Posts by angriff

    There is an issue with AutoLevels (yahgiggle) plugin. I have the same problem, among other things in regard to this plugin (like flooding my server and eventually crashing it with repeated DB hits if I have many players on and I do not reboot the server (players will also get spammed with 'permission have changed' message until they relog). See here WARNING: [UdpSessionHandler] Unable to find ClientConnection for null
    To make the group stick, you have to 'reloadplugins' via console .. then it will stick after you move them into group again .. but it's only temporary, as next time they relog, the same p[roblem will come back even when the group is configured as 0 0 as stated in the docs.

    I am going to switch to the AutoLevel included with MIno's ServerTools plugin with the hopes that one works better.

    Link Please?

    Ok so I create this special group and put a player into it using the console. I see he changes he gets new permissions then Autolevel returns him to the previous group. It is a 00 group and it returns him to my highest 8888 group :S?(

    I had to hard code the database and reset all the groups to see if it would work..

    Thanks.. it is all jibberish to me.

    Poor ABM guy.. really nice plugin. People have fun with it. I have had the most issues with it. Itwould be nice if you could have a cost to Cattle breeding etc which would make it more important for certain players to do that.

    Here was a screenshot. I dont see any errorlogs. The regular log has some activity around one of the logins.

    Client 4 send ReturnAuthenticationMessage
    PLAYER CONNECT: loadtrain
    CREATEPLAYER: loadtrain (76561198245160090)
    LOADPLAYER: loadtrain (76561198245160090)
    2018/04/18 11:44 AM: Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 110000110fb249a - 110000110fb249a OK
    SERVER: REQUEST MODEL INFO 0 net.risingworld.api.utils.ModelInformation@b07935fc
    SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 1 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@780b5dfb
    SERVER: REQUEST MODEL INFO 0 net.risingworld.api.utils.ModelInformation@b07935fc
    SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 1 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@780b5dfb
    SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE INFO 0 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@40233b9e
    SERVER: REQUEST MODEL 0 net.risingworld.api.utils.ModelInformation@b07935fc
    SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 1 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@780b5dfb
    SERVER: REQUEST MODEL 0 net.risingworld.api.utils.ModelInformation@b07935fc
    SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 1 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@780b5dfb
    SERVER: REQUEST IMAGE 0 net.risingworld.api.utils.ImageInformation@40233b9e
    2018/04/18 11:44 AM: Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: 110000110fb249a - 110000110fb249a AuthTicketCanceled
    CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: Connected -> Disconnecting
    CLIENT 4 CHANGE STATE: Disconnecting -> Disconnected
    REMOVE: - 4 -
    [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] /
    [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] / 11:44 AM
    [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] /

    INFO: Delete Client ID: 4
    [EndAuthSession] 284894362

    PLUGIN EXCEPTION (AnimalBreedMaster, 0.70.0, Carsten) ---->
    at pluginapi.manager.PluginGuiManager.unregisterPlayerWithElement(SourceFile:60)
    at pluginapi.objects.PlayerAPI.removeGuiElement(SourceFile:905)
    at carsten.risingworld.abm.AnimalBreedMaster.removeGui(
    at carsten.risingworld.abm.AnimalBreedMaster.onPlayerDisconnectEvent(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at pluginapi.PluginEventHandler.triggerEvent(SourceFile:206)
    at G.f.clientDisconnected(SourceFile:1628)
    at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.fireChannelRead(
    at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.channelRead(
    at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.fireChannelRead(
    at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.channelRead(
    at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
    at io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory$
    at Source)

    [TcpSessionHandler ExceptionCaught] /

    I have been on my server just piddling about several times when someone logs on. There is a flurry of Java script errors then they log off. I find this quite disquieting. It does not happen all the time for everyone. I want to know if these guys are trying to crash my server or something worse? Anything out there that has happened to confirm this sort of paranoia?

