Posts by Jon_miner

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    This does not appear to me to be a "server side" issue (Nitrado). Was this an error log entry on the server? From the hardware/OS info, this appears to be a client issue but maybe @red51 could tell better than I. I don't believe that client side updates come from the game hosting server, but rather from Steam.

    This happens because your selected area was not at lest 3 deep you need to go deeper with your selected areas
    there is nothing i can do with the API to fix this, its how the textures work
    well infact i could auto make it go 3 deep when you only select 1 layer but this would also cause more problems oO

    Thanks... Never noticed that before. I do wish you had the option to do "sharp edges" versus "blended", but realize this is just how the textures work.

    But was also thinking that "/delete abs" should delete everything including land and "/delete" by itself should delete everything except land (as with World Edit /clear).

    Also wondering... the "/select area (/select)" appears to work for non-admins. Should this be limited to admins as non-admins should not be using BlockPlacer, WorldEdit, Area Protection or Portals. The only thing bringing up the Selection Tool that I know of except Blueprinting.

    Have you considered either of these comments? Namely the first one?

    yes im going to redo this for the new API oO

    Sweet! This is the last script I need for my server (provided the new Area Protection plugin currently in work releases soon).

    I hope that the API plugin will "import" existing portals created with the script. :)

    Some other blocks-constructs that would be nice... These may have been mentioned but thought I'd bump the subject for @red51...

    The first block type is one that I think is very much needed. An "Inverse Ramp Half Corner". Basically the Inverse of the existing "Ramp Half Corner". Not sure what the best name would be, but the shape that would fill the hole shown here:

    This block would allow for finishing off roofs meeting at 45 degrees properly.

    The second one may also have been mentioned but.... Adding the "Triangular Planks" that are available in the "Planks and Beams" plugin to the sawbench, but also add one that is a right triangle as well as the isosceles triangle to be able to fill areas like the one below:

    Lastly.... A "Two Tone Block" Basically, a block that can have two different textures on each half (ramp). Another way to be able to fill the same area as above.

    The First one here would definitely be the one most helpful!

    what about if i make it that you only see the message once when you very first join ?

    IMO, if all plugin writers have these login messages, then if you start running enough plugins, any server welcome messages would get scrolled of the top of the chat window or any of the first plugin announcement messages (maybe even your plugin(s)). I think there should be an option to remove altogether. Plugin Developers could "advertise" in their "plugin help" commands.

    But was also thinking that "/delete abs" should delete everything including land and "/delete" by itself should delete everything except land (as with World Edit /clear).

    Also wondering... the "/select area (/select)" appears to work for non-admins. Should this be limited to admins as non-admins should not be using BlockPlacer, WorldEdit, Area Protection or Portals. The only thing bringing up the Selection Tool that I know of except Blueprinting.

    I just tried placing a blueprint and it appears that ChestProtection did recognize the chests. I got:

    placed chest IDXXXXXX now added to your Chest Ownership defalt (sp) pincode = 1234

    I'm not sure btw what/how the pin codes are to be used?

    - ah was using /delete block as that is what it says in the /blockplacerhelp (soon to be /bphelp?) it is indeed /delete blocks

    - Maybe I am using a older version of WorldEdit. When I do "/we clear" it clears all but land/terrain. When I do "/we clear abs" it deletes everything (which makes sense to me abs=absolute)

    From the WorldEdit LUA Script Thread...

    clear [obj|con|veg|block|all|abs] : clear the selected area of (obj)ects, (con)structions, (veg)etations, (block)s, (all), or (abs)olutely everything. (Default all)Ex: /we clear veg

    Gap Implementation - Say you are trying to build a bridge or a wall with wooden planks and you want to be able to make the gap between the planks wider or smaller. Gap implementation functions like the cell padding of a cell in a table. It determines how much empty space goes around a plank on the sides or top/bottom individually. Toggle on or off.

    I believe this is already implemented as well... If you roll your mouse wheel while laying pnb in a line, it adjusts the gap.

    A few of observations/issues:

    - /delete block does not appear to work but /place block 0 does. Would prefer /delete block. Shouldn't "/delete abs" do what "/fill with 0" does (see next comment)?

    - /delete abs appears to delete everything except land. To stay consistent with worldedit, shouldn't /delete abs delete everything including land and have "/delete" (by itself) delete everything except land.

    - Could /blockplacerhelp be shortened to something shorter, like, /bphelp?

    Hmmm. I just tried doing a "/cp lock ID" for the ID of a chest that already exists in my SP world and got:

    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException: 4

    It appears if players start trying to lock existing chests, the plugin will throw an error. If you are not going to somehow add existing chests to the plugin DB, then you will need to handle the attempts to lock existing chests errors with a "You can not lock existing chests. Create a new chest and move contents..." type of message.

    I just tried "/cp lock ID" for a newly created chest that I had done a "/cp unlock ID" and got the same error.