Posts by Jon_miner

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    @red51 We are experiencing an error that resets our server when crafting clothes on the loom and then placing them in a crate. The error occurs (below) both when crafting clothing on the loom (with "freecrafting" permission, no resources needed) and when placing the crafted clothing items into a crate. We experimented some and could not narrow the issue down to any particular item of clothing. Also attached is the server log (with a number of lines removed to trim it down).

    Rising World - - Dedicated Server
    Linux 4.4.26-nitradoV3-MC-1000-nH-dP-d-i Java 1.8.0_101 (amd64) Memory: 9544 MB
    2017/12/12 10:06 PM
    RW SERVER: Fatal error occurred!
    at java.nio.Buffer.nextPutIndex(
    at java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.putFloat(
    at commons.util.Utils$ConversionUtils.chestToByteArray(SourceFile:1413)
    at x.c.d(SourceFile:256)
    at A.d.d(SourceFile:112)
    at C.w.execute(SourceFile:42)

    I was wondering if it would be possible to somehow make it easier to cleanup areas in the world where players have "abandoned" their builds. Currently it is difficult to cleanup an area and return it to a "natural" look. The "Paint" terrain tool currently paints down deep in the ground when painting with a large "brush" size. This makes it difficult to paint an area with say "Grass blades" without making the ground under the area "in-natural" with "Grass blades" too deep into the ground. Maybe the "Paint" terrain tool could have a RMB option that only paints like 1 block deep regardless of how big the "brush" is.

    Also, wondering if the "Add/Subtract" tool could be improved with a similar capability for leveling areas. When using the tool with the "flatten" option (enter key) maybe the tool could again on level like 1 block deep with say "Grass" (cut grass) when clicking with the RMB or something regardless of how large a "brush" is used.

    Both or these improvements would make maintaining a "natural" environment much easier when either cleaning up areas or flattening area for players.


    Not sure if this has be asked yet, but... In regards to:

    [New] All crafting recipes are now always accessible in creative mode (inventory -> crafting)

    Could this feature be added as a group permissions setting (unless it is already there and I missed it) so that it can be "denied" even while in creative mode (a "semi-creative" configuration)?

    Bump.... Would still love to see a way to locate/retrieve your animals :)

    Well been trying this out in my SP Lan server...

    This is pretty slick, but a couple of suggestions (maybe they have been mentioned)...

    Animals still don't seem to stay penned up in the game reliably (especially chickens in a coop). A way to locate your roaming animals would be nice. Even a way to "recall" them from afar.

    Maybe some way be able to tell who the owner is of a roaming pet.

    Very Nice job here!

    I'm not sure when I started noticing this with respect to the updates, but I suspect it was after the ability to "undoblueprint" was added.

    When placing multiple of a blueprint in a row (like fence or road sections), I used to be able to just use the arrow keys to move the blueprint to the next location and RMB again to place right away. Now it appears there is a delay (about 10secs or so) before I can place another copy.

    Are others experiencing this? It makes it more difficult to place multiple blueprints in a row quickly.

    small comment, could there be an option to remove the onlogin messages from your plugins? The server chat gets full with them (even more when we have more than 1 of your plugins installed) and especially admins get twice the messages containing almost the same information.

    what about if i make it that you only see the message once when you very first join ?

    Since this is for "Admins Only", could any onlogin messages be removed for "Non-Admins"? I'd prefer that Non-Admins not be aware of the plugin at all even if they can not use it.

    Ah! Yeah that is not good that they turned off your whitelist. I had issues with them when they messed up my RCON port.

    Problem is, I have not found a good replacement hosting service yet. Haven't looked hard, but no luck so far.