It's on the roadmap as "Water collision with construction elements (TBD)".
there should be another iteration (or two) of the world gen and water gen and then after that is probably when he'll start on the water collision.
Posts by CursedXistence
I find it admirable that someone wants to keep the original creator.
I definitely second that
I have a question about how to fix this. I copied another user's Blueprint in order to isolate a single item from a group. In the save dialogue I changed the creator name to that of the original user to make sure he got properly credited when I place the item in my build. But now when I make my own blueprints, and change the name back to my own, it doesn't stay changed. It keeps reverting to the other creator's name and I have to change this field every time.
Is this a bug? Or is there a way to make it stay selected on the last used creator name, until I change it again?
If you don't already have a way to, download the free program NotePad++
once installed, go to steam and right click on Rising World > Manage > Browse Local Files
Open file with NotePad++
Hold Control and Press F to bring up the search box input. Then type blueprint and press enter.
Check Line 272 "Game_BlueprintsDefaultCreatorName=" It should be blank after the = sign. If it's not, erase the name then go to File > Save. Then exit out of Notepad++ and launch the game.
It should go back to defaulting you as the creator -
I can relate to the bailing half way through; I've tried to build the house from John Wick 2 many times. That friggin thing is hard. I managed the Drawn Together house, that was easy, But John Wick's house might be beyond my ability.
Not sure what you were using for reference, but this should help quite a bit, especially the two architectural drawings. -
So it can't be changed?
Nope not yet. Once RunAndHideGamer gets done with the translations then you can download the language file for the specific language you want to install, etc.
Just keep an eye on that forum thread I posted in my previous message as he should be making the announcements for it there. -
Does the language change option work? Because I want to change to Polish. I enter pl-PL in file but the language does not change.
The localizations are being done unofficially by a player in the community. He's still working on them for the newest update.
Rising World : Translations to 34 Languages Underway for 2025 -
Thank you very much
Yup, no problem.
And I also wanted to ask. How to make a metal fence?
If you're referring to a chain link fence, we don't have a texture / model for that, but you can resize blocks to make a metal fencing. You can also use the window frames with a metal texture to create different types of fencing.
In it's most simplistic form, the easiest thing to do is use a half block for the interior and exterior of a wall. That way you can have say plaster walls on the interior and brick on the exterior. You can also make super thin blocks and put those on the surface (like putting drywall on a stud wall) to get the same effect if it's something you've already built.
When you switch architectural styles and spend hours on a new build because you're waiting for more content to be added for the other style....only to be stopped up by a missing block shape. DAMN YOU half hollow cylinder corner being a slacker and not existing!!!! lol
serious .. ? ? got a 4tb disk and drivers are always updated.. even other players map are blank. they see markers etc but nothing else.
Yes, I was serious. There are a few different things that can cause that glitch, those being two of the most common and easiest ones to start with in trying to diagnose the cause. Did you manually check to make sure your graphics drivers are up to date or are you relying on what a program is telling you? Sometimes software doesn't tell you there's hotfix patches, minor update iterations and only will tell you when there's a major iteration update so it's always better to manually check, especially with Unity being so picky at times.
Have you tried going to a different island far off your starter one and seeing if that one loads? Is your island one that the game generated or one that you blueprinted and placed in the world? -
Make sure your graphics driver is up to date and that there's plenty of free space on the drive.
I just love all of your blueprints of Japanese living. So talented and realistic!
Thanks, I'm really glad you and so many others are liking them.
I actually have a dojo I've done as well, just haven't uploaded the blueprint for it yet because I want to make some weapons and weapons racks, etc. for inside of it first. -
About time, sir. About time
Yeah.....what he didn't say is sure he made it so you can sleep with teddy now, until Teddy goes all Chucky on your ass in the middle of the night, murders you viciously and then bathes in your blood. lol j/k
You can switch to creative mode and use F6 plant placement to place a patch of grass on terrain-textured blocks.
Oh this is lovely! So complete with all the little details. I may just use the that blueprint to walk through and take note of all the little things you added. (You included the furnishings?) Well, I'll soon see!
Yeah it's all furnished, was too lazy to remove everything before blueprinting it. lol
Inspirations also come from my travels and travel videos I see. I'm currently building a coastal fishing type village, sort of New England style, but probably will end up being a mixture of styles and eras. I hope I even finish it--or come close! Wish me luck as I usually bail halfway through.
Good luck!!
This is beautiful! Are you Japanese? It looks very authentic, like a Japanese country house. Gorgeous.
Nope, I am western mutt. lol
I just really like a lot of the design aspects, etc. -
My inspirations came from Deirdre. I bought Rising World in 2015, had a hell of a time building anything. In like 2016 or so, Deirdre submitted her Villa mit Pool blueprint; we don't have very many homes like that where I live, and I instantly fell in love with contemporary modern homes. They remind me of when I was stationed in California. An internet image search gave me thousands of homes like Deirdre's to work with.
So, Deirdre, California, and the internet's why I build what I do.
Oh that's awesome.
This is a really nice build! Good job!
Thanks. It actually started off more Tudor style but somehow my whole island started slanting Asian and now it's almost full on Japanese. lol