Changelog 2016-12-31: Dungeons, Weather and a Happy New Year!

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Alright, seeing as how the other thread is locked I'll say it here........

    - I love how warm the torches feel. A nice brought touch to them. The appearance of the bright glow is awesome, and I love it!

    - I love how the lights and lighting have been fixed. Was expecting this to be a later fix, not so soon. I love how the light reacts now that there's less of an issue with them. Much has been improved.

    - I love how the weather is that things can become insanely brutal when the right conditions are met. I love the rain, the thunderstorm, and the brutal fog. When it's night, IT IS NIGHT. It's DARK. I wish there be lightning or flashes to brighten things up. I have yet to see snow, yet everything else is neat.

    - The weather changes far too frequently that it needs to be delayed longer, last longer in a certain weather pattern, and even be touched up a bit. [Weather: I was expecting weather to be later, yet with it being so soon I was highly surprised & happy to see it in the game. We have things to worry about now with it becoming far more interesting down the line.]

    - I love the new phases of the moon, yet they need to not peak through the weather. When it's foggy & overcast it tends to shine through.

    - I love the shacks, yet they need more variety. The two are neat, yet they need further variety. I love the off-tune piano, even the loot chest. The loot chest needs to be varied more, not just discs, ore, & compass, but vases and other things. More homely things (vases, flowers & etc), even food. Red51 can also have it so 5 to 10 spawn in an area for a mini abandoned village by also adding certain stuff. They can easily make a creepy abandoned village, something it was already doing.

    - The gramophone is awesome. Brings me back to what Silent Hunter 3 has with the same style, yet this seems more detailed. You can have a nice musical session with this. Love the fine touches of winding it up, placing it, and such. Wish we can store the extra discs in a bookshelf, yet may have to make an end table for it. Simply way too many discs (more so when shacks are next to one another). Would love to see the ingame music found as discs (if it hasn't already) that it be neat to play them out. Not just classical or game music, maybe others also.

    - Loving the new spits & such. I have yet to properly try them out, yet loving them.

    - The boars are a neat new threat, yet they need to chill the hell out. I keep having to kill them for how hostile they are that they, as with bears, should only attack when you linger for too long. A hidden timer should count down until they attack you, something similar to Moose also. Moose should stalk you for a little while.

    - I love the oxygen meter. It's very handy, and I love having it around. THanks for adding it! Be neat to have snorkels, scuba gear & etc.


    New Suggestions thanks to the Dungeons update:

    - When you die the compass should ping you towards a cross marker. With how far we travel the compass needs to be able to lead you back to where you died. There's just no way I'll be able to find what I lost........
    - Shacks could now make a village in a bundle thanks to Red51's shack miscodings, or similar. It's a blessing in a curse that it's an interesting one.
    - Music discs need a place to store them in bookshelves, or their own unique containers. I had to make a chest under my stairway to hold them.
    - We need umbrellas/Parasols to keep dry from the crazy weather. Maybe scuba gear for the water ruins, as well as a rain coat for when rains too much. Granted, this may be a 'player model & animations' thing.

    Very good update, yet needs more tweaking :)

  • I haven't seen any mention of it in the forum here, but does anyone else have issue with water in the new update?

    I see the edges of water everywhere curved down. Even the oceans. Also water seems to show through the terrain worse than before. Also find a lot of "ponds/pools" not even filled.

    Is this just me and my junk graphics card?

  • I love the weather and how it just adds hugely to the realism of the game, however there are two huge bugs Ive discovered.

    1. There is a large white strip that appears in the sky and ends at the horizon, no matter which way you look its always there and also it appears on the menu screen.

    2. this version is incompatible with older worlds. When i upgrade my server to 0.8 and try and connect its just hangs and wont load the world. I have tried copying the world file to my computer and loading it in as a local game. There is a message that its been converted, then starts to load gets to 10% and hangs. Unfortunately Steam forces us to update the game and the only way I can get back into it to rescue (blueprint) my builds is to downgrade. Can anyone tell me if this is possible to downgrade to a previous version?

    anyway the game is heading in the right direction its just a shame my world is lost.

  • Some others have reported the horizon issue as well. I haven't heard of anyone's worlds not converting. Could you possibly share your server log with us? If you copy it to your local machine and load it, you can set the following setting in to enable the debug console:


  • Sorry for locking the topic accidentally X/ I've moved all posts to this new topic!

    There are quite some issues with the latest update, we're working on a solution for that, a fix will be available as soon as possible! This also includes the Mac issues, we will check out what's going on there.

    @Harv: Are you able to play now? Unfortunately the Standalone had some issues when the update was released, but these issues should be fixed now.

  • i gotta say everything looks great! even with my graphics n such down it looks so nice! i turned down a couple more things and the game is running much better for me now, thank you red! keep up the good work :)

  • Red could have done this update in sections.
    I have said this before and I will say it again. Cramming all of this into one huge update was a bad Idea. A lot of Stuff is broken. Had it been released 1 step at a time this would not have happened . I have found a lot of broken stuff but since others are reporting most of it , I will not repeat it

    Here is how it Should Have went.

