ancestry. It is mainly a fun personal project, and I thought I'd record the process mostly for me and my family—but if others want to watch, so much the better.


    And I'm also playing RW and writing a little in-character journal of this particular game, documenting my faceless character's life as a cave dweller. It's been fun and, well, it'll be an interesting kind of read later, when more content comes in and I go and look back at what was already possible even now.

    I hope you will share your character's journal at some point. I bet that will be a fun read! :)