Posts by Juggernaut

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Hi red51

    Windows 11 Pro -- all latest updates on a clean new PC build.

    i5 12600K (latest Alder Lake CPU - 12gen)

    Asrock Z690 Pro RS with latest bios (mobo)

    Samsung 980 Pro 1TB M.2 NVME

    32GB RAM (DDR4 3200)

    GTX 1660 Ti (w/ latest Nvidia Driver 511.23)

    Unity version works fine.

    Java version will attempt to launch then Java coughs up the attached error logs (1st log using built in java).

    Installed latest version of Java thinking it may be a problem with the older packaged java in game. No dice (see 2nd log).

    Looks like a compatibility issue with Windows 11 (still works on my older Win 10 pc). Anyone here able to run RW Java version in Windows 11??

    *NOTE* Alder Lake (gen 12 Intel CPUs) did have an issue with some games but have since been fixed by Intel (DRM issues with certain games), so I am not sure if this may be related. Here is a link to the old article about this issue:…drm-game-list-workaround/

    Just wanted you to be aware.


    awesome. glad it worked!! Now make a backup ASAP! :)

    NOTE!! Very important to properly shutdown the server before doing a backup, or risk corrupting the main world DB.

    I recommend weekly backups at least (Daily if you have a lot of traffic). Then archive monthly backups for an entire year (save one backup for each month and archive 1 years worth = 12 backups on an external drive). This has saved me more than once due to hardware failure.

    Galochka the cache you refer to contains sections of the world parts players explored. Cache allows those world sections to load faster, but typically safe to remove/clear them but I doubt that is your problem with the 10% loading issue.

    I had this problem only once on my server (players would load only 10%). In my case, it was I had an excessive number of world NPCs (had over 250K world NPCs). Check your most recent server log, it should tell you how many NPCs are being loaded: e.g. 56806 NPCs loaded from DB! (I find it best to keep the number of NPCs under 100K). The problem happened to me when we had a lot of players and just after mounts were added to game (as players explore, especially on horseback, NPCs quickly filled the DB. Red had since added counters to this (e.g. skellies auto despawning after set time), but still could be your issue (excessive NPCs, worth checking).

    NPCs can be cleared via command or directly by editing the world database (if you do manual route, only edit DB when server is NOT running and make a backup of the DB before you attempt editing/removing NPCs). you can use the free DB browser for SQLite to do this:

    hope this helps!


    Was the goal placed on a flat surface, or on uneven terrain? There is actually a bug which causes objects to break in certain situation when placed on a slope, for example.

    yes on flat surface. see screenshot, the goal that is placed on flat ground near where the edge of the hill was flattened is the one that break the most. either by painting (occasionally) or ground alterations 10+ meters away. also *Note: Upon breaking this iron boulder (boulder after restart), it triggered the demolition of a soccer goal 20m away (the one furthest away in the screenshot. Seems that goals have a sensitivity to ground alterations if they are placed on newly flattened terrain which was once 1-5 blocks higher in depth originally. I can easily reproduce, but not one specific thing with do it. sometimes painting ground near by, or breaking a boulder .. will suddenly cause goal to break even if its 10+ meters away .. strange one

    Unity version seems to be running much better! I average 90FPS with maxed out graphic settings now on an older gaming rig (where in the 1st releases were 50FPS average). Nice work red51 !!

    I also love the added sounds e.g new birds chirping etc.


    • Will we eventually be able to hand place blobs of stone/dirt/ore in new version like the old?
    • creative mode - can no longer 1 hit items. takes 2 hits?


