Posts by DaBoiye

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.

    Today some of us logged onto fox box and the map was broken! It happened right after the server was updated to the latest hotfix. It seems a new world is spawning right above the existing one in some places. Sorry to ruin your day, Red, but hey! Thats what developers are for! ;P

    Another vital suggestion is a new glass pane. We need one for use in skyscrapers and other modern-looking buildings. The current IDs are good, but we are lacking a smooth, high-gloss, or just a darker one. The "normal" glass ID is too see-thru, it doesn't really work for skyscrapers bc you can see right through and doesn't look like a actual wall.

    Hey, I started this thread to discuss ideas for future animals since obviously the current animal situation needs some help. I feel like with horses/donkeys/mules and camels, the amounts and types of animals will be sufficient. However, the AI needs some work. For one they need to stay in fences and such. And they ofc need to be able to breed and be trained. Cows could be milked and horses/camels/donkeys would need to be trained to be used under the saddle. Also, when pulling wagons, horses should be faster than cows/oxen, but should get tired faster and unable to pull as heavy loads.

    We also need a way to lead/pull/lure animals... For the large animals, we could make a rope with hemp fibers and then chase down a animal and rope it (my inner Texan speaking) And for the small ones, (chickens, rats, snakes) we could simply chase them down and pick them up. Chickens we could stick into crates to haul on wagons. Also, chickens should lays eggs, which could be used in the cooking update to be fried on a stove (in a pan ofc lol) or added to recipes.
    I am really looking forward to crafting wagons, I hope we can make quite a few different kinds, and I hope they will be crafted spinning wheel/smelter style, not blockbench style.

    I wish there was a way to replant the bushes without using Creative Mode. Ofc we could use a sickle on them and they would give 1-2 bush saps. They could also give leaves and/or branches, braches could be turned into sticks, and leaves... well... I'm not sure what we could use leaves for lol. Also, I'm not aware of any way to place a large clump of flowers, only single flowers. Maybe the single flowers could grow to a big bunch, which would look much better for flowerbeds.

    Hmm... I just tested this ^^^^ and it doesn't seem to work! I was positive I saw that info somewhere on these forums... perhaps it was a suggestion. X/

    Here is how it works. When you sleep in your bed it sets that as the spawn and directional point on your compass. When you place a tent/shelter and sleep in it, your spawn is kinda reset. The reason I say kinda is because your compass will then point to your tent/shelter. But, when you want to return to your bed's location, just remove the tent/shelter, and the compass will once again point to your bed. I hope that helps. :)

    I love the new crafting stations! It's awesome that we can interact with these instead of just transferring material into product with a click. I hope the loom will be re-worked sometime to match the awesome tediousness of the spinning wheel. The tanning rack is a awesome idea! it would be awesome if we had to use the hunting knife to get the skin of the animal in the first place. Trust me, it is impossible irl to skin a animal with bare hands lol. And, we should get meat from goats and moose too. I have one question about the player models update, will we be able to change the physique of our characters?

    Hmm, I think I'm going to test my theory... time to make myself two ponds, one dug by hand, one by f5 tools, and I'll report back here in a flash! :)

    Ok... that pond, was it dug out by hand or creative tool? On a castle project we dug a moat by hand and it was basically unviewable from a distance bc the moat was full of those dirt tower things.

    On Serenity Server, our tech wiz SilverSatin waved his magic wand and now rain stays away most of the time. It's a sight to see, the sky darkens... clouds roll in... BAM! clear day once again! "rain rain go away"