Posts by Jon_miner

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    I am probably just not finding where this info is located, but there are several new features that I can not find the details on how to implement:

    •[New] Custom journal ("server notes") now also supports images What is the syntax in the journal.xml file?

    •[New] Multiplayer servers can now put their logo on the loading screen (server_custom_logo) Syntax? File type/size restrictions? I assume in the

    •[New] Weather preset (sunny, default, unsettled) can be selected in the game settings (Singleplayer only), MP setting also available Syntax?

    •[Change] Increased visible distance of images (depending on their size), can be adjusted in config file Syntax/values?

    Maybe someone can point me to the right place for this info? :D

    Ah, that's my mistake - I thought that could be the cylinder...but they're in the category of blocks - was to late for me... :whistling::rolleyes:

    Speaking of "cylinder's", would it be major difficult to have "buttons" for each of the various block types (ramps, cylinders, stairs, etc.)? Also maybe different "objects" like doors, windows, etc. Probably asking a bit much here... Maybe for version "2.0"?

    with the old lua, you could do this, but i don't know about the new java yet, but in lua its just a matter of if the user does not own the area and has a blueprint in his selection box then you could cancel the command or even boot/teleport the user out of the area

    I was referring to the old lua script. How does one "...cancel the command or even boot/teleport the user out of the area"? Edit the script ourselves somehow?

    A couple of other suggestions:

    - Display the players list of WP's as a vertical clickable list (probably more than one column) versus a horizontal scrolling list with the "Goto Button".

    - Add a "Help" button that will display the images that you have on the original post (#1) in another window.

    I am loving this plugin!

    Ah wasn't tracking that other thread....

    Not trying to dictate what you want to do with your plugins a all, but a couple of observations/opinions:

    - I basically feel that any "shared wp's/tp's global lists" should be managed by admins only or the lists could get out of hand and unmanageable. Although the "Teleport" plugin list is restricted to Admins, it also is not really "manageable" by Admins (only a "remove" tp and this renumbers all the tp's which is undesirable) and I do not see the author working the plugin any further.

    - I do think an ability for a player to share a wp directly with a "Friend" would be a good feature for this gps plugin.

    - I like the "Player Track" option you are thinking about. Potentially with a "Player Goto"?

    You may want to move this reply to your other thread.

    LOL You are right about " I believe that either choice is going to suit someone and not someone else..."

    Although I agree that it is easier to "estimate how long I want something.." in Real Life Time, I also think that the simulation rate SHOULD affect everything, including weather and therefore these should be in Game Time. The conversion is not that difficult for those who prefer Real Life time.

    If all weather types have each a specific duration, the "changesPerDay" setting would become ineffective.

    Yes, this would be true. But I think this would give better control as weather events would not be a fixed duration and the probabilities table provides for the "seasonal" control. But I would not use "fixed" durations but rather a random duration within a range. (like Minotorious described).

    Question: If one were to set "changesPerDay" to something like 0.25 so that there are only changes to the weather every 4 days. Would the duration of any change/event also be 4 days long? Would it be possible to set the maximum (or a random duration between a min - max) duration for each of the weather events/types (default, clear, overcast, etc.)?

    A different "protection" subject...

    I was told that there is a way to limit the use of blueprints by players to just areas they are "Owner". Is this true? How is this done? Currently it appears that any player can place blueprints anywhere.

    What text are you talking about... On signs? If you are talking about the player text chat/names, then these colors are defined in the .permissions files and these work whether in SP or not, but you would not have any players in other groups (.permissions files) unless you are multiplayer.