    1. add/subtract tool. if set to specific level mode, the grid plain does not show/red collision sections with the ground surface like java version does, making it difficult to determine ground level/height/depth.
    2. area selection tool (F5 then #4) will behave similar as add/subtract tool (will remove or add terrain if you make a selection below or above ground surface and press right click or delete key)
    3. creative toolset (F5) hud text incorrect when toggling the continuous edit tool. (paint, add/subtract and smoothing tools), continuous/single click toggle hud text .. should read 'continuous editing enabled' it rather displays code: 'message.creative.continuousediton'.
    4. input lag when using mouse wheel or keyboard to select a hand slot (1-5) - it can be offsetting and can no longer scroll through fast to other side (from 5 to 1). Java version, hand selection was much faster and would allow you to scroll through to slot 1 (or last slot) without needing to scroll back, also in java, fast hand switching of hand slots and would skip the hand animation if you scrolled fast enough (to prevent loading time lag from animations). I'm very used to the java version and notice this every time I play the Unity version where it seems I can't switch hand slots fast enough. :)
    5. hitbox on small / thin planks can sometimes not register resulting in pickaxe mining terrain or damage to an object behind it.
    6. soccer goals sometimes get destroyed after some time when 2 placed apart facing each other. One will disappear, very intermittent. I suspect from a nearby ground alteration, but cannot easily reproduce. I once destroyed one simply by painting the grass near it .. but then couldn't reproduce every time. One was destroyed when I broke an iron stone about 20 meters away from the goal. Another time making a selection box and clicking inside selection destroyed goal, but this does not happen every time. very random. the one goal that breaks, and the other doesn't, is placed in an area that was flattened into a hill, where land once stood (was part of the hill but now level ground). maybe that can give a clue? I'll test more and see if I can reproduce.
    7. came across an iron boulder that could not be destroyed whilst other boulders could. restart of server corrected it. *Note: Upon breaking this boulder, it triggered the demolition of a soccer goal 20m away.


    • Admin option to make dropped object, or body to NOT despawn and behave like an object instead (creative deco purposes). I know about Settings_ItemDespawnTime=7200 (3hrs) or so, but a way to make this indefinite for only select items to prevent despawn - admins only
    • Areas (F9) -- have option on radial dial to resize areas vs having to delete/remake.
    • A chisel tool, which allows more precise carving and shaping of terrain if possible (for sculptures or more precise terraforming).
    • Leg and arm animations needed in 1st person view. e.g. kicking the soccer ball being able to see legs and feet .. looking down at your feet, walking / running
    • Add ability to punch and show animations of it (fist fights, destroy or push items, gives small damage)
    • Ability to throw (not just drop) .. e.g. throwing stones, a knife, axe (any item in hand)
    • server option to allow for full structural integrity of buildings. 'floaters' kill immersion
    • hot air balloons than can be used :)
    • Physics, love love the physics in game, anything that can be done to improve on it greatly enhances player immersion. e.g. kicking soccerball off center to produce spin
    • More excellent sounds and music! hats off to the music and sound producers. Most excellent work and is key to great immersion. huge ambient music fan here, very soothing.
    • Creative ability to add sound objects to locations e.g. certain song to be played in a building, or sound effect.

    I can go on and on, sorry. :)

    I had this happen before and it was due to a failing hard drive (SSD drive that needed cooling, was overheating and corrupting files). I was able to fix by 1st fixing my cooling issue by adding a heatsink to my SSD (or replace the failing drive - hope you have backups!!), then restoring the world 'parts' DBs that were corrupted (a 'world part' makes up many chunks) and is in the "worldParts" folder.

    #1 - you need a recent backup of not just your world DB, but your entire worldParts folder (backup your entire server folder daily or at least weekly - archive monthly backups).

    #2 - Identify which world part DB is corrupted. Go to the problem area in game and press F3. On this big hud menu, it will tell you which world part you are in. Take careful note which world part you are in, could be for example "wp0_-11.db" or "wp0_11.db" (11 without the minus). Undeveloped worldpart DBs are 20k in size, will be larger than 20k if that area has been constructed upon. Compare the wp0 (world part DBs from latest backup with those in server folder). I found that if the DB becomes corrupted, it reverts that entire world part and anything within it back to default SEED (so if backup reads that world part as 1,512kb in size and your server folder shows the same db as 20kb, it got restored to seed, thus deleting all modifications within it back to the way it was when 1st created). A building can be in 2 world parts (at the border of world parts) which would result in half the structure being shaved away.

    #3 - once you identify which world part has been affected, restore it from your most recent backup.

    #4 - i believe a chunk is only 12x12 or 24x24 block in size. A world part is much larger than that, (the more developed a world 'part', the more chunks it contains). I had several claims affected and traced the border of the world part and was approx 12x12 map grid squares (or larger), and any loss of parts of buildings. You may want to look around a huge area to see if you lost other buildings/claims etc. Claims that crossed worldpart borders, looked like they were cut in half (half build, half nature).

