Welcome to Meltron's wall of text!
Basically a lot of commands you won't even need Also I have not even figured out how to get the different block types X/ But red does not recommend spawning blocks and stuff directly, so use all these commands carefully! (= don't blame me if something goes wrong). But I have found some unused Items you can spawn
This list is also not really sorted, so use [Ctrl] + [F] to search for an object quickly. Might update this at some time
Fireplace: object fireplace
Cooking grill: object fireplacegrill - Must be placed over fireplace
Cooking pot (grill): object fireplacecookingpot - Must be placed over fireplace
Modern grill: object grill
Smoker: object smokergrill
Spawn an animal in front of you:
Goat: spawnnpc goat
Pig: spawnnpc pig
Cow: spawnnpc cow
Sheep: spawnnpc sheep
Elk: spawnnpc moose
Fox: spawnnpc fox
Rabbit: spawnnpc rabbit
Bear - obviously prepare yourself to run or enable peacefulmode when useing spawnnpc bear !
Lumber: item lumber 64
Stick: item stick 64
Lightbulbs: item lightbulb 64
Fluorescent lamp: item fluorescentlamp 64
Dirt: item ore 64 1
Grass (2d texture only): item ore 64 2
Stone: item ore 64 3
Gravel (unused): item ore 64 4
Farmland: item ore 64 6
Mud (unused): item ore 64 7
Snow (unused): item ore 64 8
Sand (unused): item ore 64 9
Dry dirt (unused): item ore 64 10
Sandstone (unused): item ore 64 11
Clay (unused): item ore 64 12
Untitled #1 (looks a bit like the stone blocks): item ore 64 13
Untitled #2 (looks a bit like the stone blocks): item ore 64 14
Stone right from hell: item ore 64 16
Ores (can not be placed):
Coal (unused): item ore 64 15
Iron: item ore 64 -101
Copper: item ore 64 -102
Aluminium: item ore 64 -103
Silver: item ore 64 -104
Gold: item ore 64 -105
Tungsten: item ore 64 -106
Cobbalt: item ore 64 -107
Crafting stations:
Workbench: object workbench
Sawbench: object sawmill
Blockbench: object blockbench
Anvil: object anvil
Furnace: object furnace
Torchs: item torch 32
Flashlight: item flashlight 1
Penlight: item sticklight 1
Torchmount: item torchmount 64
Torchmount for walls: item torchwallmount 64
Wooden torchmount: item torchwoodmount 1
Gardentorchs: item bambootorch 16
Jackolantern: item jackolantern 1
Big metal torch: object bigmetaltorch1 1
Modern ground lamp: object lamp2 1
Modern stick lamp: object lamp4 1
Big vasetorch (weeeeeeeeeee): object vasetorch1 1
Big stonetorch : object stonetorch1 1
Pillar stone torch: object stonetorch2 1
Lantern: object lantern1t 1
Obscure lantern: object lantern1g 1
Round lantern: object lantern2t 1
Obscure round lantern: object lantern2g 1
Pickaxe: item pickaxe 1
Axe: item axe 1
Sickle: item sickle 1
Scythe: item scythe 1
Rake: item rake 1
Sledgehammer: item sledgehammer 1
Hoe: item hoe 1
Blueprints: item blueprint 1
Components for tools:
Pickaxehead: item pickaxehead 4
Axehead: item axehead 4
Sickleblade: item sickleblade 4
Scytheblade: item scytheblade 4
Rakehead: item rakehead 4
Sledgehammerhead: item sledgehammerhead 4
Clock: item clock 1
Compass: item compass 1
Sword: item swordiron 1
Battleaxe: item battleaxe 1
Hunting knife: item huntingknife 1
Rolling pin: item rollingpin 1
Morningstar: item morningstar 1
Components for weapons:
Morningstarhead: item morningstarhead 1
Other items:
Poster: item poster 1
Metal components:
Ironplate: item ironplate 64
Ironrods: item ironrod 64
Copper plates: item copperplate 64
Copper rods: item copperrod 64
Aluminium plates: item aluminiumplate 64
Aluminium rods: item aluminiumrod 64
Silver plates: item silverplate 64
Silver rods: item silverrod 64
Gold plates: item goldplate 64
Gold rods: item goldrod 64
Tungsten plates: item tungstenplate 64
Tungsten rods: item tungstenrod 64
Construction elements:
Woodplanks: item woodplank 64
Woodbeams: item woodbeam 64
Glasspanes: item glasspane 64
Windows: item windowX 64 - Replace X with 1-4
A unreleased version of a triangle made out of woodplanks (can be sized and rotated as well): item woodplanktriangle 64
Apples: item apple 32
Watermelon: item watermelon 1
Slices of watermelon: item watermelonpiece 8
Raw bacon: item baconraw 16
Cooked bacon: item baconcooked 16
