Posts by supershanks

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Hope I'm not tempting fate but have continued playing my latest world all day today, no issues. What I have done that is different is quit regularly so the sessions have been shorter than previously. certainly the 10/1 when most of the issues occurred and the 25 & 26th were busy days, with longer sessions. that's about the only thing I can pinpoint.

    I've been running as administrator from day1 as from experience seems to help minimise any network problems.
    Looking in RW folder I've around 18 error logs all appear to be the same error. they've occurred between 10th and yesterday.
    Have done a breakdown by date, more to remind me of what my pattern of play has been;-
    03/1 Purchased game.
    10/1 8 logs. I was finishing first mansion had a full inventory. Had being using console to order base material ore and treelog, had heeded your advice about not using item index >100 (eg item blocks 64 100) . I cleared a load out in the game by dropping inventory and emptying a chest.
    12/1 1 logs Using the same world ran ok previous day after inventory house cleaning.
    13/1 1 log
    14/1 1 log
    23/1 2 log
    24/1 2 logs New World
    25/1 1 log
    26/1 2 logs New World.
    total 18

    Basically have been playing the same world between the 10~23. 24~26 have started two new worlds.
    I had thought that the initial errors might be around using the console and might be connected with Steam useful tips post #5. However in the last few days the same error has been recurring in new games that have not been running or developed as much as the previous world, certainly inventory hasn't been as large.

    I can't reproduce it. I just get a black screen and that's it. The game doesn't seem to have crashed rather it closes. When I reload I'm in the last position I was in and error log has been created, so a crash landing rather than a crash. :0

    PS Is there any further detail on how to do this


    It can be fixed by editing the worldfile and deleting your inventory manually, but precaution is better than aftercare ;) We will make this command safer in the next versions

    From the above "Steam useful tips post #5" link above.

    Getting some Java errors today, had a couple of them. error details shown below, not sure how to attach or upload the actual error logs ?

    java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification(Unknown Source)
    java.util.ArrayList$ Source)
    com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop( Source)

    I'm playing single player but have noticed on a few occasions after exiting and restarting RW that I get an error message saying RW can't start because ports are in use. I've just checked Windows Firewall and Java appears to be set correctly:-
    Profile - Private
    Enabled - Yes
    Action - Allow
    Override - No
    Local Address - No

    I also have the same settings set for Rising World.

    Not sure if anything there is causing the ports not being released on closure.

    Yes your 5) and my 2) are basically the same thing. I think it would add something though to know the real world measurements. User preferences/settings could specify imperial or metric preference.
    Must admit it would be useful, each time I start a new world and get down to building I tend to start with the floor plan, I seem to be laying out progressively bigger plots, would help me keep a sense of proportion if I could the plot dimensions via the grid or some such. ^^

    Depends on your building style I guess. Yes I think we're together exactly on point 5.
    I'm trying to increase player productivity without changing current system too much.
    From my crafting so far one of the biggest chores is resizing to size A placing those then resizing to size B, going back to standard size then switching to A again etc.,

    We can sort it two ways I think.
    1) Add custom sizes to Inventory.
    2) Add custom size as a recipe or favourite.
    I think perhaps my own preference is the second method as you don't fill storage slots with what might grow to be a wide variety of custom sized timber. a custom sized recipe or favourite can just be deleted quickly when finished with.

    don't forget you can set often used blocks as favourites.

    that's great thanks, hadn't noticed the star to set favourites, works a treat. would be great to extend it to cover wood products as well.

    supershanks Sorry man, I'm Canadian.. even if I don't follow sports, it's hockey I know more of hehe. I had to google what you said to understand what the hell you meant lol Although with my recent nearly 3 years in Mexico, I've at least been exposed to a bunch of football (well for me it's soccer, just because of where I was born.. but it does make more sense to call it football. not to piss off any americans here... :P).

    Sorry :) hadn't realised your on the other side of the pond.

    Try the garden torch from the light list. you can plant them down most any where and pick them back up. so like temporary torches without holders.

    Yes that's the best idea. Haven't used any lights in gameplay just the [L] key tbh, It was the first time I'd crafted a torch and had been surprised at it dropping into an inventory rather than an equipment slot.

    No I just build joists and the subfloor supports like a real floor, and leave them.

    Right that confirms what I was starting to think about, certainly that avoids the problems of extending into open space as you described earlier.

    I was think about a stepping stones path or putting lines of stones along each side of the path. Variety is the spice of life

    Yes sounds good. Be nice to plant trees to form an avenue, keep those saplings ready. ;)

    Sorry, just too many time I need a custom size for a piece, and without the ability to move pieces after placement, to measure and saw them down. It will just prevent the system from being as flexible. So I think the Devs have struck a good balance of to make it not overly tedious and flexible. Some tweaks, like having a couple of generic sizes, maybe in order to adjust quantity to material cost, (especially since the roof of the small well took 12 stacks of board to get mostly right, or 6 stacks of logs) but in general I think this is the right course.

    Given the system already has the current resize, isn't it just a question of saving the current spec when the resize button's pressed. Keep the sizes as favourite sizes, that can be the selected by the user as required. have an agreed number of size slots , I don't think it would be that many maybe two or three.

    I suppose I'm the only one who would like construction to be a little more realistic in regards to material sizes and crafting them.. cries!

    @supershanks Forgetful, short sighted old git? Ya can't be THAT old.. :P

    I feel even older after watching my team play Bolton. They always say your as old as you feel. I guess it depends who your feeling :)
    I'm with you I think on the realistic construction. Far more satisfying building on Rising World than building flat packs or DIY.