    1. Code the API, Finish it and Release.

    2. Code the weather , Finish it and release

    3. Code the Gramophone , Finish it and release.

    4. Code the abandoned buildings , finish and release

    5. Code the rotatable blueprints , finish and release.

    6. Code the dungeons, Finish and release.

    Hopefully a lesson will have been learned and things will go smoother in 2017. I sure hope so . This has potential. We will see.

  • Can we block what items can be spawned in dungeon chests? There was some concern yesterday about players on a server being able to get a hold of tnt. Does this fall under "pickup" ?

    Unfortunately there is no way to change the spawn, but you can still forbid tnt for players when disabling the pickup - chests permission ;)

    A lot of Stuff is broken. Had it been released 1 step at a time this would not have happened

    This is not true: Nearly all issues are caused by the dungeons, so if we didn't implement anything else, the situation would still be the same (it would be even worse, since nothing would work then). Apart from that, due to the impatience of some users, it's unfortunately not always favorable to have small updates with only a few new features (if an update doesn't provide enough content there are always some people ranting about that)

    i mean API Commands , not Console Commands, LIke making A GUI that makes a "weather report"

    Unfortunately there are no API methods for that available yet. That will be added shortly

  • Unfortunately there is no way to change the spawn, but you can still forbid tnt for players when disabling the pickup - chests permission ;)

    This is not true: Nearly all issues are caused by the dungeons, so if we didn't implement anything else, the situation would still be the same (it would be even worse, since nothing would work then). Apart from that, due to the impatience of some users, it's unfortunately not always favorable to have small updates with only a few new features (if an update doesn't provide enough content there are always some people ranting about that)

    Unfortunately there are no API methods for that available yet. That will be added shortly

    Red ,
    1. My Gramophone does not work in creative mode , I press f to play the record and it goes back into inventory. Perhaps I am doing it wrong.

    2. My Blueprints do not rotate in creative mode ,

    3.Water disappeared from existing small ponds in an existing world.

    I have always been for many small updates instead of 1 big one. The wait is shorter and its easier to debug a small amount of code rather then a big chunk of code.

  • 1. My Gramophone does not work in creative mode , I press f to play the record and it goes back into inventory. Perhaps I am doing it wrong.

    After putting a record on the gramophone, you have to use the small handle on the right side to turn it on :)

    2. My Blueprints do not rotate in creative mode ,

    That's strange =O It's supposed to work (and according to the feedback from other users, they're actually working as intended). Did you make sure to "lock" the blueprint (by pressing your mouse button, so it doesn't follow your cursor anymore)? Otherwise it can't be rotated. Also hold your shift key to rotate it (and if your blueprint contains blocks, it only rotates in steps of 90°)

    3.Water disappeared from existing small ponds in an existing world.

    That's unfortuantely caused by the dungeons, will be fixed asap

  • Some others have reported the horizon issue as well. I haven't heard of anyone's worlds not converting. Could you possibly share your server log with us? If you copy it to your local machine and load it, you can set the following setting in to enable the debug console:


    Ive set the debug command and got the server log, the log says i connected but all my client machine does is stay on the loading screen with no progress on the red bar, if i try and connect from the server list then it comes up with error could not connect. If i create a new world it works fine.

  • Seems like with how massive the update was I forgot to mention that ponds indeed don't have water in them, yet some newer ones do. Glad Red51 & someone else noted it, yet I'm now a bit annoyed it slipped my mind when exploring with the update last night.

    Saloon doors are also worse now that they jump & dance violently until you either move or get closer to them. They just dance & dance then snap into place, kind of like the Ghost in Mario when you move (yet a vice-versa reaction). 8|

  • A bugfix is available now which should solve most of the current issues, especially startup issues on MacOS and Windows 7 Home.
    Also world generation is fixed now, so your worlds should feature caves, ponds and ores again. We also fixed some issues related to dungeons, we greatly reduced the spawnrate of abandoned shacks and fixed the generation of underwater dungeons. Unfortunately the underground dungeon still don't generate properly, so expect another bugfix in the next days.


    • [Change] Greatly reduced spawn rate of abandoned shacks
    • [Change] Weather changes less frequently now
    • [Bugfix] Fixed start issues on MacOS
    • [Bugfix] Fixed vcredist 2015 incompatibility (Win7 Home)
    • [Bugfix] Underwater dungeons spawn correctly now
    • [Bugfix] Abandoned shacks no longer spawn under water
    • [Bugfix] Fixed broken dungeons when reloading the world (only objects were still in place)
    • [Bugfix] Dungeon chests no longer "regenerate" loot when accessing them again
    • [Bugfix] Dungeon chests can be removed properly now
    • [Bugfix] Fixed "randomness" of furniture in abandoned shacks
    • [Bugfix] Rain will no longer go through glass
    • [Bugfix] Fixed world generation issues (missing caves, ores, water, wrong textures etc)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing name of bear skin rug
    • [Bugfix] Fixed manhole covers
  • [Bugfix] Fixed start issues on MacOS

    Just to confirm, I can now get into the game without a problem. I'm a bit limited in time right now, but I tried all the workbenches and that worked, and the quarter moon looked very nice in the sky. I'll look further around after supper. Thank you very much, Red, for your hard work and quickness.

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