looks good with under the table smoke
looks good with under the table smoke
I didn't try with objects but can't you shrink the fire, blueprint it and then struck it even more?
I think you can, I'll have to try it once I peel my eyes open, but I'm also 99% sure the particle effects are tied to the scale of the model. That's how we can scale down the fire to fit in a chimney and not have the smoke going through the sides of the chimney, but also means in this case it would be scaled too small to even see the smoke.
Oh I was hoping. Anyway, I have a statue with a fire embedded in it so just the smoke is seen (and a few sparks) so I can put a bunch of these around and it will look good. Thanks
Yeah unfortunately in this case the incense stick is just way too small to embed a fire into it.
there's a couple of things I've made and am planning to make that I'm designing to be able to use particle effect generators, block rotation, etc. in the future once Red gets it implemented. That should be able to be scaled down enough for this.
is smoke coming off the lit stick?
I wish, but there's no particle effects generator in the game yet. The best I could do was add a small red/orange section to make it look like it was lit and then a gray ash section on top of that.
Hanging Lantern - Amber Glass / Hanging Lantern Milk Glass
Wall Lantern - Amber Glass / Wall Lantern - Milk Glass
Lantern - Amber Glass / Lantern - Milk Glass
Jacks Box - Closed Lid / Jacks Box - Open Lid
Jacks Pieces
Bronze Bamboo Toilet Paper Holder
Bronze Bamboo Hand Towel Holder
Is it possible to have the terrain area/block creation widget be able to tilt so that we can create a smooth ramp instead of lumps or steps? Related: the smooth tool is good, but also useful would be a flatten to a level tool. (select a spot and flatten all around it to that level.)
Light shines through walls--it seems to go mostly through seams or joints even when there is not actually a crack. And, the sun/moon light shines through buildings when it should really be dark with the light only passing through windows. Thus a construction without windows should be totally dark when door is closed.
Dimmable, lights would be much appreciated, or a setting to dim all placed lights. Or just make them uniformly less bright. (Lantern specifically is the one that seems too bright.)
Red51 has said we're going to be getting dirt, stone, etc. terrain textured blocks in the future, then we'll be able to make better ramps.
The thing with the lights is a voxel game / engine limitation, just like having fog in the buildings, etc. not really anything Red51 can do about that.
Red51 has said the lights were getting settings for all that in an update.
I was just thinking today that a transparent cube with just the outlines solid would be so useful. Sort of a wireframe view. OR the ability to apply a texture to one or more sides for the cube--or not.
As for other shapes we kinda need ... a quarter circle (hollow not solid) is top of the list for me. A hollow half-sphere would also be very useful. Thinner walls to the hollow cylinders (all variations) would be sweet. Very hard to create a realistic vessel as is.
Holy crap a wireframe view option for building objects (especially small ones) would be amazeballs.
Ooorrr... You build the stuff with bigger parts and later shrink it via blueprint
Somethings you can do that for, all depends on how accurate you need sizing, etc. to be. Shrinking via blueprint definitely comes in handy when you need pieces to be smaller than the 0.01 that you can normally scale down to.
Incense Stick / Lit Incense Stick
NOTE: Individual incense sticks are oversized so they can easily be scaled for purpose.
There's probably a good 2 dozen block shapes that need to be added realistically.
Well unfortunately you cannot just paint/plaster one side seems the entire block changes So back to the thin covers for the walls that I can paint with F8 But at least I can paint them.
Yeah, per face painting and texture scaling would be amazeballs, but like you said at least can do thin panels.
You could have just said use F8 in gm 1. But thanks for making me think about it and find it.
yeah should have, would have, could have..... if I had remembered about the freaking F8 thing.... LOL
I just got done redoing a roof on my one building for the third time, my brain is mush. lol
I have some furniture and blueprints that seems to have kept these colorful additions from JAVA. But if I build a new structure I can no longer use these colors in for walls or floors. I assume they will be placed in the game in the standard, in the next patch coming in "two weeks".
Paint brush, roller, hire professional painters, learn to loam err love the brown?? lol
Display MoreI think it's a feature, not a bug.
This two missing points help a lot to make an arch like the one in the screenshot. If they are three points, and not only the middle one on top, it will lead to a lot more mistakes when we place blocks on top of a triangle to make an arch. This two points left are the condition to make efficiently an quickly an arch with this method.
I hope that will stay like it is now.
Well then maybe Red should just get rid of the last pivot point along that edge and make it f'ed for everyone, you know since you're one case point is more important that people being able to line that piece up right in 99.9% other usages. lol
And yes, I was being a sarcastic smartass. lol
In all seriousness though, when you're working with tiny scale it's way too hard to align the pieces by hand so you really need to be able to use the manual pivot points, which obviously you can't do with those two outer pivot points with them missing.
and I guess you cannot turn that part off? Problem is that things you want to delete are not built or placed in the matter of blueprints in the direction aligned with the grid. So if you have a building that has inbuilt items you want to delete then you have to do it piecemeal. This is true long after you lose the ability to undo a blueprint.
Nope can't do it, tied to the grid.
And yeah I've had many cases like what you described. Actually had to deal with one earlier when trying to redo my meditation / tea house down at my lake....ended up just blueprinting the whole thing so I can work on it somewhere else because it's off grid rotated.
Ok the reset is helpful. However, it is the angle the box draws at that I need to set. It is always an an angle to how I ma looking
the selection box is tied to the same directions / angle as the grid
pressing backspace resets the selection box, you can use the arrow keys and page up / page down to change the size, height, etc. of the selection box.
Wow we are not worthy of your greatness.
On the squinting .. i know, I know and I have a big screen but it does not help. The dam thing is 2d.
Yeah 42" TV used as a pc monitor and still have to squint like a mofo for the tiny. lol
Oh and that Oh-Wah-Ree one, yeah that was before I got my first cup of coffee...got an idea in my head of how to do it and next thing I knew a couple of hours had passed. lol