Posts by Minotorious

    hmm ok so let's say I change the tomato thirst restore value from 20 to 50 in my local definitions database. Then I connect to a server which is using the unchanged definitions database, as you said I will get an "illegal state warning" which I ignore for now. Then I go on and eat a tomato, how much thirst will that tomato actually restore? 20 or 50? or will I get another illegal state warning the moment I eat the tomato?

    Thanks for the quick reply :) Now another question on the same topic but server side this time :P

    so then if I go to the server commons.jar and change the values there, will my changes apply to all players or will the players get errors when trying to join my server because of the mismatch between their client's commons.jar and the server's one?

    @red51 I had a thought and wanted to ask you before I try anything stupid, what would happen if I changed the values in the definitions.db e.g. the food restore thirst/hunger values (what I mean is to take the db out of the commons.jar, then change the values and then put it back in the jar)? would my game work but with the new values (at least in SP) or would I actually break the game completely?

    I am sorry but there is no way to know what is causing your fps to drop from two screenshots.

    General advice would be to update your graphics card drivers, install any pending windows updates. I cannot help any more without a full log (that would show me also what graphics card/driver you are using and more.)

    Please do the following:
    1) navigate to your Rising World directory
    2) open the file with a text editor (e.g. notepad)
    3) change the setting called game_debug_console=false to game_debug_console=true
    4) run the game in windowed mode, then switch to fullscreen mode, move around a bit, wait 10 seconds and close the game
    5) go to the Logs folder in your Rising World directory
    6) sort the list by date
    7) upload the latest log file here

    hmm weird...if the game crashed a file named "errorlog_somenumber" or "hs_err_pid_somenumber" should be there...

    ok If there is no such file then turn the logging on (as I said above), reproduce the issue wait 10 seconds and upload the log (from the Logs folder) here.

    Eitherway the fps issue and the steam API crash are two completely unrelated problems.

    ok that is a steam API related error, could you upload the "errorlog" or "hs_err_pid" file? there should be one named like that in your game files. That will provide more information.

    enable the debug console (set game_debug_console=false to true in the file), start the game, switch to fullscreen mode, once you start getting the fps lag wait 10 seconds and close the game, then upload the latest log file here (which can be found in the "Logs" folder in your game dir)

    I had to curse at how these stupid things rotated, yet stumbled across 9 & 3 on the num pad were able to rotate the stupid things around upward & downward (what I was seeking), not spin them in a circle. I wanted up & down movement on these things to make a walkway ramp, and such, yet they kept spinning on me in a bowl manner frustrating me. When you change the orientation I should still be allowed to use up & down arrow keys to bring the stupid things up and down, not 9 & 3 for alternate orientation. I now however know how to use this so let's see how complex I can build now.

    use "rotation local" (in the console), then rotating becomes much easier in some cases, you can go back to the old system by "rotation legacy" afterwards.

    But yes the planks/beams/logs with all textures as well as the woodplanktriangle should eventually be available through a crafting bench and not a plugin or (for admins) the console.

    So I was bored yesterday and decided to remake the Portals script in a plugin. It works a bit differently (thus you cannot use the old database) but I think it is quite simple to get a hang of :)

    Available Commands: (admin only)

    Please note that all commands should be entered in the chat (T key) not the console (`/~/^ key depending on keyboard) ;)

    /portal select, enables area selection tool
    /portal create name, creates portal from the selected area with the specified name
    /portal settarget PortalID, sets the destination of the specified portal to the current position of the player
    /portal remove PortalID, removes the specified portal completely
    /portal list, displays a list of all already defined portals
    /portal show, shows portals in the world
    /portal hide, hides portals in the world
    /portal cancel, disables area selection tool

    How it works:

    1use /portal select and select an area no smaller than 1x1x3 (length x width x height) from the floor
    2use /portal create Name_of_your_portal to create the portal
    3go and stand in the place you want your portal to teleport to and type /portal settarget Portal_IDNo (you will get a message with the ID number of your portal when you created it, else you can use /portal list or /portal show to see it)
    4your portal is fully functional, hurrah! :D

    As always please report bugs/problems for me to fix.

    Have fun :)


    • Portals.jar

      (30.98 kB, downloaded 1,375 times, last: )

      (12.21 kB, downloaded 554 times, last: )

    I think a getChunk (new/old) method should also be added to this event since getting just the block position is not sufficient to figure out where the player is in the world. :/ Unless this Event is meant to be used in a way I haven't figured out yet :D

    Learning to use the tools is one thing which you can start even now, but you cannot at this point add custom inventory items or world objects. The closest you can get to those is adding custom 3D models but they cannot have animations and they can only have an action upon a player interacting with them or/and an action upon a player hitting them (e.g. with a pickaxe)

    Das ist wirklich seltsam :/

    Kann es an java liegen? Vielleicht läuft auf dem Server kein Java?

    Kann nicht sein, weil das Plugin in SP funktioniert, und weil das Spiel im Server läuft so java ist da installiert.

    Könntest du ein Screenshot von deinem Server Ordner machen (du kannst auch es bei mir als pn schicken)? dann kann ich vielleicht mehr helfen. Hab jetzt keine andere Idee worüber das Problem sich befindet :/