Posts by Minotorious

    Was mir allerdings schon ein paarmal passiert ist, dass bei mir manche Sachen nicht umgefärbt wurden, sondern ich das
    Teil erst ansehen muss, also Rising World schließen, öffnen usw.
    Ich vermisse eher einen Done-Befehl, also in der Blaupause alle Teile wunschgemäß geändert, fertig, speichern.

    Wenn du was änderst, du musst dannach Next oder Previous drucken. Die zwei machen das "Speichern" ;)

    Eine deutsche übersetzung (was man evtl. im Programm umstellen kann)

    Ich probiere das für die nächste version :)

    Dieses Plugin funktioniert vieleicht auch nicht mit MySQL Datenbanken, ich muss mehr testen. Kennst du wie ich ein Test-Welt mit MySQL und nicht SQLite Datenbank erstellen kann? :/

    You want to send a message to another fellow player but they are offline? Look no further the MailingSystem can store your message and send it to them once they come online. :)

    Wollt ihr eine Nachricht an einem anderen Spieler schicken aber er/sie offline ist? Das MailingSystem kann deine Nachricht speichern und automatisch schickt die, wenn er/sie online kommt :)

    /mail lookup string, returns all player names starting with the specified string to make sure you got the name right ;)
    /mail send playername message, sends a mail message to the specified player
    /mail group playername1,playername2,etc. message, sends a mail message to the specified players. Note: no spaces between playernames
    /mail admins, sends a mail message to all admins. Please do not abuse!
    /mail sendall, sends a mail message to all active players (admins only)
    /mail reload, reads the file again to reinitialise the plugin settings without the need to restart your server (admins only)
    /mail read, displays all unread messages and then deletes them from the list

    Settings File: (
    PluginTextColour=[#00D2FF] -> general plugin text colour (hex colour code)
    MailMessageColour=[#FF8800] -> message text colour, used to make the text a bit clearer (hex colour code)
    MailDeletionPeriod=30 -> time that should pass before an unread mail message is automatically deleted (in days)
    ActivePlayerPeriod=14 -> a player is considered active if he/she was online less than this number of days ago (in days)
    MailReminderTimer=1800 -> sends a message to all players who have unread mail every this many seconds (in seconds)

    that could work (didn't think of it, I will give it a try thanks :) ) if the game uses the name of the folder to determine which plugin goes first, if it uses the name of the main class (found in the yml file) then one would have to change thins in the code and recompile it, in my case I can do that if needed but if one of the plugins was written by someone else then I have no control over the name of the main class

    Is there any way to influence the order plugins get loaded in a server? From my understanding currently they load in alphabetical order or?

    To explain the reason behind the question, we have a messaging plugin that sends messages to players when they spawn (player spawn event) and we want to add a plugin that should again send a message to players on login (again spawn event) but I want that plugin to always send the messages after the other and not before as it currently does. 1st plugin named ServerTools, second plugin named MailingSystem. (so M sends messages before S when I want S to send the messages before M)

    We thought of adding a short timer to the second plugin's messages to make that happen but we are looking for a smarter solution that that :D

    thanks, glad you find it helpful.

    The source code is not that complicated in this plugin, all it does is a simple SQL query on the world database. See below a simplified example that does what you want (it is missing some safety nets but should work):

    nice idea but a reward system like that would possibly mess with an economy server's banking (animal buying/selling) system (since players would be able to obtain extra animals through your plugin instead of buying them the "correct" way). I do not run an economy server so doesn't affect me as much but I would recommend you add a small setting to turn the reward system on or off.

    keep up the good work :)

    sure do, always have the console on when I play :)

    hmm weird the forum will not let me upload it even though it is only 1.4MB

    I copy pasted the important bit below but if you want the full log I can email it to you :)

    client raycast: 32 v_maple1 (Geometry) 32 2.1318824
    client raycast: 32 v_maple1 (Geometry) 32 2.1236906
    client raycast: 32 v_maple1 (Geometry) 32 2.1236906
    client raycast: 32 v_maple1 (Geometry) 32 2.1236906
    Vegetationremove: [-18] 44 -17 0 -146 - 4200 22600 4600 (cut: true)
    CreateChoppedTreeElement: 5978
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 42.76101
    TreeFallingControl removed!
    client raycast: 32 v_maple1 (Geometry) 32 2.868468
    client raycast: 32 v_maple1 (Geometry) 32 2.8458555
    client raycast: 32 v_maple1 (Geometry) 32 2.8458555
    client raycast: 32 v_maple1 (Geometry) 32 2.8458555
    client raycast: 32 v_maple1 (Geometry) 32 2.8425481
    client raycast: 32 v_maple1 (Geometry) 32 2.7982018
    Vegetationremove: [-19] 44 -17 0 -146 - 4200 22600 4600 (cut: false)
    pickup 10475 [10475]
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 4.3242435
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 6.342956
    ChoppedTreeDestroy: 5978
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (1):
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 863
    at com.jme3.util.SafeArrayList.get(
    at commons.c.a(SourceFile:550)
    at commons.c.a(SourceFile:550)
    at commons.c.a(SourceFile:550)
    at commons.c.a(SourceFile:550)
    at commons.c.renderScene(SourceFile:533)
    at commons.c.renderViewPort(SourceFile:644)
    at commons.c.a(SourceFile:698)
    at commons.c.render(SourceFile:685)
    at commons.JIWApplication.update(SourceFile:341)
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(
    at Source)
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 4.1504164
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 863
    at com.jme3.util.SafeArrayList.get(
    at commons.c.a(SourceFile:550)
    at commons.c.a(SourceFile:550)
    at commons.c.a(SourceFile:550)
    at commons.c.a(SourceFile:550)
    at commons.c.renderScene(SourceFile:533)
    at commons.c.renderViewPort(SourceFile:644)
    at commons.c.a(SourceFile:698)
    at commons.c.render(SourceFile:685)
    at commons.JIWApplication.update(SourceFile:341)
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(
    at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(
    at Source)
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (2):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (3):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (4):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (5):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (6):
    Application SEVERE: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    Error occurred during application-update (7):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (8):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (9):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (10):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (11):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (12):
    pickup 10476 [10476]
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (13):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (14):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (15):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (16):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (17):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (18):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (19):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (20):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (21):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (22):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (23):
    af.c WARNING: Pickup Item was null 10,476
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (24):
    Application SEVERE: Error occurred during application-update (25):
    content.Game SEVERE: Fatal error occurred:
    Error occurred during application-update (25)

    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 5.6844225
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 5.6844225
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 5.6844225
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 5.6844225
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 5.6844225
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 5.6844225
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 5.6844225
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 5.6844225
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 5.6844225
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 5.6844225
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 5.6844225
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 5.6844225
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 5.6844225
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 5.6844225
    client raycast: 1 geometry (Geometry) 1 5.6844225
    HIVE Disconnect
    [UPTIME: 12706s] Disconnected from: /
    HIVE ConnectionError
    TcpConnector gracefully closed
    TcpConnector gracefully closed
    TcpConnector gracefully closed
    Closing socket for: /
    Closing socket for: /
    Closing socket for: /
    Closing socket for: /
    destroyed errorhandler...

    oh no these are not corrupt XD you have two options:

    1) just hit the side of the void with a pickaxe and the void will go away :P (also using F5 ->1 or 2 would work) also in the case of stone the sledgehammer would also work while in the case of dirt the rake or hoe would instead)
    2) relog that will also fix them

    what do you mean by corrupted chunks?

    and to answer your initial question no you cannot in any way blueprint terrain. Though you can create terrain to custom fit your needs by using creative mode tool F5 ->1,2

    @Kryssi_79 I saw your code (decompiled the jar to look inside) and I noticed you are using the world database to save your objects. Even though you are creating a new table in it that is a huge no no for a number of reasons:
    1) you never know if the developers will add a table with the same name you are using in the future thus causing errors for the world
    2) you may accidentally alter something else in the world database thus rendering the specific world corrupt (I trust you know how to code well enough but you never know with these things, at some point an accidental "feature" could be introduced)

    I would recommend creating your own database to hold the model information :)

    So here is the error log, no big problem just occurred today when playing in MP and thought I should report it. It was a simple ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception but you can see that in the log too with more info :)

    It occurred right after I cut a tree in logs (i.e. not after I cut the tree from the stump but when I cut the actual tree after it fell to the ground).