So the question originally is in regards to the ocean and somewhat on ponds. I look out in a storm and notice the large body of water just sits there reducing immersion. The trees sway and even the grass sways. In a small pond the plants (Lilies) just sit there when the wind blows and as such detract from immersion. This game wows, friends of mine stop in awe at sundown colors or the sky at night that 'devil is in the details' you have already enfixed to the game .
As a wish list on flowing waters, I would like to direct water from the hilltops through hollow cylindrical building pieces and channels of blocks simulating aqueducts.
I am looking forward to such effects as they are important to the finished look of flowing waters. You are correct that these are effects that a visual and needed as in a sprinkler system providing water to plants or a beautiful water fountain in a city center. Hopefully this is put in in a form of technologies like electricity and wire where click and run pipes can be installed from a water source and provide such displays as sprinklers that add to the growing and farming techniques as well.
Unity has Weather effects for water that would create waves, etc. during storms, but like I said in my original post about it Red has to fully implement the water system so it knows what's saltwater, freshwater, ocean, pond, river, etc. otherwise you'll end up with ocean sized waves in a stream.
Red has said previously that he was going to be adding water blocks, so you'd have to use those to simulate aqueducts, etc. The water in minecraft is the same way, it's just made up of blocks with an animated texture on it. When you pour a bucket of water in minecraft it's just telling the game to create x water blocks at x, y, z heights to give the effect of flowing water. I'm assuming the water blocks Red is talking about will do pretty much the same thing.