Hamburger? Sushi? Anything's possible. Go for it.
Actually think I'll attempt a bowl of ramen, you're pasta dish gave me an idea on how to try to do long noodles using the hollow cylinder.
Hamburger? Sushi? Anything's possible. Go for it.
Actually think I'll attempt a bowl of ramen, you're pasta dish gave me an idea on how to try to do long noodles using the hollow cylinder.
I did that but it still crashes have no idea what could cause that
Well if you want you can pack the save and upload it somewhere and I can take a look at it, just a regular player like everyone else so not sure if I can help or not, but willing to try if you want.
I created that world just about 2 weeks ago because demo world stopped working and it was working fine until yesterday
I can send it to you maybe you can figure it out
Where can send it to ?
It's possible your laptop gpu is struggling to load it because of the build size. A dedicated 1060 can still run the game fine (I had that gpu until I built my new pc in January), but the 1060 m might be struggling with it and causing the crash.
If you have access to another pc (preferably a desktop) try copying the world over to that pc and seeing if it loads fine. If you don't have access to another pc then you can always pack the world file and I'm sure someone would be willing to try to load it for you to see if they have the same issue or not.
Create a new world, exit, then try to load your existing one again.
I think I'm going to do up another version of it with the stacked Tatami mat "mattress" as well, just been trying to figure out how I want to do it.
Yeah, voxel and fabric just don't play well together, especially with still missing some block shapes we really need for more organic forms.
The ones you came up with are pretty good though.
Unfortunately there is so "Split Amount" option so we can manually input how many we want split off.
Personally I think that would be one of the biggest QOL changes that could be done to the inventory system.
Bedding is hard! I think posters is about the only or decals if you could make a shaped surface to put them on.
Wanted you to know I used some of your blueprints in my Safari Lodge. (See my vid on YT.) Thanks!
I just saw your message, for some reason it didn't show up on my notifications and watched your video. Now you've got me thinking about trying to make some other food. Any suggestions?
USAGE As always you're more than welcome to use any of my blueprints in your projects. I just ask you give credit / a mention.
Did you tint the Amber glass? And, I love that you did multiple mounting alternatives. Thanks!
Yup, the hex code for it is #883000
Just so you don't think I'm copying you, I have a set of bamboo cooking utensils I've been meaning to do up.
However that said, when I get to the chopstick and Asian spoon set I'm doing up, I'm DEFINITELY copying the way you did your spoon on here. I've been going nuts trying to figure out how to get the shape of the spoon just right and seeing yours made it click. lol
I never would have thought to use loam for pizza crust, but it actually works really well.
Oh these are very nice!
Thanks, the shadow patterns they cast look really cool at night as well. Thinking I might do a few more designs eventually for the glass panel frames.
If anyone has any tips / tricks on how to do realistic looking bedding please let me know.
Tatami Futon Bed with Mattress and Pillow
Tatami Futon Bed
NOTE: This is a historically accurate Japanese Tatami Futon Bed. It consists of a frame, wood slates, and Tatami mat. This was something the wealthy, nobles, etc. would have had. Before mattresses they would use stacks of Tatami mats on top of each other.
USAGE As always you're more than welcome to use any of my blueprints in your projects. I just ask you give credit / a mention.
looks good with under the table smoke
I didn't try with objects but can't you shrink the fire, blueprint it and then struck it even more?
I think you can, I'll have to try it once I peel my eyes open, but I'm also 99% sure the particle effects are tied to the scale of the model. That's how we can scale down the fire to fit in a chimney and not have the smoke going through the sides of the chimney, but also means in this case it would be scaled too small to even see the smoke.
Oh I was hoping. Anyway, I have a statue with a fire embedded in it so just the smoke is seen (and a few sparks) so I can put a bunch of these around and it will look good. Thanks
Yeah unfortunately in this case the incense stick is just way too small to embed a fire into it.
there's a couple of things I've made and am planning to make that I'm designing to be able to use particle effect generators, block rotation, etc. in the future once Red gets it implemented. That should be able to be scaled down enough for this.
is smoke coming off the lit stick?
I wish, but there's no particle effects generator in the game yet. The best I could do was add a small red/orange section to make it look like it was lit and then a gray ash section on top of that.
Hanging Lantern - Amber Glass / Hanging Lantern Milk Glass
Wall Lantern - Amber Glass / Wall Lantern - Milk Glass
Lantern - Amber Glass / Lantern - Milk Glass
USAGE As always you're more than welcome to use any of my blueprints in your projects. I just ask you give credit / a mention.