I appreciate the 3x Coal underneath on both might confuse things. But that was just by chance!
Posts by yahwho
@red51 yes I know about the 1-2 seconds feature
the second item was added about 5 minutes later
hehe and there's the magical fix
Look forward to seeing this complete
ist sehr gut
Hi guys,
There's nothing wrong with the API GUI features. My servers' custom GUI is working the same as before?
It sounds like the plugin developers need to take a look and fix their plugins, I doubt this is something Red can magically fix.
Hi @red51 I'm using this code to add gems to a players inventory:
When a player finds a gemstone and they currently do not have one in their inventory the notification shows correct ( 1x Emerald * )
However, the second one found shows up at ( 2x Emerald * ) even though only one is added to the inventory (meaning they now have 2).
@red51 will there be an world temperature one too?
A new hotfix will be available tomorrow
Thanks for the heads up! Yep one gemstone down, 9 more to go.People get minerals on your server?
Yep, there have been gemstones for quite some time now but they were instantly sold. Red's new update makes it way more fun now as they go into your inventory instead. -
Hi @red51
Custom items are bloody awesome addition
thank you! I'm sure the folk on Medieval Realms are going to love getting their gemstones in their inventory instead of instantly being converted to cash.
One problem though, the stacks spit fine, but when you try to stack them back up they won't stack until you close the inventory down and re-open up. A wee bug I think?
@red51 were these made available on the last API update? Can't find a getWetness accessor method
You know what,I was being a bit thick and hadn't reloaded the new API class into NetBeans.
Hi @red51
Just taking a look through the new API as we speak - loving some of the new additions
especially inside the Player class.
I am however yet to discover how I can hide the inventory screen. If I find out how, I will update this post, otherwise in the meantime it would save me quite a lot of time if I could be hinted as to how to achieve this. As you may remember I have a GUI confirm screen when accessing chest storage and my GUI confirm appears behind the RW GUI effectively making it somewhat challenging to use
Don't get me wrong @yuleses I see your point! Things like "take all" when looting needs to be added too.
Question on the animal re-spawning: Am I right to believe that the animal NPCs will spawn in any unmodified chunk (on some random basis) and there is no configuration required (so long as we want to keep the default re-spawn rate)?
Also, would it be possible to get the bandits to spawn during the day too? If this isn't yet possible, what time frame is considered nighttime?
And most importantly; a great job there @red51 ! Thoroughly enjoyed my first new dungeon experience!
[New] Animals / NPCs can now respawn after a given amount of time
[New] Animals usually spawn in small herds now
This is going to make a HUGE difference to MP servers! -
It doesn't have to be as binary as you suggest. Fully loading a smelter all at once is nothing compared to being able to hold a stack of logs in 1 slot, a stack of rocks in another, several tools, stacks of planks, and still have empty pockets to spare. But that does bring up a good idea.
Well maybe if the developer agree with you and yuleses you'll get the feature.
To be honest that's part of the game! Maybe someone could write a plugin to do this? But imo manual loading of furnaces is part of the survival experience, if you don't want that maybe try playing in creative mode? No need to fill furnaces then.