Posts by Minotorious

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Well if you enter 1 1 10 that means 1 block length in X, 1 block length in Z, and 10 block lengths in Y.

    if you want to make something small you need to go for 0.1 0.1 0.5 for example

    After the update, the character has become taller. Please, return the previous growth, but because of this, I now can not normally go into rooms with low ceilings. Because of this, I can not climb into the pipes, the character does not fit into the space at all.

    The fact that you could until now do those things at those height was the bug. This bug has been fixed now so unfortunately the only thing I can say is from now on build higher structures :/

    PS: the doors always were 4 blocks high so that should have given everyone an indication of what proper height was for structures. Also remember this is Alpha so things can change over time even unexpectedly.

    On games. When you use any type of vehicle, you see forward, so you see the direction you're traveling in. You don't get in a car and reverse everywhere. On elite dangerous you don't face the back of the ship. That's my point. Not what is the correct way to row a boat.

    This is a good point and I fully understand it. I believe that once the 3rd person camera is implemented then this is going to be addressed as well ;)

    Basically a boat has a bow and a stern. I think he means he sees the stern while rowing, and in RL this isn't correct.
    But actually you can row a boat in two ways.

    As I wrote before a rowing boat is only (properly) rowed with the paddlers facing the stern for them to see what the commander of the boat wants them to do. Maybe a canoe or a small one person vessel can be rowed both ways but most of them are anyway built with the benches so that you have to face the back of the boat to row it properly else you cannot sit right.

    Just looks weird to me, that, you're on a boat but you can't see that you're on a boat. You may as well not have the boat and activate fly mode and fly over the water on the water level. It would look the same. It's like the boat is there, but when you get in it, it's not there anymore. The camera just moves where u tell the invisible boat to go.

    Can you please post a screenshot? as in red's post above you can clearly see the boat the player is in :/

    Hmm... what do you mean exactly? Basically you should be able to see the boat while sitting in it 8|

    The problem is most likely not with your command but with the fact that this plugin hasn't been updated in more than a year with 2 major updates changing a lot of things in the game and Java API in that year.

    tl;dr this plugin most likely doesn't fully function anymore

    • Basically when u row the boat, this should be what you see, in the direction you're traveling. The way this game works, it's like the character is facing the back of the boat (stern?) I've rowed a boat forward before in real life. This is what I saw. Maybe it's different over there in continental Europe. But when we row boats here in England, it looks like it does in my pic.

    Rowing boats/ships since ancient times had the paddlers looking towards the back of the boat/ship.

    This is for practical reasons as when the commander is on the back (where the wheel or the rudder is) and looks towards the front of the boat to steer it and make sure it goes in the right direction he can see the faces of the paddlers and give instructions to them.

    See image below (commander in red, paddlers in green):

    Also see this video of rowing in the Olympics: