Posts by CursedXistence

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-02)

    Couldn't you create an alternative to have a satellite view of the map (or a real image from above of all the buildings, similar to JAVA) and convert it into a good resolution image to enter into the game as a poster? It doesn't matter that it is not a real-time image of the game, we will be the players who will have to refresh it manually at will, for me that would be a good solution while a solution for a GPS map with satellite view is found. What I mean is that taking screenshots from above and putting together a map like a puzzle is not the same as having a real view from above as in JAVA

    That would be a camera mode which is something Unity is capable of.

    Thanks, I am working on a solution for the sliding door that game does not currently support. No timeline just yet so Red still has time to beat me to the punch ;)

    I think at this point Red just hasn't added sliding doors because he knows there's so many of us waiting ever so impatiently patiently that he's having fun torturing us with the wait. lol j/k

    Currently it is still limited to the respective sector. It is definitely possible to display adjacent sectors (and planned), but unfortunately I don't know yet whether this will be available in time for the update:silenced:

    So we could potentially get the ability to copy each map sector to a poster/decal/wall map so we could build giant map walls, floors, etc. in the future then?

    Okay I owe you an apology. Looking at this preview picture compared to the other one it was the way the one wolf was standing that was making it look like the fur was flatter looking that what it actually is. I do sincerely apologize and hope my original comment didn't offend.

    Personally I like that it has the topography on it, but then again I like building to fit the terrain so having the topography like that is a huge benefit.

    I don't mind the crosses, circles, house icon in the map preview, makes me think of someone that's bought / made a map and then added to it when they've found something, but I've also played games that had a more modern satellite style map and found that useful at times as well. Since Red51 is really good at making sure there's options to fit the different time periods, genres, etc. maybe eventually he could add that type of map as an option or that might be something someone could do as a plug-in.

    So I have had the problem in two different directories one with quite a few BPs and one with only about two dozen. It is on an Solid State drive so I should not have this issue. It never gets to the name the blueprint screen just starts a little wheel type icon says saving. It is just stuck in neutral. It seems to correct itself if I relog by using the Steam Stop button to get out of the game.

    sounds like too many / too many large blueprints in a folder. Could also be the blueprint system isn't unloading them from the system memory eating into the memory and causing it to not want to save more. I'm assuming you already did the whole verify files thing just to make sure that's not an issue.

    Two questions:

    1) How many blueprints do you have saved?

    2) Have you tried temporarily moving some of the blueprints out of the blueprint folder to see if that solves the issue?


    I'm not sure if it's still the case or not, but Unity used to have issues once you got to a certain amount of blueprints in a folder, much like steam tends to do when you have too many workshop items subbed for a single game.

    The face of the wolves looks fine, the body the body still needs to be reworked.

    The female face looks masculine and the lips look injected.

    Let's wait and see what comes next.

    I didn't mean the face, I meant the head... it looks like someone shaved all the fur off, especially around the scruff / neck / cheek area I guess you'd call it.

    The only surprise thing on there is the small sail boat as the rest has been discussed in the forums, but damn that's one helluva surprise. I like the look of the rowboat, but damn it's so so a faster old world boat is definitely a welcome addition.

    really liking the look of the map, it easily fits any time period / genre, etc.

    The only thing I would say is the wolves still need a bit of work on the look, especially around the face, the fur isn't quite poofy enough it looks like fur textured skin more than fur. It's hard to balance look and performance for lower end machines so not that bit of a deal.

    The one part of the roadmap is that there will be persistent items, meaning you can place down a log, tool, food, etc. and it'll stay were you placed it. I'm guessing part of it is because of this and the other part is it would just look weird if every log no matter the tree type all looked the same.

    Red had implemented the beginnings of a progression system with the last update where a few of the recipes didn't unlock until you obtain a certain ore, crushed it, etc. but ended up disabling it for now because of not having the journal implemented in the game yet to explain the system to the players. To many were running to the forums asking what the "?" recipes were, etc.