Posts by DaBoiye

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    The game (Kingdoms) gives you the saddle from the get go, even allowing you to press 'e' on the horses to 'insta-tame' them. You can then equip the saddle on them, even being able to access the saddle bag pressing 'e' on the saddle once equipped. (For Rising World I'd expect us to craft saddles from scratch, as it should be.)

    It's going to be awesome to use leather for more than a drinking bag lol. I love processing it and I hope crafting saddles will be interactive and time-consuming!

    I Also think that we should be able to ride horses without saddles, but would be more likely to fall off and break a bone. There's a thought! Breaking bones other than leg bones. While it does sound painful, it would be awesome to break a arm and not be able to use that hand till it's fixed. Or you could use it to "pick strawberries" at a reduced rate, but not to wield a axe, pick or any heavy tool.

    The horse has some interesting controls that I think 'could' work. I did suggest some 'auto-throttle' mechanic for the horse so they could run at a set speed you control. The way Kingdoms does it is by tapping 'W' each step to speed them up, or tapping 'S' to slow them down. I'd say this control set-up could work for Rising World, yet may have to be tweaked in a way that's 'Rising World' specific as to not have anybody cry of plagiarism, or something. That, and it has to work smoothly. The way Kingdoms does it is still rough.

    I find horses frightening, but from the times I've managed to ride one, I've noticed they do have built-in cruise control.

    On the Block Bench there are big blocks of wood listed under the planks. One in particular is a nice brown rough wood that I use on appropriate floors. But, they have to be fit into block sized areas because they are not 'real planks'. I'd like to see these wood blocks as actual planks on the Saw Bench also.

    Actually, planks, beams, and logs can all be spawned in the world through console using "item woodplank 64 131" where 64 is the quantity with texture 131. Also, try this plugin [Plug-in] Planks 'n Beams with ANY (built-in) texture for much easier spawning and also it will take resources unless in creative mode.

    Shingles. A panel of shingle patterns that we could size to fit. Or place singly if we had to.

    This can be done fairly easy with planks, hip roofs are next to impossible tho.

    Spheres in game. And the ability to size them.

    This can also be done with beams, just make yourself a circle and then blueprint it around and around till it's closed up! It doesn't look perfectly smooth, but it works.

    Basic wood and stone blocks about a quarter the size of the ones we have. Not sure if that's possible though.

    Yep, buy some beams from that plugin and resize them to anything you want!

    Arches in various sizes: longer, and or wider

    These are very easy, there is a excellent guide on Steam about circular building.

    More metallic surfaces to build with, besides copper. Like silver and gold.

    YESSSSS :D I want a golden floor for my bathroom!

    Area delete. Like the blueprint command but once the area is highlighted, hit 'delete' and all gone [one pick at a time on a castle wall is a very long job].

    This can be done by downloading the AreaProtection script, creating a area, and cleaning it up. Or you can grab the world-edit or block-placer thing, I have no experience with that myself. :thumbsup:

    I have noticed that sometime since the last string of updates, the player hitbox has been messed up. At first, I noticed it being right at the player's feet, but recently it has been on the player's right hand. It seems to be moving around. This is not a huge problem, except when dueling with another player over a murder of a sheep. While we are on the subject, when will we get a new trade system? The current one seems to be very buggy and at the moment, it is better to simply place the items in a crate on the receiver's land.

    Yeah I have had this issue the whole time I have played, not sure why I didn't report it... you cannot craft anything unless you have a empty slot before crafting, doesn't matter if you are turning a full stack of stone into blocks, or even if the crafted item could simply add itself to a existing stack.

    I will check it out in a bit, thanks! Also, you may want to post the BP with pics in the blueprint channel on this forum, so it's easier to find in the future.

    I would love to see a blueprint of this! I am pretty sure blueprints can hold tons of blocks, maybe there is a limit though... I think I remember blueprinting one of my towers with over 60k blocks... doing it in sections tho would be incredibly easy!

    ps. how many times did you fall to your death during the making of the tower?

    That's strange! Have you tried it with a different keyboard? It must be a hardware problem if you have reset the controls... ?(

    Have you ever had it work before? ie. you know how to do it

    I'm using a computer keyboard, yes I have changed to arrow keys for moving...

    I think the movement keys can be re-mapped. What @Deirdre was getting at was moving your movement bindings to the wasd keys might fix the problem. I have never used right shift to resize stuff, I always use left, so I don't know if they function the same.