Posts by Juggernaut

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-20)

    red51 I appreciate all that you do. Still the best building game by far. Nothing even comes close. Please let me know if I can help in any way.

    ArcticuKitsu one way you can support the game is to gift/buy copies for friends. It's on Steam sale for only $11.24. :)

    I think it will be added. Gillwin in the mean time, you can use creative to place/paint snow and create your own snowy biome (or any biome your creative mind allows). :)

    I re-read yours but still not convinced you see my point. :) hahaha sorry

    *edit: it takes less resources for a RW game server than a client who has to render the game in

    real time (unless you have many players on said server at once).

    I know you said not a staight up computer, but why not? Cheapest option, don't even need a dedicated video card installed as that is not needed for a game server (just use the igpu common on most CPUs these days)..

    I suggest at minimum a quad core CPU or more, 16GB RAM or more, SSD (solid state drive, they are fast and cheap). Can package into a small form factor case.

    If you are using it for LAN only, no need to open ports on your router.

    If you insist on small form factor, this would be way more than adequate:

    Foxnyu maybe u are not installing them correctly. Needs to be in the .../_newversion/plugins ... folder, extracted, not as a zip. Into it's own unique folder w/in the 'plugins' folder .. otherwise it will not autoload proper

    Deirdre "Texturescale' not available in F8 edit tools but it has been requested (only texture changing is available in F8)

    You need to use console command while pointing at object:

    edit texturescale 0.5 (for example ,, default scale is 1 -- just '0' removes all texture, to make metal look like chrome .. or can increment up from way below one (0.001) to way above). can get some really cool effects using texturescale


    use console command 'commands' it will list most all commands u can use.

    Quote from Yahgiggle

    All players can now use the (/portals) command only admins can delete and rename portals, but all players can use the teleport to any portal button.

    yahgiggle Can this be disabled or set to admin only? We may not want TP access to all portals -- just the portals themselves (e.g. private portals). no config file to tweak

    Nothing obvious in the logs .. i suspect one or more of the plugins you use may be the problem.

    Try disabling them one by one .. or disable all and re-enable one by one until you find the culprit.

    I'm currently running no plugins ATM ... and very rare I get a random crash. Maybe once a month.

    Mr S 512x512 is default server side setting limit for posters. this can be upped, but server admin has to do it. Keep in mind, larger resolution posters will consume alot more disk space on the server which is why default is set to 512.

    thanks Red.

    Another weird bug and suggestion regarding text object.

    When placed with no text, there is no placeholder. It becomes invisible. there are a few 'someone' placed down and I cannot find them :)

    also, related issue: I get the occasional sound effect of placing a text element (at random, if i am in the area). maybe approx 5 times a minute the sound will randomly play (like someone was placing a poster or text object near you). I suspect it is one of the invisible text elements another player placed down that I cannot find. this issue is localized to one one spot i know of in my world, other spots that use posters I havent noticed a problem. *Edit: Attempted to use visualizeobjects command and get insufficient permissions as admin. i then added "visualizeobjects": true, within the admin group and claim admin (and reloadpermissions) and still 'insufficient permission'. figured it may be a way i can find the invisible objects that may be making that sound :)

    Quote from Alex74
    we find ourselves with strange limits, for example with the images that can now be inserted in game, the server does not allows you to add more than 10 different ones, after which the game freezes and you have to crush it in order to re-enter and play.

    Quote from Red51

    By default there is an upload limit of 10 images per player. This can be changed in the player permissions.

    red51 I cannot find this permission setting (image/poster) to up the limit, even on the example / default ones. I can only find blueprint limits section.

    yes inventory completely missing on all my players, including me. Aso have an admin who cannot log in now, stuck at 10% loading screen and gets fatal error eventually. all others can load in fine.

    Apparently my other admin was able to log in and play initially, then after a while, thats when players inventory went missing. Admin then decided to re-log, and now gets stuck at 10% loading screen and gets a fatal error. others can connect in fine. Seems to be correlated with hotfix ... inventory was fine, until a player got hotfix then inventory went missing (and connection issue on my admin)

    Edit: upon further investigation, seems my admin 'Dreemacca' was stuck in a inventory sync loop. She even got an error message on her end to that effect 'generic inventory error'. As a quick fix to get her back on, i removed her character from the player.db and had her reconnect .. works now (fingers crossed)

    Picture shows the only information about it. Red's console commands.

    Actually information is in the unity console (aka helpers).

    Open console | start typing 'goto', and all commands that start with 'goto' are then listed along with their descriptions.

    You can also select the helper listed command by arrowing down to it, then enter key twice to run it (instead of typing it)

    alternately, you can use the 'commands' command to list all commands available w/ descriptions

    Oh, that's weird :wat: Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce the issue on my end :thinking: Adding a seed to World_Seed in the file should be stored in the database (but only when a new world is created of course). The same seed should also always result in the same world (only exception: npc spawns don't rely on the seed, so when reusing a seed, you will get the same world, but different animals will spawn).

    However, apparently there is an issue with the file if the entry contains a = - the game can't read that line then and resets that property to the default value (so if you seed contains a =, for example, it won't work unfortunately) :/

    The seed phrase I used was in the very beginning before the 2nd world gen update. It remains in and does not contain any special characters. I believe seeds were not working after the world gen update, so it generated a random seed (I'm guessing). Re using this same phrase in a single player game will reproduce the seed every time, but does not match the world that was originally spawned.

    yahgiggle thanks, just tested latest (clean install v3, plugins folder was empty). my results thus far:

    portal works fine and a 2way portal which is nice! great sound effect and animation.


    Portal name text is not appearing on either portal (like in your screenshots)

    If I delete portal (via /plugins), the graphic still shows (but the portal stops working as expected)

    If I use RP (reload plugin) command, it makes the portal graphic go away, but plugin will not reload unless i restart server (p or o do not work after rp command)


    ability to resize portals (e.g. make large enough to ride future mounts through)

    ability to change opacity of portal graphic (so we can set them barely visible or even invisible if needed)

    ability to rotate portals on Y axis (make portal face up or down vs just the direction your are facing when placing as it is now)

    ability to add one way portal (point of no return) :)