Posts by LordFoobar

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.

    Just a reminder, for anyone who can't wait any longer to take a dive in Rising World, there is a very special secret lake hidden in the game (probably left in there for testing purposes). To find it, simply switch on creative mode and mine straight down to about -800. You'll find it after passing through the glowing red rock.

    Hop right in! :)


    it's actually true. There is water in the game already. The red rock is only to dissuade you.

    I think you misunderstood :) Or I perhaps should have given some precision; the link was mostly about the NASA research, which stipulates that a fall may be fatal at ~17.5 m/s vertically (see page 36, or Figure 10 of the PDF) I had included a link to the StackExchange question to cite my source of finding, and because despite the obvious errors (as you pointed out), some answers and comments are still pertinent.

    For convenience, here is a direct link to the PDF.

    Since we will be able to swim in water i assume we might be getting an oxygen-meter show up on the HUD and a new cause of death (drowning).
    How about 1-step further to make RW different than most other games like body heat ->> hypothermia when swimming in cold biomes.
    I mean we've got radiators.... It would be cool... also the campfire could radiate heat for after a cold swim!
    or is it too much ?

    I think this is a very good idea. Body heat (or the lack of) could gradually slow the player's movement. Dying from hypothermia could use the same animation as sleeping. For example, as your body head is reduced, the player's max movement (ie. running speed) is gradually reduced, until it is equal to walking speed, at which point the vision starts to get darker.

    Under water, suffocating could start with blurry vision (instead of slowing down), and then having vision fading to black (i.e. sleeping animation).

    This would add some realism in the game instead of "hurting" as in many other games.

    Sad decision, LUA is fast and does not need to be compiled for on the fly coding. To be honest I'm not a big fan of Java, although good games came out of it. With LUA I can implement something super quick and makes debugging super easy. With Java it will be a nightmare as well as a memory hog. I really hope you guys thought more of this before making a final decision.

    ... you do know that Rising World is for the most part Java, right? And while you are right about Lua allowing to build something quick and dirty, you still need to restart the entire game every time you make a change in your script as well.

    And, for the sake of arguing, on one hand, with Java one could test their script in a mocking environment before launching the game, instead of starting and stopping the game a dozen times to find and fix issues. On the other hand, unless your Java project is requiring a few dozen sources and third party projects, etc. javac is quite acceptable. As for memory, you are picking your arguments at weird places, as the Lua-to-Java bridge (or any Lua-to-native bridge) requires a lot.... A LOT!! of wrappers and thus creates many memory buffers during a script's execution. While these buffers are cleaned and garbage collected and create very few memory leaks, you never have direct access to anything, and the abstraction layer is really a waste of CPU time.

    Having an ease to edit something is usually in opposition with the end result (i.e. performance). And, in the end, the point of a script is to be executed, not edited ;)

    Now, I am not part of this decision, even though I have had a voice (that had more or less weight in the equation); but I not only support the migration, I believe it has long term benefits to the game on various and many aspects. Far more than continuing supporting a Lua API (which is nothing but limiting in Rising World). There is a reason why Minecraft have so many powerful game mods and why it works.... it uses Java as well. Not Lua. Just some food for thought.

    i know of a another user who built a minecraft type game they had a go at making it round but ran in to all sorts of problems with voxels not lining up they ended up scripping that idea and went with a box type of shape

    Of course :D you can't align squares in a round shape.... regardless how big your world is. My point is that, if you picture a world as a rectangle (because a world is always slightly wider than high.. read about physics... enough said) with a large enough area; a world can be big enough as to appear flat, and walking and wrapping around the map will be seamless. If you've ever played old school FF, for example, they have this concept of a wrap-around world in the game.

    Of course, you can't really map that sort of map unto a sphere, for example displaying the voxel world from space, as this would imply a non-rectangle world, which would be messy... real messy, or distord the world parts around the poles to make them fit. Ugly.

    I personally think that wrap around world would be very playable and better than minecraft infinite. Or atleast an option for this would be cool. I know the idea of a round world was discussed once too and i personally like this best of all as an option.

    It is also my opinion. Granted, the world can be large... just as you'd expected from a world (ie. planet) where you can't just walk half an hour and loop back to your original position :P it has to be big enough to feel "infinite". I supposed that, given this and the future water, the concept of continents (and islands...) could emerge also.

    A pretty nice idea could also imply having different world configurations; when creating a world, setting the world's size would impact it's gravity (the bigger the world, the stronger gravity value)... with a limit, of course! Given that the current measures is 1 block = 0.5 meters, a earth-sized world of 40,000 km would give 80,000 blocks, or about 5000 world parts "wide" (i.e. before wrapping around) with a gravity of 9.81 m/s² .

    Having different texture packs, different skyboxes and the aforementioned settings, this could be pretty sweet! And biomes could simply be geo-markers to know where we are in the world :) Also, with that, a world map could easily be generated, browsable, and searchable... with a proper GPS system even.

    Just a thought :)

    java version "1.7.0_80"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_80-b15)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.80-b11, mixed mode)

    I'm wondering if this new distro of Linux Mint has some other Java in it and I can't see anything other than version 7 installed so... I think JDK 8 is still beta though so that wouldn't be on there anyways.

    Edit: Java 8 is released, I wonder if I pushed 8 if it would work.

    Yes. If you search the keyword "Java" on this forum, you'll find some post talking about it. I updated my first post to reflect that.

    This is not Minecraft :P

    To make glass, one would need dirt and a glass oven. Not lava. LOL. Forget realism at that point on, because we can resize glass when building anyhow ;)

    could it be possible to change the id of blocks, objects with LUA?

    maybe with a command /change id 23 153 so everything with id 23 gets id 153. this would be great for blueprints so you can share them even when you are using your own textures.
    that would be great.

    Unfortunately, no. World-Edit does not change the game mechanics and is merely a way to call internal game commands. That's all. Therefore, applying what you are suggesting would only affect commands input via the console, and would in no way affect blueprints or the new in-game world editor.

    Great! :)

    Some suggestions :

    • When selecting textures (paint), it would be nice to have a sort of a caroussel, with the previous and next texture on each side (no need to be animated :) )
    • The selected texture name should be visible
    • Make the creative toolbar a little smaller, at at least scale it to the user resolution (icons should be self-explanatory, no need to put labels on them)
    • Change tool shape (i.e. square or sphere)
