Posts by Avanar

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    meanwhile I'm right because it does not work, so if I had bought it was the same, and even red51 has not always managed to solve this problem even with an official version, think what you want it is not my problem, I asked for help, not your opinion! A demo should always be available to avoid what I'm doing, and I myself will be happy.

    the game is working just fine. only you dont get it to work. most likely because... *drums please* its a pirated version.

    how can someone be that ignorant?

    you are doing something illegal - the dev is not in duty to keep you from it. there are other way to find out if you like this game or not (ways that were mentioned several times but ignored by you completely).

    please do us a favor and record your next trip to the car seller when you tell him you want to give the car back because you don´t like it.

    Or even better when you carry your stolen TV to a store and say you dont want it anymore because its not what you expected and that next time tehy should give you the TV for free in order to try it.

    you really entertained me very well this evening, thank you :P

    It is hard to believe that someone really is posting such bull***t.

    This is the time of the internet (2.0 or are we already at 4.0?)... you can inform yourself in such high detail about a game that pirating it to "try" it is completely unnecessary. Videos, reviews, posts on several forums, etc are witness about a game even more than you can ever test in a few hours.

    Or are you stealing a TV before you go to a store and say "hey, i stole a tv last week in your store and now wanted to pay for it as it is what i expected".

    Buy the game! its worth it - totally worth it - and its not expensive.

    Beside that this is not a game from a huge moneymaking industry but from a very small indie-dev. pirating such games is embarrassing and a big shame!

    @red51 please log / delete this thread and ban this account. i can´t believe really whats going on in such people mind.

    To run the program you will need to start a console, cd to that the chosen directory and use the command:

    Yea, i agree with ArcitcuKitsu - im probably too stupid to understand this instruction. how do i hopen a console on windows 10?

    I guess on Windows 7 i would open the DosBox with "CMD" but in Windows 10? I used Powershell and entered the java-string you mentioned for Windows but it just gave me an errormessage.

    Could you please explain a bit more detailled - for dummies like us? :)

    Thanks a lot!

    Sollte so sein. Dafür gibt es den "Seed".Trotz des gleichen Seeds erscheint die Welt nur anders, weil der Spawn an einer anderen Stelle liegt.

    bist du dir sicher? ich bin der meinung, dass der spawn trotzdem immer an der selben stelle liegt (ausser man verändert ihn manuell).

    also wenn ich das was der OP meint richtig verstanden ahbe möchte er eine "standard-karte" die immer gleich ist. aber dazu könnte er jeden seed nehmen den er möchte.

    anders wäre es (und vielleicht kommt das noch) wenn von JIW aus eine karte als "standard" definiert werden würde und dort evtl schon gebäude und dergleichen stehen. aber das gibt es ja (noch) nicht.

    thats possible already.

    either you spawn them via the console (command would be i.e. woodbeam 1 115 to spawn 1 woodbeam with texture nr. 115)


    you download the plugin "Planks and Beams" - then you can enter /pnb in the chatwindow ingame. A GUI will open for you to choose the plank/beam/log/window in the desired texture.

    Ja, öfter ne Info wäre schön. Aber wie man es macht ists falsch

    Red schreibt update kommt im Mai. Dann wird es evtl doch noch verschoben auf Juni und schon ist jeder enttäuscht.

    Red gibt ja immer wieder kleine Bonbons raus, was als nächstes kommt, wann etwa, etc.

    Ist halt nicht einfach. Nicht jeder hat die reife genug Geduld aufzubringen ;)

    Und bevor red seine kostbare Zeit einsetzt vielleicht - Ankündigungen zu schreiben bin ich dafür er arbeitet am nächsten update und es kommt wenns fertig ist :P

    Mir ist aufgefallen, dass dieses durch Wände leuchten reduziert werden kann indem man mehrere lagen z. B. Planks einfügt. Es kommt nicht auf die dicke an, sondern die Anzahl der Elemente.

    Damit kann man verhindern dass das b Licht durch Wände scheint.

    Aber n Lichtschalter wäre sehr schön

    I agree more vegetation would be great. Red stated more is ready but since such update would likely cause problems with old worlds he prefers to wait until more content is ready si he doesn't have to damage our worlds too often

    Wallpaper can be done with posters. On a server might cause problems but single should be okay.
    Otherwise also pnb can help here

    Turning posters... I think you have to do this before uploading. Then just import it.

    Ingame you could put it in a frame, blueprint it and then try turning that way. Not sure but it ut might wirk

    I write this in English as i hope to reach the feedback of most players.
    i also hope i express myself well enough :)

    Ok, so we already have i. E. Chairs ingame. We can sit on them. That's an already working mechanic.

    I would like though to design my own chair. I can do that with pnb but sitting on it doesn't work as the game doesn't recognize it as a chair.
    I could of course place a regular chair and make pnb overlap the original one. But that's just a workaround.

    My suggestion is to have a ghost shape of a chair that is giving the frame for it. When using pnb we would have to build the chair within this premade frame. Only stuff that is placed within the borders of this frame will be recognized as chair.

    When done we would have to "finish" or masterpiece somehow, so the game transfers everything that was properly placed within the frame into an object (chair).

    The frame would prevent we build a carshaped object and call it chair. And it would ensure the game won't have any collision or interaction problems.

    Once the masterpiece is labeled as finished we couldn't treat it as pnb anymore but only as the object that we originally chose.

    Chairs are just an example of course. Could be also doors, grill, etc.

    Naja. Momentan gibt's nix wirklich einzigartiges.

    Sollte es mal soweit sein muss man beim Umzug halt prios setzen.

    Aber aktuell sind viele Steine das wertvollste das ich mir vorstellen kann.
    Und mit nem blueprint würde ich nur einmal ne Kiste füllen und dann mehrmals hinstellen. Das ist quasi creative.

    Admibs die selbst creative spielen können sich den Inhalt der Kisten selbst zaubern, ohne blueprint.

    Das vervielfältigen sehe ich bei deinem Vorschlag am kritischsten.

    Damit würde man aber das bisschen survival in rw umgehen.

    Gebäude zu blueprinten ist auf Servern eh nicht immer möglich. Aber wenn man Kisten mit Inhalt so kopieren könnte, wären die Server die das erlauben auch nur creative mit Umweg.

    Ich finde es ganz schön sich für Sachen erarbeiten zu müssen.
    Und wenn man umzieht auch alles mitzunehmen. Im Zweifelsfall halt mehrmals laufen oder Prioritäten setzen.

    Aber mehr Taschen und Rucksäcke wären toll