    In my case, I found 2 world part DBs in the 'worldparts' folder that were corrupted, which affected many builds. If I refreshed the map in those areas, i noticed all modifications got refreshed out, back to nature. I then marked the world part boundary on my map and could see I lost a lot of builds, until I restored them from backup. I used F3 in game HUD menu to identify where world parts ended and others started while riding horse, then marked them on my map and checked nearby builds within the corrupted world parts. fun fun

    I hope this helps and that you have backups!!

    Good luck

    Steam is a bug filled mess. They do update frequently, but startup options can be lost in my experiences with updates they frequently push.

    It's always best to launch your RW server outside of steam. DO NOT launch the server from within the Steam browser.

    Just make a shortcut to rw_server.exe (java) or RisingWorldServer.exe (unity). Both will read from your server properties.cfg file for proper settings when you launch, F steam ;)


    Yes, I know. I killed all bears, sceletons, bandits and uneccessary npcs. But it's a very very big world and to run to every place and kill them would be impossible.

    Every model tooks time to load, but I don't wanna miss my stuff, tooks me hours to place it all. ^^

    Yes I understand, WF world is very old and large as well. Are you joking about running everywhere to kill unnecessary NPCs?? :D How many NPCs in your world? Check the server logs and it lists the number of NPCs every time you load the server. I had over 300K NPCs once and it caused problems until I discovered it after mounts were added (remember NPCs will auto spawn in from other players exploring, especially on mounts as they can travel faster and trigger spawns). Would be easier to remove NPCs via main world DB (while server is not running ofcourse), or run command:

    deleteallnpcs [npctype]

    Deletes all NPCs in your world. Optionally you can restrict this command to a specific NPC type only. If you just want to disable all NPCs, type "deleteallnpcs CONFIRM"

    Example: deleteallnpcs bandit

    Synonyms: deletenpcs

    Don't rely on 3rd party backup tools. Manually back up ALL of your old server files (RisingworldDedicatedServer folder) from the last known PC that can properly run it onto a flash drive or external hard drive 1st. Then, Right click | properties the original folder, and do the same with your latest backup. Compare the two property windows to be sure they have the same number of files . You are trying to restore old worlds using an INcomplete backup obviously. Poster images are located in the Worlds folder, then inside the name of your world, then 'customimages'. Can try copying entire 'customimages' folder to the new PC into the proper location. The freezing you are getting is most likely due to using an incomplete backup / restore (lacking all prerequisite files).

    Close all programs, make sure steam is not running.

    Manually backup from working PC via Windows file explorer: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ RisingWorldDedicatedServer

    Compare your backup folder with the original (right click each | properties) - should be same size and number of files ).

    Now copy this folder to the same location onto the NEW PC, replacing the one that is currently there.

    *NOTE* If you want to run the old server (java) and new server (unity) on the same PC at the same time, you need to run the old java server from a different folder e,g. C:\RisingworldDedicatedServer. Otherwise, you will break both servers, OLD and NEW need to be run from different folders.

    Sounds like a video driver issue. I inspected your log, and on your laptop uses the NVIDIA Geforce RTX 3060 laptop GPU and it's using old driver "461.66" latest driver is up to "466.63"

    Your laptop actually has two GPUs (low powered Intel UHD for battery saving for non gaming tasks, and the GTX 3060 GPU for gaming). Your laptop will automatically use the correct GPU depending if you are gaming or not, BUT this is controlled by the driver, which is why I suggest upgrading to the latest available driver for your GTX 3060 GPU found below, I suspect it may be using the wrong GPU which may be causing your issue.

    Try using the latest laptop video driver for your Alienware laptop here instead of what Alienware supplies:…Results.aspx/175870/en-us

    Don't forget spiderlings (baby spiders) and rats (other NPCs that don't spawn in on their own).

