Posts by yahwho

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Thanks Moonwillow!

    No way about rats! I ended up using a poster and a PNG graphic of one. I've been using this spawn commands list some-commands-to-spawn-objects and I did I Ctrl+F but couldn't find any rats. Guessing that list is a little outdated. . .

    I've actually found a map using the seed "Australia" - it's got a real potential. Beautiful harbour location, flat lands but a little hilly, nice forest too. I'm going to take my first build as a learning curve and this second one is going to be the "serious" one.

    This game is awesome :)

    OK so this is my first ever go at anything like this, but I've thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Alas though I'm going to have to retire this project and move onto a new one as I want to make it even more realistic and that just isn't possible with my first builds location (I've just read up about map seeds - how very cool!).

    The current location up on a mountain just doesn't allow me to make certain things; a moat - which every good castle needs, farming land, a nearby forest for wood, exterior curtain wall, etc.

    Things that I would love to see this game have are; NPCs, more animals (like rats for my dungeon - please please please), sound effect objects (like sticking a special block somewhere and if you are near it you can hear certain audio effects like dripping water, creaking), mountable weapons (thinking armoury room), a well for water, oh the list goes on!

    Anyways, here's what I've knocked up! Comments (incl. criticisms are welcome).

    Just want to say keep up the good work to the devs! This game is brilliant!

    The building is so easy to use and feels really intuitive.

    And the ability to mine and manipulate the ground is fantastic!

    I've spent all weekend building a castle - much to the missus' approval (I'm surprised to say) and it's by no means finished - such plans! :D

    One thing I would love to see in this game is some NPC characters I could spawn.

    My castle is looking fantastic - just feels a little empty without any souls moving around it.
