Posts by LordFoobar

    @Trillnar I actually had a chat with red on the subject so, yes, I know what I'm talking about when I say they are implemented but not released. And this for the reason you so kindly mentioned (the textures need rework), among other things.

    As for Unity, I am aware of features of that engine. I am also aware of some games having water being like terrain types (not blocks, actually...) and I am not sure how red will implement this feature in Rising World. But I know JMonkeyEngine too, and I can tell you that voxel water have been discussed for quite some times, now, and most of what I read about that particular subject is that it is not part of the engine yet, so each project need to implement and adapt the technique to their own projects.


    But you never know what a developer is thinking.

    Somehow, I find that offensive and misguided as I am telling everyone all the time that I am a developer and that I'm often explaining why this and why that. Do you really think that programmers are egocentric selfish people, or something? I am not the type to start insult nor enter silly fights, but come on! Don't talk about things you clearly have no experience with.

    @Trillnar as I said, these updates are quite big and you cannot begin to know what kind of issues red and the team has to go through coming from users.... because they do have to deal with customer support, too! The majority of people have a mentality of entitlement and do not know nor care to know what's going on beyond their little noses. What if I tell you that biomes are ready since September, but the decision was made to hold it back a while longer until certain pre-requisites are pushed first?

    As for water, I am very interested myself to know how this will be implemented, as not much has been made regarding voxel water with JMonkeyEngine. You are right about seeing the next updates in terms of months... but only these updates; the next ones should probably return to a bi-weekly basis then. :)

    To give a perspective, this is Skyrim's team and the game took about 4 years of development, and this is Fallout 4 which took a little over 4 years also. Whereas Rising World is just about 2 years old with only but a fraction of each of these teams working on it.

    My point is not discourage people nor diminish anyone or anything in the development of this game. My point is to show what game development is. As a programmer myself, with experience in teaching, I have often saw students coming in thinking making games is easy. And I have often seen people mistakenly thinking programming is simple; it is neither a straight forward thing or a fast process. It requires a lot of sacrifice and dedication. Something that, I can assure you, only a very little amount of people possess nowadays. And I'd only wish those complaining (I'm not pointing any fingers here as this community is quite understanding) could live in the shoes of those making games before complaining. While only a few are actually right, most comments are ill-informed and everything but objective.

    Now, @red51 did say that he will never cease working on this game... at least not until it reaches a final release anyway. So, it may take whatever time it takes. The best thing anyone can do is continuing supporting the team and continue giving positive feedbacks. :)

    Both Java and JavaScript have dramatically improved in performance in the pas years. And even games programmed in C/C++ can be slow... as @Bogus said, this all depends on the programmers' skills. But the point is that, Java is tremendously faster and superior to Lua in this case, so however you see Java, it is an improvement anyway.

    [...] The only thing that gets me is the look of the text on the signs. Perhaps a more carved look or burned looked if it was wood and so forth.

    This can be fairly easily achieved by dynamically creating textures (print text in a Graphics2D context, then getting the image data) and dynamically generating the bump map for that texture. This would certainly be a great improvement indeed :)

    Nice update. Now I feel I have to bring something up. On 9-28- 2015, this was posted in the changelog

    "Biomes. They still need more work, and since we want to provide you some great looking results, it's necessary to put more time in it. We hope you understand that. It shouldn't take too long until they're finally available!"

    We are almost 6 weeks later. If Red was to have spent those 6 weeks working on the biomes , and only the biomes, We would have Biomes by now. We are 3 weeks since the last update. I do not know why biomes are taking so long. Red , If you work on the biomes and only the biomes , they get done . I have seen this pattern long enough now not to expect anything major from Rising world at least for the short term .I do wish Red all the best. It is his game and he has to code this as he sees fit. We just have to take it as we get it . I am not trying to be critical of Rising world or of Red, I will continue to watch the evolution of this game, but I will no longer address the update style. There Is plenty that I have to do as it is. Such Is early access.

    Nice update! :thumbsup:

    This update perhaps adds more features, but it first addresses issues that made the game crash. The JIW team is releasing updates that are critical first, and blueprint had to be fixed before introducing new major features. Signs and ores are very small updates compared to biomes... And if you think about it, releasing the ore update now reduce the amount of map conversion necessary to apply these updates (i.e. splitting map updates into smaller updates to reduce risks of breaking things). Also, replanting grass is also part of the the upcoming biome update :)

    If biomes had been pushed already, we'd have seen people complaining about something else. So, please, don't be part of the whining and see what is being done. If you ask questions instead of complaining, you'd get more answers :)


    If it seems too good to be true, it probably is :) I'm sad to hear it isn't going to work out with LUA in the future of RW. Because I'm in current state unable to do anything with JAVA. One big reason I found this game interesting, is being able to maintain LUA scripting myself. I see you logic reason for this change, but still it did kill some of the fun here.

