Posts by Minotorious

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    yes the Return (or Enter) key activates modular placement mode, that means that planks/beams/logs follow preexisting planks/beams/logs so that to perfectly align with them.

    e.g. a beam will align on the surfaces of other beams (similarly for planks on planks and logs on logs)
    a plank will align inside a beam with the wide side along its long side
    a log will align inside a beam along its long side

    for the error you can start the game and when it crashes or w/e else happens just quit and go to the RW directory in your hard drive and fetch the error report, then upload it here for someone to take a look at it (maybe better start a new thread in the client help section of the forum)

    hmm have you tried many different seeds? because we generated a world for a server a few days back and we have found about 10 lakes already in a few hours of flying around the spawn. (I can ask for the seed if you want to try it out)

    also note you can type "lake" in the seed box to create a world with the spawn next to a lake.

    just a few small comments from my understanding so far:

    1) the devs seem to want to keep this game realistic, thus fantasy creatures would probably not fit in that objective (If you mod them in that is another thing).
    2) this is more of a creative building game than a survival game at its current state which many people here like and push to that direction more than the survival one.
    3) armour will be added at some point (the character slots have been in the game for quite some time now) thus more creatures to fight should be coming as well whatever they might be (i wouldn't bet on zombies or dragons though)
    4) I don't think this will ever become a pure survival game like many others that already exist, the construction system is too immense to just throw away by forcing people to think if they are going to die every second (be it from starvation/dehydration or random beasts attacking their settlement)

    no it's the first time it happened...yesterday all water home screens were loading properly...I can try to restart the game a couple of times to load different ones to see if it happens every time or not.

    @red51 here is another bug for you to fix :P

    So now it seems that when you open that chat with T and try to close it with Enter without typing any characters in it doesn't close but remains open for you to write. (it still closes if you press Esc or just click with the mouse)

    I don't know how easy or not this is but I would like to at least have flowers appearing in blueprints, I like creating flower patterns and it is annoying not being able to blueprint them around but having to build them from scratch every time. Other terrain would also be welcome too (for instance if I like a mountain and want to move it closer to my village :D )

    My main suggestion thus is to introduce a new Blueprint (maybe called Terrain Blueprint or something like that) able to include terrain, maybe even only be able to include terrain.

    I would suggest you also upload the RW system log to help with solving your problem, you can find it in the RW directory under: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\Logs (this is if you have the steam version of the game)
    You can see in it what the last entries are before a crash and if they are always the same or not.

    Just a side note, Mac computers have had quite many more problems with RW than other systems so far but the devs have been trying to fix every issue that arose promptly.

    just thought I should report something I noticed today, if you use a blueprint in an area you are NOT a member of the blocks appear but all other construction elements do not. Don't know if this is a bug introduced when the block rotation came into the game :/ Eitherway thought I should write it here in case you didn't know about it. Hope you find a way to fix this :)