Yes, sharkbitefischer may allow that for now
[Plug-in] Planks 'n Beams with ANY (built-in) texture
Is there an update planned for the pnb plugin. Seems to be messed up with the update.
Yep! I was recording a tutorial on how to make a river down a mountain and everything was normal, but when I used PNB, the screen updated and everything disappeared from the inventory. Even the stone ax.
I really like PnB and I can not imagine playing without it. The front end makes my life easier.
planks turn out cloth logs turn out rolling pins and beams nuke your inventory.
it seems lkei this plugin is abandoned, i havent seen mirwari in the fourums in two months, still waiting on the nw AP plugin, too
Too bad I'm not a programmer. I would adopt this project.
if we had the source code I am sure it is just a matter of changing 2-3 numbers to get it working again, but we don't
if we had the source code I am sure it is just a matter of changing 2-3 numbers to get it working again, but we don't
Too bad I'm not a programmer. I would adopt this project.
I'm Barely getting My economy Plugin to work, oh well -
if we had the source code I am sure it is just a matter of changing 2-3 numbers to get it working again, but we don't
Red51 said Miwarre made it "open-source", if you have technical knowledge, you can continue the project. I
would help if it were something easy to learn. -
Miwarre hasn't been online for months.
I do not see any github or other links to the source code in this thread so unless you have a link to the plugin's code that I am not aware of I will not bother with decompiling the plugin just to see part of the code and then have to figure out the rest
I did check Miwarre's github repository and he only has the code for RWGUI not the PnB plugin uploaded there
Miwarre hasn't been online for months.
I do not see any github or other links to the source code in this thread so unless you have a link to the plugin's code that I am not aware of I will not bother with decompiling the plugin just to see part of the code and then have to figure out the rest
I did check Miwarre's github repository and he only has the code for RWGUI not the PnB plugin uploaded there
Could someone with more community time try to get in touch with him?
Assuming, of course, that this address belongs to him.
Anybody know how to create a glass triangle? Or where to find the ID for glass? (I thought I knew, where to look in the game files, but I'not finding them now.) I also want to try this:
Red51: (from changelog 4-20-17) [New] Experimental "id" command to change the texture id of the current construction element on the fly
Also, I saw Wolle on YouTube playing with the new SIZE command. This works on Elements but not blocks, correct? I want to try that as well. Curious to know if you can grow a beam in one direction so it's going to snap to an end (which would have been a middle) 90° from where it would normally. I'll just have to get in there and try it.
Looking for a list of any new commands ... particularly for construction. Is there one?
There is no way to apply glass textures on construction elements
Dang. Well, I was hoping I was wrong. Maybe he'll add a glass triangle some day! I need one badly!
Speaking of triangles, I wonder if anyone has made a geodesic dome?
Could someone with more community time try to get in touch with him?, of course, that this address belongs to him.
i have been trying to contact Miwarre Thu facebook with no luck, it seems he might be away or busy or something else might have happend to him oO
imbed the glass inside the block or pnb to hide the extra glass to fake a triangle
Dang. Well, I was hoping I was wrong. Maybe he'll add a glass triangle some day! I need one badly!
Speaking of triangles, I wonder if anyone has made a geodesic dome?
Ich kann keine Planken, Balken etc herstellen. Das Plugin funktioniert jedoch. Obwohl ich die erforderlichen Rohstoffe habe, wird angezeigt, das nicht genug Stein oder Holz vorhanden ist.? Was kann da falsch sein.
Das Plugin funktioniert jedoch
ja das GUI öffnet, wenn du /pnb im chat schreibst aber du kannst Planken, Balken, usw. nicht bekommen
Wenn du gm 1 mode nutzt, dann braucht der Plugin kein Holz/Stein. Probier es mal in einer Test-Welt (nicht ein deiner Hauptwelten)
das nicht genug Stein oder Holz vorhanden ist.?
Die Item IDs sind beim red51 geändert und der Plugin kann das neue Holz/Stein/usw. nicht finden.
As a temporary workaround, we updated this plugin until @Miwarre comes back
Thank you! -
Auch hier hat Red51 ganze Arbeit geleistet dazu vielen Dank.
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