Posts by Minotorious

    That is something that if I am not gravely mistaken red has said they will implement at some point. Not only for dangerous animals but for us who want to have more peaceful ones :P

    For now you can use the console to spawn in some animals but if you are in survival mode be prepared to run instantly :D

    the command is spawnnpc AnimaName and you type it in the console not the chat.


    i purchased the game through steam and i have 4 computers, do i have to purchase the game 3 more times to put it on
    my other computers?

    yes you can install it on as many computers as you want but you can only play on one computer at a time from the same steam account no matter if you want to play different games on the different PCs. Each steam account can only have 1 active gaming session with any number of games running but on the same PC.

    well if they are using the same account then there is really no way to avoid them getting your things, for chests maybe you could try the Chest Protection plugin but I haven't tested it myself yet.

    if they are using different accounts you can use the Area Protection script to set up areas around your buildings and then not include them in the area so they will be able to go in the area but not able to open doors or pick items from chests etc. Though if they are admins on the server/LAN game then there is no way to lock them out since they will be able to just add themselves to the areas.

    Ich finde es schön wenn ich, im Spiel alles in meiner Sprache habe. Da wird das Spielen nicht durch übersetzen unterbrochen

    das stimmt bei mir nicht, ich finde es besser wenn alles auf Englisch sind (und nicht auf Griechisch, meine Muttersprache).

    Hastest du die Umlaute in der Deutschen Sprache, berücksichtigt?

    Ich hab keine Ahnung ob die Umlaute in der Portale Namen problematisch sind. Aber niemand hat gesagt, dass er/sie derartig Probleme mit dem Plugin hat. :/

    Der Plugin nutzt eine db mit ein 'Name' VARCHAR(64) field, dieses field sollte (theoretisch) alle ASCII Zeichen akzeptieren ohne Probleme zu haben. Auch der Plugin nutzt ein PreparedStatement deswegen du kannst speziele Zeichen wie ', %, ;, ", usw. in der Portale Namen haben.

    ja ich sollte eine Deutsche Übersetsung schreiben, im kurtz:

    1. nutz /portal select (links click Portal Startpunkt, links click Portal Endpunkt)
    2. nutz /portal create Name
    3. geh an dem Endpunkt das Portal teleportieren an soll
    4. nutz /portal settarget PortalID (du bekommst die Portal ID wenn du das Portal mit /portal create Name erstellst, du kannst alle IDs in /portal list sehen)

    What about the item and ore IDs questions? :D I know it was very early in the morning when you replied red :P

    Small question, when using the .insertNewItem method of the Inventory Object, do I have to use the Item ID found in the Items table in the definitions.db or the Item ID found say in the Constructions table for woodbeams/logs/planks/etc.

    e.g. for woodplanks, ID: 760 or 2

    Also what about objects? Can I add them to a player's inventory or not since adding an "objectkit" item doesn't really allow me to specify which object I am adding.

    For ores should I use the Item ID of ore i.e. 309 and the texture IDs found in the ItemInfo Table, itemtexture field?

    Yep I saw that too, seems a bit counter intuitive that childs are not added together with the parent element. Though if that is how red want's to have it you can just run a loop to add all elements to the player's UI. Don't think that takes so much more time computationally.

    Item item = chest.getItem(1); this is the Correct Syntax.

    yes this is the correct syntax but that 1 is the slot number in the chest so to access all items in a chest one by one you should use a for loop around that item line.

    like this:

    int SlotNum = chest.getSlotCount()
    for (int i=0;i<SlotNum;i++){
    Item item = chest.getItem(i);
    //do whatever you want to the current item here

    It's basically a bug in the dungeon generation. They're supposed to be all underground with only entrances at ends of some caves. However sometimes these stick out of the ground a little. Personally I think it looks cool. I hope we do get a proper surface entrance someday.

    Yeah I like them too :D Then you break down a wall and go down the huge staircase to find a dungeon :D

    I doubt these plugins are in fact under the CC licence. I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere that any of the common CC, ShareALike or GNU rules obligatorily apply.

    But if the developer is nice enough they might share the code :)

    Though considering Miwarre has been away for quite a long time, I think it would take you less time to reverse engineer the jar that to wait for his answer.