Posts by Avanar
I saw your post on steam. I guess its solved?
I write this in English as i hope to reach the feedback of most players.
i also hope i express myself well enoughOk, so we already have i. E. Chairs ingame. We can sit on them. That's an already working mechanic.
I would like though to design my own chair. I can do that with pnb but sitting on it doesn't work as the game doesn't recognize it as a chair.
I could of course place a regular chair and make pnb overlap the original one. But that's just a workaround.My suggestion is to have a ghost shape of a chair that is giving the frame for it. When using pnb we would have to build the chair within this premade frame. Only stuff that is placed within the borders of this frame will be recognized as chair.
When done we would have to "finish" or masterpiece somehow, so the game transfers everything that was properly placed within the frame into an object (chair).
The frame would prevent we build a carshaped object and call it chair. And it would ensure the game won't have any collision or interaction problems.
Once the masterpiece is labeled as finished we couldn't treat it as pnb anymore but only as the object that we originally chose.
Chairs are just an example of course. Could be also doors, grill, etc.
Naja. Momentan gibt's nix wirklich einzigartiges.
Sollte es mal soweit sein muss man beim Umzug halt prios setzen.
Aber aktuell sind viele Steine das wertvollste das ich mir vorstellen kann.
Und mit nem blueprint würde ich nur einmal ne Kiste füllen und dann mehrmals hinstellen. Das ist quasi creative.Admibs die selbst creative spielen können sich den Inhalt der Kisten selbst zaubern, ohne blueprint.
Das vervielfältigen sehe ich bei deinem Vorschlag am kritischsten.
Damit würde man aber das bisschen survival in rw umgehen.
Gebäude zu blueprinten ist auf Servern eh nicht immer möglich. Aber wenn man Kisten mit Inhalt so kopieren könnte, wären die Server die das erlauben auch nur creative mit Umweg.
Ich finde es ganz schön sich für Sachen erarbeiten zu müssen.
Und wenn man umzieht auch alles mitzunehmen. Im Zweifelsfall halt mehrmals laufen oder Prioritäten setzen.Aber mehr Taschen und Rucksäcke wären toll
I didn't want to offend you. I'm sorry if that sounded like this.
Game time is connected as by time you know the problems in a game.
But im not sure what i see on your picture. My only guess now is that perspective is playing tricks on you before placing it.
My attempt to understand the problem would be to check the perimeters, attach in different angles to see if its a problem only on this angle.
Also to use another pnb type,Hard to explain though.
Good luck with it. I hope you find a solution
Could you post a video?
I have never encountered such behavior and have 600+hours in this game.
With my last described method it surely works. Pnb have no hitbox then and will move to the place you direct it to.
Make sure you don't have the enter key (modular building) activated.
If this is done a simple right click will put the pnb in place. It will not move by itself. Or at least never heard of it before, neither happened to me.
Probably you miss click somehow or hit right ctrl again or have modular building on. Something that way i guess
Did you fix the plank in place with right ctrl and then used keys to adjust position and angle?
It should work that way. After all you can move planks inside other objects too like this.
Wäre nett. Bis dahin könnte man das aber auch mit postern machen
Did you maybe have modular building (enter key) enabled?
I assume stand alone, not via steam?
Don't be so rude. The dev has already offered that he would exchange the key to steam version under some conditions.
Who knows.. Maybe its your hamster that didn't run fast enough in its wheel?
If you want a fix, provide more info
Did you use right ctrl to keep it in place?
I have the skeleton of a huge ship ready for some time already but keep failing over the hull planks. I just don't manage the planks in correct angle at the front.
Drives me crazy. Until i learn better i chose to do other tasks
Nice idea...Hmm... Is this meant ironical? Because its from my side a serious answer.
I have started building anew many times. Each time i learn to do it better. Especially pnb.
Hm. Difficult. Find other spots for building, try out other building styles, fill your buildings with npc with different look and clothing...
I think Red announced hell hounds for hell.
A bit more tough hostiles would be nice. I'm sure it will come in time.
Until last patch armor didn't provide any real protection. -
Master planks and beams with all its possibilities and functions.
Rw is a sandbox game. Its made to get your own goals.
But in a later stage of development it is planned to be able to set own quests and goals so others can achieve them.
If done as blueprints this could be awesome -
Most of the stuff will get added
Danke red. Wieder was gelernt
Also patchnotes gibt's hier im forum ganz oben und auf der Shopseite von RW auf steam.
Einfach n bisschen durchscrollen. Red hatte gesagt es können standalone und steam user zusammen spielen. Von daher sollte das irgendwie gehen