    Added JAVA to my to-do-list! :S

    Haha! don't be melodramatic :P The change is hardly too good to be true, but is actually a great news! Lua, while indeed really easy to learn and use, is only adapted for small features. Even the AreaProtection is reaching Lua's capabilities without affecting the game too much. As for WorldEdit, it does cause the server to hang at times when executing some commands. This could easily be avoided in Java.

    You perhaps need a little more setup for Java (i.e. installing eclipse and creating new Java projects, etc.) but once this is done, you benefit with a strongly typed language (you always know any variable's possible content), auto-completion, debugging tools (i.e. you can avoid many issues even before launching the game, even create independent tests for quality assurance..), have access to the entire game's feature with direct access to any method (i.e. functions) as opposed to an API wrapper for Lua which rely on adapters (i.e. extra calls and data conversion layers), and have access to the entire Java API such as sockets, file I/O, threads, system's hardware, and the RisingWorld's GUI library.

    In essence, this change will not affect current worlds. Clearly, the positive outweigh the negative here. And if no one does it, I will personally make tutorials to help anyone get started easily.

    Having veins is risky as it may create more ores and devalue it... but having mobs be attracted to it (and be spawned periodically to attack the player mining it) is a great idea.

    I love world edit, thanks. Best script to set grass again. :D

    Thanks! :)

    Is it maybe possible to insert a command like "clear shades"? You can clear ugly shades of former mountains or buildings, with
    "fill air", but this command works only on a block surface without removing anything else. To remove shades on a
    grass surface it also removes the grass.

    I have noticed these as well, but I think they are artifacts from the LOD filter or something. If you move further from the shadowed spot, you will see the terrain be replaced by a low level terrain and most likely notice a bump where there's a shadow. The script, however, only works hover high-level API and does not manipulate the world data directly. I'm afraid that there's not much I can do about that. Usually, a server restart resets these spots, but I may be mistaken.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I did verify that all files were in place first; however, I tried running the Git command you gave me and the game crashed on load. I then tried installing manually from the link you gave me, and it started, but now reads "command not found" when trying to issue a command.

    Is there something else I need to do before using scripts?

    The "command not found" message isn't part of world-edit, but areapro (area protection). If you type /we select you should see a yellow label appearing at the bottom left of the screen, informing you that you're in selection mode. If you are running a server, you can read the log file screenlog.0. If you are running the script in single player, open the file and set game_debug_console=true to see if there is an error (and if the script is actually loading). The script is being used on just about every server out there, and I have not ran into any problem with it myself... so I don't know what's going on otherwise.

    Good luck.

    I used Git to install this script, and all files appear to be in place. That being said, I still cannot use it in game. I just get an error that the command does not exist. Any suggestions?

    Sorry to hear that you have problem with Git. It seems that the i18n module is not present (i.e. the ./i18n/i18n.lua script is missing). You can try to fix the missing deps by running git submodule update --init --recursive inside world-edit's folder.

    You may also get the archive available here.

    Would be nice to see community buildings, spawning randomly on the map.... (not monumental buildings, just houses, barns, small villages, etc...)

    In my opinion, this should eventually be implemented, but as a game mod. If the game is about the "rise" of a "world", then having a population in that world already is weird.

    When the game reach beta, and a lot more people can join servers, then we could have multiple spawn points and have new player be randomly placed at these points. This would solve that problem of finding populated areas elsewhere.

    On another note, I do agree about spawning of animals. Bears are common and some other animals should spawn in herds.

    I think he meant, in the third video "the American Dude" was a parody of a rural yankee with a gun, six-pack of beer and poor hygiene :P so Germans were not the only ones being mocked.

    Exactly, in fact, all nationalities were exaggerated and stereotyped, too.

    pfft... the American dude..... i really hope that's not how foreigners see us as...

    FYI, I'm Canadian ;) and I natively speak French. And, no, this is not how people see you guys LOL but we do export a lot of comedians :P

    @LordFoobar Hopefully you have amused yourself well

    Oh, come on! have a sense of humour. As someone who lives on the other side of the pond, I find the German language quite fascinating... and perplexing :P

    I mean, I don't even know how to pronounce such words as "Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft" (the longest word recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records)

    and mabye som comand so expand an exsiting area

    and fast comands

    should maby be

    Yes, indeed, this was in the planning since the very beginning... the problem is that it is not possible to start the selection with a pre-defined size... so it renders the command kinda useless at the moment.