    Now that the latest Java version has built in NPC culling for skeletons, I would love to see snakes, rats and spiderlings spawn in automatically like the others. I often spawn them in various places for players and they work quite well aside the spiderlings, they will despawn after a couple hours or so. I'd like to see them grow to full size over a few day span. :) *I remember Red removing the rat years back when we discovered an early version of the RW NPC update caused lag on servers when too many NPCs were spawned in the world and the Dirty Rat was suspect. The later update autoculls skeletons after 1 or 2 days and the rat was never added back in (and spiderling, minipig, snake etc). 'I think' this would be a simple NPC update knowing the content is already there and useable via spawnnpc.

    editnpcclothes (alone with no arguments will strip the NPC to underwear)

    editnpcclothes militaryhelmet militarypants militaryboots (will change clothes to just helmet, pants and boots for example)

    (Use any clothes/armor/costume type or combination you want)

    givenpcitem flashlight (will give NPC a flashlight which it will start using)

    givenpcitem musket (will give NPC a musket which it will use and start shooting if it is a bandit or skeleton NPC)

    (Equip NPC with any tool or weapon of your choice)

    editnpc (will bring up in game GUI to edit NPC name, change the sex, hair style, eye color, lock or unlock etc)

    getnpchere (while pointing at, or entering the NPC ID, will move that NPC to your location)

    spawnnpc dummy (spawns non hostile dummy NPC wearing same clothes as yourself)

    spawnnpc bandit (spawns hostile NPC dressed in traditional bandit clothing, random melee, torch or archer)

    spawnnpc skeleton ((1-5) - example - spawnnpc skeleton 5 will spawn in a samurai skeleton)

    setnpcinvincible (1 or 0) (1 = on 0 = off)

    Tips: if you lock a bandit or skeleton, it will not attack, even when provoked. You can try caging a hostile UNlocked bandit which usually works (as a defensive 'sentry') but they may escape at some point due to lag hiccup or poorly built cage. I find some materials work better than others. Bannister 2x2 cage rails seems to hold them best but allowing them to shoot (unlike blocks or solid walls which will prevent hostile from attacking unless u are inside with them). Doors are not recommended as they are often able to walk through them as if they are not there (collision detection seems to be only on one side for NPCs, but both sides for players). I have several places on my server where armed 'soldiers' will shoot on site (either caged to guard one spot or wandering/patrolling) in a military base of ours. Or maybe a couple archers guarding the entrance to a castle? Dungeon challenge perhaps? ;) ~enjoy

    I share your sentiment, and my son and I were discussing this same topic the other day. It seems the best innovation and magic comes from Indies who still have a passion for what they do. Many many skilled devs work for AAA titles and use all the latest tools to make amazing games, but as you said certain features are often left out. AAA devs are often over worked to meet unrealistic deadlines. Keep in mind, they work on multiple projects and are expected to deliver/finish within a timeframe which is not ideal for the additional depth and content we crave. They usually work for a large corporation who seeks a return on investment A$AP. I used to provide IT support for groups of developers for a large company. As many hours I worked each week (60+), the devs often worked a lot more to meet deadlines unrealistically set forth by their uppers. Long hours and stress working a corporate job can often kill the passion of those who slave under it. They don't have time to create the content you seek because they simply are expected to quickly finish and move onto the next project, which also stifles passion and innovation. We only have 24hrs each day, and we all have mouths to feed and bills to pay. What you seek in games takes ALOT more time than you may realize, even with the latest tools and tricks in their arsenal. Remember, a company needs to remain profitable to stay in business. Many Indie Devs make little to no profit but work their passion w/ the limited free time they have. Most need to keep a day job they may hate outside of their passion to survive, which is why the best games always take so long to create.

    It always helps us to help you if you provide at least a basic list of hardware specs of your PC/Laptop.

    Laptop/Desktop? What CPU (Intel or AMD and what model/speed)? What Video Card (Nvidia, AMD or integrated Intel)? How much RAM installed (8GB, 16GB, 32GB)? Which OS you running (Windows, Linux, MAC)?? Is it a brand named computer? If so, Make and Model number? Custom built PC?

    If you are not able to easily identify your specs, install and run CPU-Z (free and safe), it will scan and detect what hardware you are running and you can relay that information back over to us:

    Otherwise, we can't really help you unless you provide more information so we can narrow down the issue.

    Remember, the new Unity version uses a different game engine which requires a bit more power from your PC than the Java version (Video Card in particular).

    You need to properly forward the RW ports on BOTH the router (hardware) and Windows Server firewall (software). Search "firewall" on Windows server (advanced settings), you want to configure incoming and outgoing rules for that port range (TCP and UDP).