    ZaCormyr It would be nice if crafting stations would remember what you used last for each item. I just use the default stuff to avoid a headache currently....

    Yes exactly if you wonder into the options it gets tricky especially for a forgetful, short sighted old git like me :)

    This is the point I missed :S

    Texture indicator
    One of the most frustrating things I've found with the game is texture selection. I'll start with a few inventory slots of block, plank or beam, then have to get some more of the same via the console or crafting station. The console uses a texture code whilst the station uses a texture picture which without the picture swatches provided by Quezax can't be matched up.

    Even using the station alone then going back for a second batch often finds me selecting the wrong texture even double clicking doesn't always help as the texture being matched isn't always at hand.

    Which brings me to the following Ideas:-
    1) The crafting station should remember the last texture used, so that if I want a block/cobblestone when I go back to the station and select that section it shows the last used.
    2) Alternatively double clicking on the preview would show a texture reference i.e. the texture index number used in the console for example so that it can be noted so that the next make will use the right texture and save me gradually filling a chest full of wrong texture block whatever.
    3) As in say Photoshop where you use the eyedropper tool, you should be able to select a block in a building to obtain the texture name or index to enable fresh production of that item.

    Hi Guys thanks for the replies it's great to be joining a vibrant forum, kind of matches the product I guess.

    Re Grid
    I actually like it as it is, I really just wanted clarification of my supposition. It underlines and explains why when doing a large area that planks are no longer aligned end to end with their neighbour.
    I'd like to understand though how persistent is the gap size. Do I have to set it every time I lay a plank individually or using [LMB] or just when starting the session.

    Re Block Size That's great to know something's coming. Might it be possible to simply apply a resize to blocks maybe, the same as we can for windows.

    re flashlight Yes ok I accept that. however there is something else. in reality I could turn the torch on place it on the ground, then use the pickaxe, it should remain on giving me some light. Trying this i found it switched off using [Q] to drop the item.

    It's great to see so many of the my points raised are in the pipeline, I love the crafting already with the implementation of the
    these and the development plans you have in place i think the game will be a real blockbuster



    like instructions for making a shelf you bought or whatever.

    great ideas but I hope the outcome is better, some of those flat pack instructions are awful.
    Yes a recipe system would be ideal though.



    1b) one quirk with the line dragging of object (and blocks) is that there has to be a solid block/terrain in range of where you are pointing to extend a line. So if you are extending into open space then it will not have an item to track against as it seems to work.

    Right that makes sense. So do you reckon it's worth laying beams first then removing them when floor is complete.


    4) I like the ability to resize the boards, but maybe a couple tiers of sizes could be done, as I know building the roof on my well was painfully expensive, even when spawning materials. The current system is really useful for when you are filling spaces of irregular shape.

    Yes you sound like me, hate waste even if it's free stuff. Yes what i'd like to see is probably simply a button that would save the currently selected dimensions, enabling me to recall them at a later time, in effect a dimension recipe i guess.


    7) I am hoping for a stone brick object and boulder/stone object soon will let you do some interesting things with paths and landscaping, plus building details.

    Yes would be good, although i think the rake gives quite a nice effect and could be used quite well to create what looks like a gravel/dirt path


    Open Broadcasting Software

    thanks will give that a go.

    Saved Games.
    I understand the single Save on Quit when playing multi player, but find it becomes a bit wearisome when playing creative mode.
    I've taken to creating a backup folder in the Worlds folder where I copy my current save, giving me the chance to revert back if I get killed or get a frozen non delectable block.
    It would be so much easier just to be able to use a save/load button rather than have to quit the game to save and copy and paste backup to reload
    Is there any mileage in adding a load/save feature for creative play.

    7) Block Size
    I must register my vote for the ability to have different block sizes. I've also being playing Blockscape as well recently and it's is a major advantage. The ability to carve chunks out of a large block or decrease size makes building much better, enabling more creative expression and flexability.

    6) Ramps/roof blocks.

    Are there plans for additional block shapes, Ive found there are a few shapes missing when building roofs.
    Here for example I've built a staircase tower to access the different floors of the building. I wanted a four sided steeple as a roof but options for corner blocks are pretty limited and I had to use a truncated corner

    Rather than this sort of effect.

    4) Multiple sizing templates.
    I've often found when building that it would be great to be able to have multiple custom plank sizes remembered. For example bulding a plank staircase I might adjust the plank width and length for the step, then have a different width and length for a landing as I turn the stair direction. Maybe this could be set up by assigning the custom dimension to a stack rather than all planks in inventory. So for example I might have 3 stacks of plank in my immediate inventory slots, one for steps one for landing and a third at standard length. i reckon that this would speed up building progress and also mean that each element will be the same size, rather than run the risk of being slightly different the next time you resize.

    3) Grid Query
    You can see below the two different grid patterns, to the left and right. Would I be right assume the grid to the left shows that there is no gap between planks whilst to the right there are gaps.
    When using the +/- keys to change the gap size how long does the setting persist, do I have to set the gap size every time I lay the object or only when I want to change it.

    2) Using [LMB] to lay multiple planks.
    I've found I get some odd behaviour when trying to lay multiple planks.

    Here I've placed a plank and am laying planks right to left, however when i select {LMB} the planks to the right are highlighted and i can't drag the mouse leftward in the direction I want. i'm not sure if it's dependant on the snapping/placement setup perhaps, if it is then the mode status box suggested above would help.