Posts by Minotorious

    your problem is in the spezial perm file. Use this instead of what you wrote: (i.e.first the deny all statement and then the allow some statement)

    Good thoughts. Let's see what red's opinion is on this :)

    For example, a checkbox component child to a panel does not have the same state on Player1 than on Player2, so why would the parent panel be updated on both players at the same time? If UI elements are properly cached on the client and synchronized with the server, there shouldn't be memory leaks and performance should not be impaired by it whatsoever.

    What I did to prevent this was to add the whole GUI panel as an attribute (player.addAttribute(panel)) to each player when they log in to the server so this way all players have their own instance of the GUI and when I update/change it in some way for one player it doesn't update for all others.

    for a start add a password to the admin account on the computer and of course don't tell them the password :D

    then install the games on the admin account only and create a second account for them to do their homework, kinda like a guest account but with a few more privileges for them to be able to open an internet browser if they need it or word/excel/powerpoint/etc.

    Another solution is to block all games using an antivirus so that they require admin password to launch. Again they would need to be on a non admin account to prevent them from playing.

    What plugin have you coded that uses the GUI API?

    One that you shouldn't be aware of yet. :P Not public as it is still in development.

    Also note that nearly half of the the listed plugins that do have a GUI are written by Miwarre... And only 2 or 3 others are significant enough that a change would break their UIx. All the others are basically only labels and single menu panels.

    I would never use another player's plugin as the base for mine. One cannot be sure that the other player will keep updating their's for mine to work. Thus I only use the RW GUI whenever I need to display something.

    The biggest problem we will have on our server if the RWGUI is changed is that the teleport plugin will stop working (since the dev has stopped updating it) so I will be forced to write a new one, and I don't want to have to do that atm.

    But, hey! whatever, right?

    Exactly. Whatever, will get used to it. As an engineer I have learnt to get used to the way things are no matter how weird or counter intuitive I find them and not "complain"/expect the minority to change when something is just different from the majority of other similar things.

    Or am I really the only one finding an issue with this?

    tbf I have no idea why you are finding this an issue. It is really not that hard to figure out where the coordinates are, just a matter of willingness to get used to a different system.

    The most straightforward way to design anything imo is bottom to top and left to right, I find the top to bottom to be the "weird" way :/

    wow ok has never taken me this long to find a place even on SP :/ max 1-2 hours even w/o fly mode on my survival worlds.

    well what you can do is ask for a smaller area and then once you build it get either an extension or a second area on a different location.

    No moving claims is not something we do on AR. First you build the area you claimed and then you get extensions or new claims.

    well depends how much time you take to choose the claim. If you gather 5-6 hours of playtime w/o picking a place then well that is not acceptable since the first rank is at 8 hours of playtime, but taking 1-2 hours to pick a claim is ok.

    That is why we have the portals to take you out to areas far away where you can easily find open unclaimed land.

    Well in AR specifically we have a ranking system, you cannot get ranked up w/o picking a spot to claim, this is how the server is set up and we cannot start making exceptions to the rules because then everyone will want to become an exception.

    Yes you don't have the authority to place custom 3D models on AR because we don't have the ObjectLoader plugin installed, that is mainly because it saves the objects in the world database and we don't want t rink it getting corrupted.

    If you really want to display custom 3d models then you should probably use SP for that museum and post screenshots thereof. I don't think there is a server out there that allows them.

    It's possible. Just extract /data/assets/models.jar AND /data/assets/textures.jar

    by extracting and repacking these two files you can not really add new models and textures to the game, instead you can replace the existing ones with your new ones. So if you replace the sheep model and texture with a car model you will have small cars moving around in the place of sheep, there is no way to keep all the existing models and add new ones this way.

    You can use the java API to create a plugin to safely add new custom models (one such plugin exists and is called UserObjectLoader, haven't tried it yet myself). red51, i.e. the developer has recently added support for blender models to be added to the game through the API. Unfortunately these models will be static unless you create pathing functions for the models to move around. This is also possible through the plugin API.

    Here is a link to the API and a list of the functions you will most likely need:
    WorldElement to use the setPosition() etc. methods
    World3DModel extends the above class and enables you to add the game model, texture etc.

    well the blueprint texture editor is not a plugin, thus not found in the plugins section of this forum but the mods one.

    It is a standalone application thus not accessible through the game.

    To run it simply double click the .jar file, no need to move it to a specific directory or extract it or do w/e else you might do with it.

    Das Plugin funktioniert jedoch

    ja das GUI öffnet, wenn du /pnb im chat schreibst aber du kannst Planken, Balken, usw. nicht bekommen :/ Wenn du gm 1 mode nutzt, dann braucht der Plugin kein Holz/Stein. Probier es mal in einer Test-Welt (nicht ein deiner Hauptwelten)

    das nicht genug Stein oder Holz vorhanden ist.?

    Die Item IDs sind beim red51 geändert und der Plugin kann das neue Holz/Stein/usw. nicht finden. :/

    Miwarre hasn't been online for months.

    I do not see any github or other links to the source code in this thread so unless you have a link to the plugin's code that I am not aware of I will not bother with decompiling the plugin just to see part of the code and then have to figure out the rest :D

    I did check Miwarre's github repository and he only has the code for RWGUI not the PnB plugin uploaded there :/