Burned bacon: item baconburned 16
Raw beefsteak: item beefsteakraw 8
Cooked beefsteak: item beefsteakcooked 8
Burned beefsteak: item beefsteakburned 8
Raw ribs: item ribsraw 1
Cooked ribs: item ribscooked 1
Burned ribs: item ribsburned 1
Tomatoes: item tomato 32
Carrots: item carrot 32
Tent in a bag: item tentbag 1
Shelter: item shelter 1
Plants (can not spawn other plants it seems):
Pumpkins: item pumpkin 1
Purple: item flower1 64
White: item flower2 64
Orange: item flower3 64
Blue: item flower4 64
Yellow: item flower5 64
Red_51: item flower6 64
Not yet working:
Night-vision goggles: item nvg 1
Wooden hammer: item mallet 1
Map: item map 1
Flare: item flare 1
Toolbox: item toolbox 1
TNT: item tnt 1
Pumpkinseeds: item pumpkinseed 64
Watermelonseeds: item watermelonseed 64
Tomahawk: item tomahawk2 1
Two-sided Tomahawk: item tomahawk1 1
Dirt: item ore 64
Stone: item ore 64 3
Treelogs: item treelog 32
Lumber: item lumber 64
Maplesaplings: item maplesapling 32
Pinesaplings: item pinesapling 32
Carrots: item carrotsapling 64
Tomatoes: item tomatosapling 64
Table: object table 1
Wider but shorter table: object table2 1
Chair: object chair 1
Shelf: object shelf 1
Bed: object bed 1
Piano: object piano 1
Armchair: object armchair 1
Couch: object couch 1
Vase: object vase 1
Roundtable: object roundtable 1
Sidetable: object sidetable 1
Gardenchair: object gardenchair 1
Gardentable: object gardentable 1
Small gardentable: object gardentablesmall 1
Desk: object desk 1
Small table: object smalltable1 1
Round, small table: object smalltable2 1
Officechair: object officechair 1
Bench: object bench1 1
Small table: object smalltable3 1
Small triangle table: object smalltable4 1
Curtain: object curtain2x2 1
Window blind: object windowblind2x2 1
Radiator: object radiator 1
Kitchenet A: object counter1 1
Kitchenet B: object counter2 1
Kitchenet C: object counter3 1
Kitchenet corner: object countercorner 1
Kitchenet sink: object countersink 1
Half kitchenet: object counterhalf 1
Third kitchenet: object counterthird 1
Kitchenet open: object counteropen 1
Kitchenet table: object countertable 1
Toilet: object toilet1 1
Toiletpaper: object toiletpaper1 1
Sink: object lavatory1 1
Radiator: object radiatorbathroom 1
Modern: object shelf2 1
Improvised: object shelf3 1
Ladders (small on standard):
Wood: object ladder1 1
Old (wood): object ladder3 1
Metal: object ladder4 1
Doors:(Standard = random texture, you can stack multiple door, if youre-enter the command - use the up arrow to get the last used command):Single wooden door: object door1 1Metal door: object door2 1Broken metal door: object door2b 1
Bed: object bed 1
Wooden bed: object bedold 1
Metal: object bedmetal 1
Double metal bed: object bedmetaldouble 1
Old chest: object chestold1 1
Modern chest: object chestmodern1 1
Meta chest: object chestmetal1 1
Barrel: object barrelwood1
Gift: object gift 1
Marketstand: object marketstand 1
Ceilingfan: object ceilingfan 1
Large trashcan: object trashcan2 1
Small trashcan: object trashcan1 1
The wooden cross that spawns when someone dies: object grave1 1
Destroyed shelter: object shelter1b 1
Stone statue: object statue1 1
Wood throne: object throne1 1
Stone throne: object throne2 1
Even: object banister1 1
Even, high: object banister2 1
Slope: object banister1b 1
Handrail even: object banister2 1
Handrail slove: object banister2b 1
Rail 2X2: object graterail2x2 1
Grate 2X4: object grate2x4 1
Grate 2x2: object grate2x2 1
Grate 2X1: object grate2x1 1
Grate1X1: object grate1x1 1
Wood grate: object woodgrate2x2 1
Broken wood grate: object woodgrateb2x2 1
Cover 1X1: object vent1x1 1
Used cover 1X1: object ventb1x1 1
Cover 2X1: object vent2x1 1
Used cover 2X1: object ventb2x1 1
Ingots (thanks to yahgiggle for this!):
Iron: item ironingot 64
Copper (orange): item copperingot 64
Aluminium: item aluminiumingot 64
Silver: item silveringot 64
Gold: item goldingot 64
Cobalt (blue): item cobaltingot 64
Mithril (green): item mithrilingot 64
Orichlacum(brown): item orichalcumingot 64
Javanium (pink): item javaniumingot 64
Tungsten: item tungsteningot 64
Block variations: