Posts by Avanar

    Well, isn´t that obvious? Because at some point we need i.e. oak wood to produce oak wood blocks. This isn´t a feature yet but it will be. Most likely when other stuff is available in game that allows travelling more easily. It would be a bit annoying for survival players if they see a wonderful texture in their building menu but can´t select it because they are in arctic regions while they need wood from the savanna, with only few means to get it.

    Yeah unfortunately in this case the incense stick is just way too small to embed a fire into it.

    there's a couple of things I've made and am planning to make that I'm designing to be able to use particle effect generators, block rotation, etc. in the future once Red gets it implemented. That should be able to be scaled down enough for this.

    I didn't try with objects but can't you shrink the fire, blueprint it and then struck it even more?

    Objekte, wie z. B. Möbel werden nicht übernommen. Bilder auch nicht.

    Die texturen sind nicht identisch, daher wird das Spiel für due Blaupause die am nähesten rankommende texture in unity nutzen.

    Das kann im Einzelfall anders aussehen als in der Java.

    Ansonsten... Einfach versuchen

    Actually I absolutely hate working in tiny because it's so hard to see the blocks, pivots, etc. but that's why I suffer, so others don't. lol

    Ooorrr... You build the stuff with bigger parts and later shrink it via blueprint

    Sometimes I show such things to friends and I am astounded that they are not as amazed as I am. In their defense, they do not have the understanding of the time it takes to place the intricate details of this column head. It is a true work of art.

    I guess that depends on how creative they are. If they are more into action they might admire someone doing a no arms, no hit speedrun in a souls game. Which i personally can't find any interesting aspect on.

    Still it's great that you can admire that blueprint. It's really wonderful

    Was fooling around with making an intricate detail to a column. This takes a lot of small pieced manipulated by hand. Would interested in finding a simpler solution or if the game has or will have the ability to manipulate a sphere for example like can do to the terrain. That is move small sections in and out of the surface like carving stone.:thinking:

    i don´t think so. This idea came up before but back then it wasn´t possible (technically). But with the posters we can add carvings without carving. not perfect but something.

    Other than that you could make some paterns just once and blueprint them. That makes a tedious work a bit less tedious (on the long run)

    Right Control pressed down once will turn manual positioning on..... keeping right control down will turn the poster on it's Z AXIS when using the arrow keys.

    To move the poster up and down the only way to do it is right control once to turn manual positioning on and then hold down left control and press num key 8 or 2 to move poster up or down.

    That was my problem... i forgot about left control and it was not in the settings menu.

    With right ctrl and page up/down you should be able to achieve the same result

    Another example:

    Primary set to low/flat and secondary to high could cause volcano like areas with a caldea in the middle.

    Basically the primary slider defines a few spots on one island, while the secondary defines everything between the area set by primary.

    Could also work on ocean level, so even in the ocean area single peaks could pop up every now and then

    I am struggling a bit to find a world with just the right amount of mountains and hills.

    Could it be possible to have 2 sliders for that upon world generation?

    Like one primary and a secondary.

    If primary is set to i. E. High mountains, Huge mountains will be created.

    The secondary slider set to low, would cause that each high mountain is surrounded by flat lands.

    That is what I would be looking for:D

    Funmichi, i think you missunderstand my point or i didn´t make it very clear. :)

    We both fully agree on voluntarily giving away our creations for the succes of this game. But this needs to be legally settled i think. If your creation is used in the vanilla-game by a company, whichs goal it is to earn money, shouldn´t you get a share of that? After all you potentially invested hours and energy to create something someone else is now using without any effort.

    For that there are license-agreements and this needs to be agreed upon. Otherwise someone probably could sue JIW at some point for using their creations.

    That is also the reason why pictures, music, etc. can´t be copied or uploaded by the vanilla-game - because of the copyrights.

    It is a totally different matter though if JIW gives us a possibility upon world creation to define which blueprints should be included in the world generation. Which i think is the goal of Red and his team

    there is a reason why even "free" content has a license. before red could implement these the creator would need to give authorisation under this license as otherwise jiw would have a benefit from the creations of others without paying them for it.

    i don´t say it is impossible, i just remark that it is not as easy as you might think.

    i also share my blueprints (some of them) here on the forum for others. but it is a totally different matter if someone is using them in a commercial way, which would be the case if red is implementing them into the vanilla-version of the game.

    Hallo red,

    ich spiele mit der neuesten Verion.

    Das ist genau genommen keine Antwort auf die Frage. Die allermeisten Hoster bieten aktuell nur die Java-Version an, da diese noch die offizielle ist und auch beworben wird. Diese wurde aber seit 2020 oder so nicht mehr upgedatet, weil Red und sein Team das Spiel von Grund auf in Unity neu aufbauen.

    Die Unity-Version ist seit Dezember 2020 als Beta-version verfügbar. Aber Betas werden bei den meisten Hostern nicht berücksichtigt. Ich hab grad selbst mal geschaut, es steht leider nicht dabei welche Version bei 4NetPlayers angeboten wird aber ich tippe stark auf Java.

    Es wird wohl noch etwas dauern bis die Unity-Version bei allen Hostern verfügbar ist.