Posts by Minotorious

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    for placing blueprints you can press the J key then select an item from your list and then place it you can then repeat the process for a second item by opening the journal again and selecting the other item from the list.

    If you want to create a new blueprint after having placed one you can either destroy and create a new blueprint item or drop it (default Q key) and pick it back up.

    @yahgiggle no no what @Jon_miner said is exactly what we want to do and were wondering how to do it. To explain it a bit more:

    1) we have set up a world permission group called "visitor" for new players
    2) we want all visitors to be able to take things out of a chest which is inside a protected area (without us having to add them to it as they come online)
    3) we don't want visitors to be able to destroy the chests or otherwise damage the area

    This had been done in another server but noone remembers how it was done.

    I like the idea about making copper and iron more distinguishable from one another, but copper would look really weird if it were found as greenish ore (yes oxidised copper is greenish but that is not pure copper, copper can also be blue as copper sulfate but again that is not pure copper). Another idea would be to make copper lighter and iron much darker than they currently are.

    Well then the only other explanation I can think of for this is that the server world was at some point for some reason corrupted causing this effect. It is really worrying to see this happen, If it is a world problem I trust icon can find the source of it in the server logs (at least if you know when exactly it happened else it would take forever to look through all the logs).

    hmmm haven't seen anything like that before :/ I think Red would have said something if they had introduced a decay mechanic in the game.

    have you tried the common solutions, i.e. reloging, deleting cache, restarting server, restarting steam etc.?

    Also were these buildings whole at any point? because BPing huge builds sometimes causes parts not to appear properly.

    There are two ban commands, one available through the console and one available through the chat. The latter is from admintools and is also available offline.
    I know you can see the ban list through the server RCON but I don't know where the actual information is stored. Have you looked through the files in the game directory on the server?

    There are 3 things you should see on the compass, a red arrow, a white arrow and a small red arrow. The red arrow always points north, similarly the white arrow always points south. Now the small red arrow points to the direction of your "spawn on death" point.

    that is because posters are not included in need to download the images and upload them yourself ;)

    most people include the images they used in their posts as further attachments to the .blueprint file

    oh that is caused by having blocks placed too close to the surface under a tall grass area. What you can do is use the F5 "paint" tool and paint the region short green grass that way you avoid the flickering tall grass texture but your area looks like it has been mowed. Else you can place your roof blocks a bit lower below the surface

    all lights bleed through walls atm. That is sometimes annoying but also sometimes wanted too. For instance if I want to have a medieval setting but like a blue light effect at some point I can stick a blue light inside the wall to achieve it while the light itself remains unseen. On most other occasions lights through walls are just a nuisance.

    Unfortunately it has become frequent. It would be interesting to prioritize a single player mode to quench the urge to play.

    what has become frequent? the game crashing, not starting or other? If that is the case you can create a new thread and upload the error log for one of the devs to look at.

    how about outside the Logs folder? no files named errorlog or hs_err_pid ?

    another suggestion would be to delete the cache folder in your RW directory. (it will be recreated the next time you launch the game)

    can you go to the rising world directory in your steam files and upload the error log (should be in a directory path like this: D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\Logs)? without a log it is quite hard to figure out what is going wrong ;)

    i would just type "island" in the seed box instead of the number it has. maybe that will spawn you on an island :/ no clue about the size though...