    Remember just because I am paranoid, it does not me they are not out to get me. 8|:S

    Would be nice to attach woodplanks and beams to doors so that the artist can make slightly different doors with textures and decorations. Right now the any enhancements to doors stay in place when the door opens. I see many fake doors people generate and it is really interesting but they don't open. I can see furniture makers making cabinets with smaller doors that are textured so that would cool too. :thumbsup::thumbup:

    There are so many creative builders here I am sure they would be interested in making stained glass windows for their Churches and fancy buildings. Making small items like wood that acts like colored glass would be a boon for those artists. 8o

    Another thing the PVP game needs is an attractant to players. Currently the worlds are HUGE and I mean HUGE. This disperses players who want to be far enough away to not be detected. However, this provides a game exciting while the player initially builds but seeing other players requires an active campaign. Right now the populations of servers is very low less than 10 players spread out over hundreds of km does not make for much chance they will be seen. The remote player can make everything he needs to live and even the glory of special armor is done in secret in dungeons.

    Therefore there needs to be an attractant that makes players chance of getting specialized or buying specialized equipment or supplies a risk. The dungeons are not the answer at all unless the entire premise for the game is fight zombie NPC in the dungeons alone. There is a fine line and the devs will have to see what they want as too much a requirement for teaming up will push off the players who want the risk to survive while they build nice structures. Possibly a reward for structures above ground could be in order. Players building grand battlements have a higher chance of survival in their above ground home but there needs to be some functionality requirements.

    Possibly the size of a farming lands for a large structure would be interesting. That is if you have a large structure above land you get certain crafting resources easier but the large structure requires you to have a corn field that is 75 by 75 blocks with hundreds of corn plants to sustain it. Add water requirement storage to the mix and you have a fight for resources.

    None of this may ever be put in but the idea of making players have increased chances of conflict will help the PVP game. Having requirements for large structures such as farming and water will also help the raiding type conflict. Caution to the havign things destroyed while offline frustration is always in order for this line though. 8|

    I just was perusing the blueprint forums and actually took the time to erect a few on my server to see what they looked like. I was amazed at the artistic aspect of many of of the structures. The intricate details that players went to in the medium of flat, round and stubby wood or blocks is amazing. The devs need add a method for signatures in these works of art. It is in total Awe that I salute you all. 8o:thumbup:

    They can add so much beyond the PVP aspect that attracts game players.

    You can use the RCON tool to copy messages easily from the chat :) It can run in the background as you play without a problem ;)

    To lock the chat open just press T and don't press Enter again, the chat will remain on until Enter has been pressed

    Ok I guess I need to read about RCON in the users manuals ?( But the T thing does not work I never hit Enter again I alt Tab out and it goes away while I am on another application. I watch it go away.

    I have german players on my server and in order to communicate I have to cut and paste in the chat to a translator. Well I cannot cut from the chat line so I have to window the game with the translators and retype the german responses. The problem is the chat goes away all the time. So I have to switch back to get it to reappear for typing..

    Is there a way to lock chat on temprarily? Of course the best thing would be to allow highlighting for cut to work on the chat line. Cntrl C does not work but Cntrl V does for responses.

    well that is good for other people just like wood.. my laptop does not have a keypad. the Fn Key down arrow does it. It is the fixing of it so that you can set it. The only issues are that allot of builders use wood or build on flatten loam so you have to clear out tall the rocks, grass and dirt that shows up in it or you have to build a foundation for it prior to setting it down. Not complaining just letting peeps know ||

    well that is what I thought but since I use the function key with my lap top to get pg up and down being away from my desktop for a few days but it did not seem to work. Blueprints dropping have always been a mystery with me because they do not seem to immediately place with mouse buttons like other objects.

    Anyway I will try it again Thanks. if not I will just wait till tomorrow when I am home. Thankyou

    I had a real problem with water. When I tried to make a well i started filling and and nothing happened so I went into fly mode and took a look. A small hole in the structure was allowing the water to flow out and into the wellbore outside of the structure. I had a leach zone and nothing to cement it off with. Never could get it to fill so I just clipped the structure up higher and threw the water against the wall to hold it on. Almost had to plug and abandon the well <X

    I have a blueprint that sets up in the air. I am able to rotate it any angle but I cannot get it to drop down to the ground. It stays about 10 feet in the air. Anybody know how to fix this or set it right? It does not seem to respond like wood to other commands.

    sorry did not see the other thread that asked a similar question but did not answer this question

    Blueprint manipulation question