Posts by Jon_miner

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.

    Ever since the updates this week, I have not been able to connect with a particular server that I have been on for quite some time. I can connect with other servers just fine, just not this one. I have contacted the host admin and he does not know what the issue would be.

    I get the "Connecting...." screen, but it just stays there and never loads anything.

    I backed up my game, uninstalled, deleted the c:\...\common\RisingWorld folder, restart computer and reinstalled and this did not fix the issue.

    Any ideas? What could be wrong?

    I did not find this subject with a search, so I thought I would add it. I sure would like to see a faster way to load ore into the furnaces. Something like a "Shift-Click" or something to put all of the ore currently selected into the furnace in one move. It just takes to long to fill your furnace (especially the large ones). I get the "realism" aspect, but this really takes too long IMO.