Hi Guys!!
When playing multiplayer, how does the whole day/night and sleeping thing work? I assume your time of day must be different to others on the same server?
Hi Guys!!
When playing multiplayer, how does the whole day/night and sleeping thing work? I assume your time of day must be different to others on the same server?
OK I've done this so far. . . (been reading Permission system)
It's hard to know what the options are as I'm not sure of any resources to check apart from this forum and all the available options don't seem to be listed. . . (a comprehensive set of examples would smashing:)
I guess currently I would like to know;
1. if it's possible to turn off the console for users? (I guess this is my most important question)
2. if it's possible to set it so that you can't destroy objects/blocks that someone else placed? I see there is destroyblocks, destroyobjects under world permissions but I assume this means for everyone including a users own blocks / objects?
Also, in my server.properties file I've set server_world_disabled_dungeons=underground,underwater,surface but there still appears to be surface dungeons albeit without chests in them?
OK I've deleted database and created a new seed. Seems to have solved that one.
Thanks! Will take some testing I guess
Ok so the server is all up now.
Any idea when the beta server files are available so I can connect to it?
Hi everyone!
I love this game. As it turns out I may have a spare Dell Power Edge server that I could donate to the community as a permanent dedicated server.
She's an old girl with a 2.4 GHz Xeon X3430 Processor with 8GB memory with Server 2012 Std.
Q1. I've seen that the game was originally using SQLite but it's now recommended to use MySQL, first of all I take it there is no problem with me using MS SQL Server 2017 Express edition instead?
(I've seen the config file now, so I'll KIS)
Q2. Is it possible to block certain objects in the game? I want to make this a medieval / castle building server and I don't want modern objects allowed.
Did you buy the game recently? Your talent is amazing! Congratulations! Question: Have you tested Planks & Beams ?
Yeah I bought the game just over a week ago now.
Built two castles so far but still very much learning - both with just simple blocks.
I've currently made a new creative flat world which is going to be my "workshop" to start creating blueprint ideas (replicating the fireplaces and crenellations manually in the first ones was very time consuming!)
I've only just learned about Planks & Beams and still getting my head around the orientation controls.
But I've seen on these forums and YouTube the things that some of you guys are making with them - I'm really impressed!
This really is an awesome game and it's only limited by your imagination.
ho lol fonctional latrines?
The current gatehouse - castle coming soon!
Fully "functional" fireplaces and latrines
Love the castle!!
Cheers Elspeth!
That's the mark one Mark two (current build) is even bigger the current gatehouse is even bigger than the first whole castle.
I don't seem to be able to stack items such as raw bacon, tomatoes, etc. Not really played the survival before so I don't know if this is supposed to happen?
I don't even notice the half naked guy when inventory is brought up.. it's kinda like how I tune out automatically during ads on tv.. I don't even notice it
Your selective observational powers are impressive.
P.S. Great work Red51!
Is there a way to turn of the avatar image when you go into your inventory? Don't really want to see a half naked man each time I go in there
Also: don't know if this is supposed to happen, I usually use creative mode, but is the light facility (L Key) supposed to work in survival? Feels like I'm able to cheat. . . and I'm a sucker for temptation.
Two as in it's been updated
For all you old school (true) gamers