Posts by angriff

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-20)

    I don't really see the benefit from hiding the list of points every one is allowed to teleport to ?(
    The plugin should only create a new port list file if no one exists for the current world.

    Well it is sort of a an exploration capability for players. If they put their home or special waypoints they found then everyone would find them. It is the PVP RPG type of playing that I am promoting. The home routine kept interfering with other things and it is not like a private list of exploration of the map.

    Anyway to make the list private instead of public?

    Also sometimes the /TP List say not port.. my server makes a list file... maybe different name

    Hmmm well it is not straight forward.. tonight I built a column with flat beams on top on one side of my amphitheater and when I went to the other side the same beam would not go horzontal always wanting to go inside the round beam in a vertical manner. I gave up and took it all down. :cursing:

    Worked just fine I think.. or at least the ares aer still there. Wonder if the TP routine interference will be fixed if I dont have to make someone a Admin to work in the area like the 1.18 version.

    Thanks for this it is really important feature.

    I switched from this 1.18 to Version 3.0 in the other thread.

    Some thing is conflicting with the TP though as that routine erases an a home area from the database for players that I created areas for. I dont use it much so it did not affect my areas but Bobbinfish's dissappears every time and then the commands /showareas does not work in his area.

    This game is frustrating since you cant rotate blocks you have to use wood that looks like blocks. Only thing is wood likes to snap in place. Sometimes this is great once you have established a curve you can quickly duplicate and quickly fill in the the gaps with the cursor. But and this is big if you log off everything you had set up is lost and you can never go back and seem to get things to snap to angled wood anymore and line up.

    What am I doing wrong? I hope it is operator error because it is one big PAIN right now. :S:cursing:

    This script is one of the best features this game has to offer a server owner. It allows for map features to be protected while letting players live in the danger of PVP. Special places can be made public and other made private. It removes the player damaging effect of griefers found in games like Reign of Kings yet provides for the ability to allow the PVP to prosper.

    I have this installed on my server. There is a glitch with home routine that turns off the area but that seems to be minor. I recommend it and I further hope the Developers put this as a basic feature in the game.