Seems for me to work "Ok" in SP mode, but few comments/suggestions:
- If you play around with selecting and reselecting floors with the GUI while things are operating, eventually things get out of sync, "messed up"
- In multiplayer, again, if u mess around (and players will) with two people selecting things at same time, it gets "messed up"
- The interaction with the GUI does not work properly if the "Interaction" key is set to a mouse button versus a keyboard key (middle mouse button in particular). The GUI remains stuck open and you can't "Execute" the floor selection.
- Suggest that the GUI have a "Close" and/or "Cancel" button and/or "X" close box.
- Suggest the GUI have an "Execute/Go" button versus hitting the "Interaction key" again (related to the not working right with a mouse button)
- Need a method (like red wireframe block) to select the placement of the elevator in-game versus having to edit the .elevs file and restart/reload the server. Also a GUI to be able to select the type of elevator, #floors, floor spacing, etc while in-game versus editing the .elevs file and requiring a restart/plugin reload.