The console is the server, ofc it shuts down if you close it. To leave it on you have to leave your PC on at all times there is no way around that unfortunately.
Posts by Minotorious
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are you an admin? are you inside the area when you type that?
what are you typing exactly? "/createarea AreaName" should work
But the current one is working. Most of the servers use it and have been using it for quite a while
to add something, the word "Blueprints" is case sensitive and should be written exactly as in @Lady_whynot 's screenshot above.
is the word admin with red letters next to your name when you open the TAB window? If yes then you are a server admin and the admin.permissions apply to you by default you don't need to put yourself in that group that is why you are not in it when you relog.
If you want to create a separate admin group then you should name it something other than admin i.e. even Admin would work I think
Blueprinting builds isn't really affected by any of the graphics settings with the possible exception of the LOD distance (Level of Detail) which shouldn't be a problem unless you have manually lowered it very much.
If your build is too big then you should try to get it in pieces (i.e. multiple smaller blueprints) instead of just one blueprint because even if you manage to get it whole in one blueprint then when placing it parts of it will not appear and be missing from the build.
Das kann nicht so sein
Ich habe die player.getInventory().insertNewItem() benutzt und sie funktioniert und speichert alles wie normal
world is the most important folder that contains your world database and all the information coming with it. This is recommended you back up once a week so in case shit happens and at some point it will happen your players don't lose a lot of progress.
Then if you use posters the customImages is important to keep the images your players have uploaded, else they will have to upload them again so not such a huge deal tbh.
just use allow: -* for all the permission sub-groups like this:
Code -
hmm this is not an error coming from the game, it must be coming from some other plugin/script listening for commands and randomly throwing it in. I saw in another thread you posted the list of plugins your server is using can you also post the list of scripts and which version thereof you are using?
What is the exact (word for word) message they get? can you post a screenshot from the game?
Are they doing it in the chat and not the console? The plugin commands are chat commands and as such the player's don't need any server side permission to use them.
There might only be a plugin side permission you need to change, for that consult the plugin's thread as well as any config files in the plugin's directory on your server.
then they are not in a perm group and should be able to do anything they want on the server. Are you playing in LAN mode with friends or in an actual server because that shouldn't normally happen.
in front of the name? did it also say it in the TAB window?
if you remove the group files from the server and set in the newplayergroup=NOTHING (literally nothing not the word nothing) then noone should be getting any groups anymore. For the people who already were in groups you need to run this command when they are online "setplayergroup PlayerName NOTHING" (again literally nothing not the word)
admin_all_permissions gives admins all default permission settings as explained in the permissions section of the forum.
changing a permission group of an admin (by admin I mean only classic admins set in the file not the admin perm group) to a group with less permissions denies them the permissions not allowed by that group until they relog, once the admin relogs they have all admin permissions again even though they will still be in the lower group.
ok I thought so, unfortunately something like this is impossible to achieve with a callback. Which event exactly are you using? maybe we can find a way around it.
The way I would go about doing something like this is to cancel the event then open the GUI to wait for the answer and then do what the event was supposed to do with my own method manually. But that depends on which event you are using and if the API currently permits doing the wanted process manually.
Depends on what you are doing exactly, e.g. if you are waiting for player input before cancelling the event then that it done via a callback so you can't be sure it will be executed before the player has actually finished doing whatever they were doing to trigger the event.